Chapter 32- Jealousy Begins

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"So how was it?" Mae plopped next to Yuri.

Yuri stared at a wall. "I literally said nothing the whole time yet they kept staring at me."

"Cool." Mae smiled. "I guess your beauty really keeps them around." She giggled.

"I can't believe it worked." She rested her head on her hand.

"See it's not so bad now is it?"

Yuri turned to her. "I never said that."

Mae noticed Mori staring over at them. 'Yes!' She mentally screamed. That's around the time it her. All the times she noticed him looking at her she was always next to Yuri. He couldn't like her could he? I mean Yuri's so beautiful and she doesn't talk that much either. 'On no!' She screamed inside herself.

"Mae are you okay?" Yuri put her head in front of Maes.

"What!" Mae got out of her trance.

"You got really pale all of a sudden. Are you feeling okay?" Yuri tilted her head.

"I-I'm fine." She nervously laughed.

"Yuri's right Mae you don't look too good." Haruhi placed a hand on her forehead.

"I'm telling you I'm fine!" Mae got up.

"No need to get upset." Yuri mumbled so only Haruhi could hear.

Mae sighed as she walked back to the table feeling bad for getting so worked up. "Sorry. I just need to rest." Mae had forgotten how stressful having a crush was. Always worrying. Thinking they like you then seeing your just so caught up into the crush to noticed the others around you. She became self conscious.

"Maybe you need to have a break for a bit." Haruhi suggested and noticed Kyoya twitch. "Or maybe not." She saw him relax a bit.

Something clicked in Maes head. "Yeah I'll be back tomorrow." She smiled and grabbed her bag. She was off to buy some soda. That would make her relax more then needed. Also she needed to plan something for Hikaru.

"You think she's okay?" Yuri looked at Haruhi.

"I think." Haruhi scratched her head.

"Is Mae chan upset?" Honey looked up at Haruhi with his sad eyes.

Yuri scrunched her face up at his actions. She was still disturbedn by watching the twins earlier. 'Creepy Host.' She said to herself.

"I'm sure Maes fine. She gets like that when-" Haruhi stopped herself. She had just unintentionally figured out why Mae was acting the way she was. She got like this when she first started liking guys.

"When what Haru chan?" Honey pouted.

"When-when- she's tired." Haruhi smiled at her cover.

Both Honey and Yuri gave a 'really' face. Only thing different was that Honey brought back his usual happy expression. "Mae Chan's sleepy!"

"Yup." Haruhi nervously laughed and saw Yuri looking unamused. "I should, a go after Mae." Haruhi said before grabbing her bag and running to catch up to her sister.


Haruhi opened the apartment door to see a bag with several drinks in it. As she picked up a drink she blinked as Mae came in with her wet hair.

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