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Warning: Slight abuse

"I still don't like him." I huffed floating above (Y/N)'s bed.

Though I've told them this they still aren't listening. (Y/N)'s boyfriend, Ryan, was coming over for a date night.

"You've only told me a thousand times since I first told you about it." They muttered, earning a glare from the me. If they were listening they why aren't they doing as I recommend?

"Yeah and I meant it every time I said it. (Y/N), he's not good for you." I sighed, "You deserve someone better."

"Yeah? Who? Incase you haven't noticed there isn't a line of people outside waiting to date me." They pointed out. I wanted to tell them that I was right there, but I don't know how they would feel about dating a ghost like me.

"I just don't trust him. He gives me a bad feeling that I don't like." I admitted, "I just want you to be okay."

Noticing their small smile, I blinked when wrapped they wrapped their arms around me lightly. They know I can't feel them do it, but it's sweet that they're trying to comfort me. It's one of the reasons I've been attracted to them for a while now. They've always tried to comfort me when needed even though I'm a ghost.

"Thank you for looking out for me, but I'll be okay." They assured me, but I still don't  believe it. Hearing the knock at the door, I frowned as they went to answer it. For as long as they've been dating, (Y/N) has told me not to let myself be seen by Ryan. I haven't let him see my yet, but I make sure to keep an eye on them whenever I can.

Flying to the kitchen, I peeked around the corner to watch. Ryan came swaying in, a little unsteady on his feet. Clearly and disgustingly drunk.

"I'm fine. Just had a little to drink." He hummed flopping down on the couch. Watching (Y/N), shut the door, I drifted up to the ceiling as they came to get some snacks then sat by him. 

"So, what movie should we watch?" They asked.

"I don't care." He yawned. This is annoying me to no end. I know they don't get much time together, but Ryan isn't even paying any attention to (Y/N) or the show. If I was in his place, I would be doing everything I can to make the most of this time. Just from watching them, I could tell that (Y/N) wasn't having a good time.

"Who are you texting?" Ryan snapped, making me blink from my thoughts.

"(B/N)." That was the shortest response  I've ever heard from them. (Y/N) is texting their brother now though? It must be an emergency because they are rarely on their phone unless it is.

"Who's that? Let me see your phone." When he went to grab the phone, (Y/N) held it away from him and pushed him back.

"Uh no. I'm not going to let you go though our texts. That's our private conversation. I don't ask about you texting your  friends or family. Also it's just my brother."

"I knew it." He growled, grabbing their wrists, to the point where (Y/N) winced from pain, "My friends told me that you would cheat on me. I should have listened to them. You're bother, really? That's the oldest trick in the book."

"Let go." (Y/N) hissed, trying to pry away from him. That allowed him to get their phone, but he still didn't let go of them. He's hurting them, but he doesn't care, I do though. I don't know anyone who would ever hurt the person they're dating. Drunk or not, he has no right to hurt (Y/N).

"This guy is stupid. He's only telling you this because he thinks he's better than me and is trying to take you." Ryan growled, throwing the phone on the couch and grabbing their face. That's it for me. 

Flying towards him, I slammed into him and knocked him back to the far wall. Staying between him and (Y/N) as he staggered up from the floor. He's comes here drunk, ignores (Y/N) on their date night, accuses them of cheating, then hurts them. I know (Y/N) didn't want him to see me, but I'm not going to let this jerk hurt them ever again. I must have looked scary because he went pale as he saw me.

"Don't you ever come near (Y/N) again. Leave, now." I yelled, hoping that I sounded as threatening as possible. I must have because Ryan only nodded before scrambling out of the house. Even tripping a couple times over his own feet and leaving the door open as he went.

"I knew I didn't like him for a reason." I growled, slamming the door shut then turning back to you, "(Y/N), how bad is it?"

"Just some bruises." They muttered, cradling their wrist. I could visibly see the bruises on their wrist and cheeks. Carefully approach them, I gently grabbed their wrists and held my cold ones over the forming bruise. From what I recall, cold helps with bruises. Since (Y/N) has made a couple remarks about how cold I am, it should help.

"This should help some." I sighed,  moving to cradling their face and sending cold to the areas where Ryan had hurt them, "At least he didn't make you bleed."

"You couldn't have done anything if he had." They grumbled, earning a raised eyebrow from me. I can tell that they're upset with how things went. I wonder if I can make them feel better.

"I just threw him across the room. You think I couldn't throw him out the window or through that door?" I faked sounding hurt. It brought a small smile and a chuckle from (Y/N), thankfully.

"That smile is much better on you." I grinned, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around myself, before sitting on the couch by them, "Well, since you have an opening for a partner in movie date now, how about I fill that role. I mean I'm already here and getting comfortable."

"Fine." They laughed, leaning against  me and the blanket. This is what I do when I want to hold them. An object between us is always best for cuddling, since (Y/N)'s body will most of the time pass though mine, unless I puts a lot of focus into being manifesting. That tires me out a lot, though.

"Liam, thank you for help me." They yawned. Smiling when I wrapped my arms around them in a hug.

"Of course. Always when you need me, I'll be here." I assured you, pausing briefly to gather some courage, "Actually, even when you don't think you need me too. I mean isn't that what anyone does for someone they love?"

Receiving silence, I felt a little disappointed. I've seen shows where friendships are ruined like this. It's all to possible that (Y/N) doesn't want to be my friend now. I just what to let them know that they at least have someone waiting to date them. That they have another option besides Ryan. Even if I'm a ghost.

"(Y/N)?" I coughed, almost afraid of looking at them. However, when I peeked at them, they were comfortably asleep. Even a cute small smile on their face. I doubt they heard my confession. I guess I'll tell them at another time. 

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