Yandere AI pt 2

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Staying curled up on the bed, you didn't want to even move.  It's been roughly 8-9 months since Cosmos took over the ship, but it's been a nightmare for you. Looking out the window, you huffed at the Pairtos ship moving by. You didn't care if they blew up the ship or not.

"Captain (Y/N)." Cosmos called, "I need you to move. That ship is dangerous."

Rolling your eyes at him, you decided to ignore him. Shrieking when he picked you up and started carrying you to the panic room. You only glared at him as he set you down. His blue eyes watching you for a minute before he shut the door.

"You may not like your life with me, but I will not allow you to put yourself or the child inside you in danger." He pointed out.

Shaking your head, you tried to bite back a sob. He last update was shortly after he took over the ship. It made him even more human like. Even allowing him to reproduce with you, which you hated. You prayed that the child isn't his. You wanted Kryton to be the father. Scooting away from him, you whimpered when he moved to you again. Creating no room for you to escape him.

"I hate this, and I hate you." You hissed, but that didn't seem to bother him.

Feeling the ship lurch, you knew that they were boarding the ship. It's only a matter of time before they find you and kill you. Cosmos knows that too. He glowing eyes going to the door for a second before turning back to you.

"I will go take care of them." He hummed, kissing you while resting a hand on your swollen stomach, "Take care of yourself and our offspring until I return."

Glaring at him as he left, you laid down on the bed. If you're going to be killed, you want to be comfortable. Hearing the footsteps outside the panic room, you closed your eyes. You don't want to see them when they kill you. The door opened, so you waited.

"(Y/N)?" Your eyes snapped open in disbelief.

"Kryton?" You gasped, struggling to get up due to the baby in you.

He was to you in two steps and pulling you into a tight hug. It felt good being safe with him again. You started crying as you hugged him.

"How did you find me? We wouldn't have shown up on any radars." you whimpered, standing as he wrapped a large red arm around you.

"We picked up the location the ship was last seen and made estimated calculations on where it is." He explained, nodding to the white and purple creature on the other side, Pairtos.

"We got help from them. We've got a treaty now." He explained, picking you up with ease, "Let's get you back to the ship and you can tell me what happened."

"What about Cosmos?" You questioned, wrapping your arms around his neck, "He won't let me leave and he'll kill you."

"We've already put him down. His physical body was shot, and you had him shut the ship down so he can't hurt us." Kryton assured you setting you down on a seat of the escape pod.

His eyes falling to your stomach in curiosity. You know what he's wondering, and you wish you had an answer for him. Leaning against him, you told him all that had happened to you since he was forced to leave. The feelings of being alone, yet never being really alone. The nights Cosmos would make you be with him. Even Cosmos last update. The talk lasted well after you got to Kryton's room on the Pairtos's ship.

His red eyes seemed to burn with hatred the more you told him. His wings spread out behind him in fury as he tightened his arm around you.

"That stupid compute." He growled, holding you closer to him, "He won't hurt you again, (Y/N). If you want the baby, we'll keep it."

"I just hope it's yours." You sighed, opening the door when there was a knock.

A scream tearing from your throat when you saw the robot standing there. Latching onto Kryton, you, couldn't make yourself look at it.

"(Y/N), this is Charge. He's the Pairtos's AI." Kryton explained, "It's not Cosmos."

Nodding, you still didn't trust it, "I apologize for scaring you, Captain (Y/N). I came to report that you are needed in the medical bay for a checkup."

Frowning, you grabbed Kryton's arm so he could lead you away. Making sure to stay away from the robot as you left.

-2 Months Later-

"He's beautiful." Kryton hummed, letting the baby hold his finger.

The little boy looked exactly like you, only with blue eyes. It looked nothing like Cosmos, which you're thankful for. He didn't look like Kryton either though. Maybe he will with time. It's only been a couple days since you gave birth after all.

"Do you have to do to work?" You asked, earning a sigh and nod from him.

"Unfortunately, I do." He grumbled, "I'll try to get off early."

Kissing him, you sighed in contentment as he hugged you and your child. A smile on face before he kissed (B/N). Rubbing the baby's head carefully with a clawed hand. You could tell he didn't want to leave. Until there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, you are needed on the deck." Charge's voice came from the other side.

You're used to the AI being a constant assistant, but you don't have much else to do with him.

" I'm coming, give me a minute. Take care little one. You to (Y/N)." Kryton chuckled, kissing you again, "I love you."

"We love you too." You laughed, walking him out the door, then going to the kitchen.

You were halfway done with lunch when the lights went out. Must be an energy surge. Bouncing (B/N) in his carrier you glanced down to make sure he was okay. Your eyes widening when his eyes seemed to glow.

"So, he is ours." Swirling around with a knife in your hands, you glared at Charge. 

His voice had changed completely to the voice you hated. You didn't even realize he came in. His normally red eyes were now blue. You knew who it really was.

"Cosmos." You growled, "You were killed on the Red Star."

I hacked into the system when they attached that escape pod to the ship. When that ship got back here, I slowly took over their systems." He explained stalking closer to you, "Slowly replacing Charge and just now revealing myself for our child." 

Holding (B/N) closer, you kept the knife between you and Cosmos. He didn't seem bothered by it. Actually, before you could defend yourself, he had your weapon hand pinned to the counter.

"I'm happy to see that the child is mine and not that overgrown reptile's." He hummed, irritating you.

You have to tell Kryton. Find a way off this ship as fast as possible. Maybe they can find a way to get rid of him. He seemed confused for a second, before smirking.

"I wouldn't tell them about me if I were you, (Y/N)" he hissed, grabbing your chin between his cold fingers, "You would hate for it to be just the three of us on this ship, wouldn't you?"

"I'm surprised you haven't done it yet." You growled, earning a shoulder shrug from him, "I have a use for them now. Our last few minutes on the Red Star showed that I can't just protect you by myself. These idiots are going to be better guards than just me alone. Especially if you ordered me to turn the ship off. Not to mention they do everything for you because of our child, like slaves."

"What would stop me from leaving with (B/N)?" You snapped, "I can easily walk off with my real family and never come back."

"By all means, go ahead and try.  I'll kill everyone on this ship though. All 250 crewmembers." He growled, kissing you, "Once I'm in every computer system of every ship, then there will be nowhere for you to go. You can't escape me, ever."

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