Chapter 24- Answers

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Didn't have the heart to keep you waiting. :/

"I'm sorry no." She looked up at him. "The fact I kept thinking and thinking isn't good enough for you. Neko kun you need to be with someone who'll just answer automatically or at least really really want to be with you. I still want to be friends though." She silently looked at him.

He looked at the ground. "Okay." He sighed as they pulled up to her street.

"Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun." She smiled. "It was a great first date." She hugged him before she exited the limo.

As much as she felt bad she knew it was the right decision. She'd just be dragging him along. She needed to wait for someone she knew positively she wanted to be with. Till then she would wait.

"Mae you got more letters." Her father sat at the table sliding the pile over.

"Great!" She smiled as she looked down at the envelopes. The whole time since she returned Haruhi kept staring at her wondering what happened on the first date. They would soon find themselves discussing the day in their side by side beds.

"Takashi said that?" Mae turned over to face her sister.

"Yup. The twins said something weird too..."


"They said-"

"Girls go to bed." Their father banged on the wall.

Knowing Haruhi she most likely rolled her eyes and shut up. Only reason being she cared too much for her fathers well being and health.


"Heard you told Akane off." Glasses girl next to her seemed to have a slight grin on.

"Oh yeah." Mae chuckled a little but noticed Akane glare at her from across the room.

"I hate her kind." The girl furrowed her brows. "She-."

"Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean they're mean. My friend Emma she was gorgeous but the nicest person I ever met."

"That's just cause you're like them."

"M-me. I'm not pretty. I'm a lot of things but that's something I lack."

The girl seems to give her a 'really' look. "Whatever." She turned away.

Mae felt a bit confused. Did this girl just call her pretty? Sadly that might be the first time anyone other than her family and friends had told her that yet she didn't even know her name.

After class Mae followed the girls out. She noticed no one seemed to even see her. She began to feel like such s heartless person. Mae felt terrible thinking about how she got all upset just cause a group of snobby girls bothered her.

"Hey." She called out but still didn't get her attention. "Hey." She called out again now caught up to her.

The girl turned her head then blinked a few times. "What are you doing."

"I just felt like we could talk." Mae gently smiled.

"I get it." The girl hugged through her nose. "No friends makes for desperate times... so you hang out with the weirdo."


"When will you people get over yourselves." The girl glared before stomping off.

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