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This isn't how you wanted to spend your night. Looking for your little sister in the chilly weather. Burying your face in your scarf more, you took another quick glance around. Noticing that you were closer to the river than you cared for. For as long as you can remember, your parents had told you stories about a monster that drowns people to eat them. You definitely didn't want to end up like those kids. Scooting away from the water, you paused when you heard a voice. The voice of your sister, to be exact. You know for a fact no one else will be out at this time. Rushing to where you heard the voice, you had to bite down a scream when you saw the horse standing in the water. A black horse with glowing yellow eyes. You could feel that something was off with it though. Your sister was talking to it and reaching out to pet it.

"(S/N), get away from it." You yelled, running to them and pulling her back, behind you. Keeping your eyes on the horse wearily.

"(Y/N), he's hurt though." She whined pointing towards it's hoofs. You noticed the bear trap, snapped on it's leg. You didn't want to help this thing, but you're sister won't be satisficed unless you do. Even if you were to send her home and leave it here, she would come back to check. Letting out a sigh, you nodded.

"Fine, I will help it, but you need to get home." You ordered, "Mama and papa are worried about you." 

She let out a huffed pout, but left. You even made sure she was over the hill before you turned back to the horse. Jumping back slightly when a man stood where the horse once stood. With the glowing yellow eyes, you knew this was the same creature. The creature that you're parents had warn you about. The Kelpie that haunts most of the waters of  Scotland.

"Are you going to kill me, human?" his voice had a faint echo, that reminded you of a distant stream. It didn't seem angry at the thought of you killing him. More like he expected it.

"As much of a service it would be to my community, I'm not a killer." You sighed, "I told my sister that I would help you and I plan to keep my word. However, you have to swear on your life that you won't harm or kill me and my sister."  

He blinked at you in clear surprise, like he didn't think you would actually help him. Even if you were going to kill him, you wouldn't know how to. With him being a magical creature, you doubt he would die the way you kill a human.

"Very well, you have my word." He promised, sitting on the river bank with his injured leg out. Knowing this was going to be painful for him, you tried to think of a way to distract him.

"Do you have a name, other than Kelpie?" You questioned testing the trap and earning a hiss of pain from him.

"Maxwell." He grunted, surprising you. That name sounded so human, that if he didn't have the features of a kelpie it would be easy to believe he was human. Finally figuring out how to free him, you sighed knowing the was going to be a little difficult.

"Okay then Maxwell, do you think you can help?" You questioned, "Grab the edges here and pull away from your leg." you explained, grabbing onto the place where he should too. Trying to to wince at how cold his hands were, you gave him a brief nod before prying to trap open. Managing to open it enough for him to slide his leg out. Both of you snatching your hands back so the trap would slam shut.

"You have my thanks, (Y/N)." He sighed in relief. Nodding, you noticed that his leg was bleeding quiet a bit. Blood as black as his hair. You didn't know if Kelpies heal fast. However you plan on treating him like you would a human and, therefore, wouldn't leave the wound untreated.

Wondering what you could use to wrap it, you remembered your scarf. You had been meaning to get a new scarf anyway. Taking it off, you wrapped it around his leg and even tied it, so it wouldn't fall off. 

"There, now you should be good to go." You hummed standing. Yelping when he grabbed your hand and pulled you back down. Complete fear and regret filled you. You should have known better than to take a monster for it's word. This seems to happen all the time. You do something nice for someone and they betray you. Squeezing your eyes shut so you wouldn't see your death, you  gasped when you felt his cold lips on your head.

"A gift for a kind, beautiful soul human." He smiled, "You now have a mark on your head that will prevent others of my species from harming you. A possession mark of sorts."

"Um thank you." If a monster thinks it's a gift, who are you to disagree and risk him being mad.

"(Y/N), you are the most amazing human I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." he explained, taking your hand and kissing it, "I'm surprised you didn't kill me, but I'm grateful."

"It was nice meeting you too." You agreed. He was way nicer than your parents had told you. Though you didn't meet in an ideal way, you were sure that he would be good company if you wanted a friend to talk to.

"(Y/N)!" Jumping at the screams of your parents, you turned towards their  voices. Surely you weren't gone that long. You're parents usually trust you being out late. It's odd for them to come after you. Unless your sister told them about the kelpie and they knew what it was. 

"Sounds like you're being called for." He sighed, both of you standing, "I will see you, (Y/N)."

Turning to bid farewell, you smiled when you saw the black horse by you. Now though, he wasn't as scary as you first thought. Watching his head bob in a bow, you stepped back as he plunged into the water. 

"(Y/N), what are you doing this close to the river?" Your father called, "Get home, before the monster drowns you."

Nodding, you followed them home. Taking a glance back a the river, to see the yellow glow of Maxwell's eyes watching you. You don't doubt you'll see him again and you were excited for it.

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