Chapter 59- Why We Cry

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My fellow readers I'm thoroughly impressed with the votes from yesterday on my previous chapter. You exceeded the amount I wanted and for that I will tell you the next chapter is almost complete. If you want a shout out on the next chapter and a follow you need to be a continuous voter. This means not just one or two chapters but almost all of them. You guys really are a amazing,now the 7 vote policy is still in order.
Love you all take care of yourselves,

All weekend it was silence from Mae. Her music box had somehow stopped spinning and the lovely music had paused to a screeching stop. In those two day when the house emptied out and the phone rang Mae let her tears dribble down as she thought of her beloved.

Her father would frown as soon as he came home and sit quietly as he stared at his daughter. He had always thought to himself Haruhi was like their mother and then Mae took after him. Mostly because of her vibrant hair color, but she also had a light. The light their mom had fallen for. It could be put away at the best of times and brought out as well. Mae however was lacking both her parents traits. She was no longer a yellow flower but simply broken hearted.

She blamed Takashi, she blamed everyone she could think of. Especially Kyoya. But she knew better than to do so. But the fact she realized she was in self pity and blaming other made her even more depressed. Maybe he'd find a girl like a Akane. Pretty, rich, and boring. Was that what he wanted? And when the day was over she laid in her bed motionless for a hard days energu wasted on pointless tears.

"Mae?" Haruhi cued as she sat on Maes beds side. Mae didn't turn over

"We got Tamaki back." She whispered trying to make Mae happy.

"Good." Mae whispered as she stared at the wall now.

"Mae, what happened?" Haruhi lightly touched her shoulder.

No answer.

"Mae, remember we promised when we were kids to help the other with their problem. Or at least tell the other to relieve some pain?"

No answer.

"I think you should let me know what happened. You just disappeared. I sure Takashi was wor-" Mae sat up out of her bed already having sloppy tears run down her face.

"He wasn't worried!" She shouted having her eyes sting from the tears. "He doesn't love me either!"

Haruhi leaned back out of surprise. And then it clicked. "He broke up up with you?"

"Over a letter." Mae whispered. "He was gone. Score I could ask."

"Maybe you should talk to him tomorrow at school?"

Mae thought it over. That would be best, right? It could help get these questions off of her shoulders. She slowly nodded her head and Haruhi smiled.

"Your strong now Mae. No need to worry so much."

Mae blinked. Maybe she wasn't strong enough then.


Mori sat in bed in his room. Honey wouldn't come in tonight. It was the perfect opportunity. His fists stayed tightly closed  as he looked onward. She was gone, he'd never think it'd end so fast and suddenly. She was the world to him. She was the yellow rose he came alone one day.

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