Chapter 40- Help Yuri

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3k! Thank you readers, I can't believe the stories come this far. A special thanks to my constant voters, and commenters. You guys are what keep the story going!

"Mori." Marie chimed as she waltzed over to him.

Mae glanced over for a meet second but honed in on herself. After all the smugness inside her saying she spent more time with him compelled her.

He seemed to be all she thought out. Especially after seeing his face glow in the moon light and even his deep laugh. She was at a loss for words-

"Mae." One of her guest questioned as she blinked and realized she was in the real world.

"Sorry guys, I guess I got caught up in my thoughts."

"What about?"

"Was it me?"

"No it was defiantly me."

"No way it's obviously-"

"None of you. I was just thinking about the-the home homework due tomorrow."

"Oh that's right you just started in class a."

"Yeah she's in my class now."

"Aw why did you have to transfer?"

"Sorry?" Mae said with an unsure voice. "I'm just glad I get to be with my s-brother."

They all turned back to look at the now glaring Haruhi.

"Not to mention-" two familiar voice came up. "She gets more time with us." The twins finished.

"Beg to differ." Mae pouted and crossed her arms earning an 'awe' from her guests and the twins.

Yuri came rushing in her hair a wreck and bags under her eyes. "Mae!" She cried out and ran to her friend. All the guest stared at the two as Yuri clung onto Mae.

Tamaki looked to Kyoya. Nodding to their secret eye language Kyoya ushered all the nosey people who kept looking back at the distraught Yuri. Marie included. She put up a small fight about leaving till finally she gave in.

"Yuri what happened?" Mae patted her back softly to reassure her.

"My-my parents." Yuri gulped and looked down. "They want me to meet marriage suites. They said now that I was more attractive-"

Mae furrowed her eyebrow. "Yuri you can't be going through this stress, were only 15."

"You think I want this?"

"No, I'm saying your parents are wrong to do something so conceited just because your inner beauty is visible."

"I don't want to think about marriage it's not something I picture."

"We'll get you out of it." Mae pat her one last time before looking up at the hosts. "Well let's get started."


"We could-"

"No that won't work."

"What about-"

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