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This was requested by SkarletFate! Also the reader is male and he is blind. As always, thank you for the request and enjoy!

"How much further until we reach the temple?" You asked, stumbling a little on the steps. You could feel Jake grab your arm to steady you.

"(Y/N), be careful. Here, hold my arm." Frowning, you did as he said. Figuring that if it makes him worry less and doesn't bother the rest of the group, then hanging onto him would be fine. Jake and you have been friends since you both were little. He was there at the hospital when your family was in the car crash that made you loose your vision. Ever since then, he's worried over you, like an older brother.

"Jake, I'm fine." You sighed, waving you cane around to check for more steps. Luckily there weren't any. You've reach the top and could hear the others talking in excitement.

"Just look at that view. It's spectacular." Ron laughed.

"This temple is amazing. There's going to be so many samples." Laura giggled.

"Yeah, but who's going to take, him?" Seth grumbled, making you frown.

 You could tell that he whispered it, but you could still hear him. Letting Jake go, you  went to find a place to sit. Seems Seth still isn't your biggest fan, despite proving multiple times that you can be helpful, despite your disability. 

Slipping your glasses on, you turned away from where their voices are. You know it bothers them when you don't have them on. Something about looking at them to seriously, like  you were staring a hole into them, though you can't even see them.

"(Y/N), do you want to get started?" Nodding, you stood up from the rock you were sitting on. Grabbing the back of his rough jacket to make sure you didn't loose him.

"Wow, look at all the statues here." He gasped, "Oh, sorry."

"You know I'm used to it." You laughed, reaching out and feeling around until you felt the texture of a rock in you hand. You could make you a nose, arm, mouth and a neck. This is definitely a person. Realizing that there was now silence, you turned around.

"Jake? Where did you go?" It's not like him to just leave you, "Jake!"

Hearing a scream, you tensed up. That was Seth, you could tell. Why was he screaming though? Hearing the sounds of something rubbing on rocks, you decided that leaving would be in your best interest. Waving your cane lightly, you frowned when it hit something hard on your right. Feeling it, you could tell that it was a statue, but it hadn't been there before.

"Who are you?" Turning towards the woman's voice, you tried to back up. Only pausing when you lightly hit your heel against something hard behind you. Maybe she'll take pity on you, since you're blind.

"Sorry, we were here excavating. We weren't aware that this property was owned by anyone." You apologized, shivering when you felt something cold and rough, brush you arm from behind. You knew the feeling of a snake. The fact that it was nestling around your arm made you want to whimper.

"You haven't turned yet?" She sounded puzzled which confused you.

"Turned? What do you mean?" you asked.

"Most people turn to stone when they see me." it almost sounded like she was getting tired of explaining that. She actually sounded irritate. 

Now that you think about it, since you're in Greece, the chances of discovering that their stories of gods and monsters might be true. From the way she's talking, this woman must be Medusa. That would explain how isolated this island temple is and why there are so many statues around.

"Well, that's probably only for people who can see you." You teased in hopes to make her more friendly, "I'm blind, so maybe it doesn't affect me."

"You can't see me?" Making you nod and laugh as you felt the air move in front of your face as she waved her hand, "May I try something then?"

Nodding, you tensed when you felt her kiss you. She was cold, but careful with you. Lightly touching your face which gave you goosebumps. Feeling light ticklish flicks on your face, you pulled back laughing.

"What is so funny?" She demanded sounding angry again.

"I'm sorry, I'm just very ticklish." You calmed down your laughing, "May I touch you, so I know what you look like?"

"You may." She agreed, grabbing your hands and putting them on her face. Smiling, you could feel that she was quiet elegant. Reaching her head, you grinned when you felt the cold slithering snakes. Those must have been the things tickling your face.

"So these little guys tickled me." You hummed hoping to ease things, but paused when she kissed you again. This time wrapping her arms around your neck. You could feel your heart speed up, just at the fact she was kissing you. Getting a date is difficult for you and it's extremely rare the girl actually kisses you.

"I'm sorry." she whimpered, pulling away, "I haven't even touched a warm person since Athena cursed me. Anyone, I try to touch turns to stone. That was actually my first kiss."

You had almost forgotten that she was cursed to be a monster. She didn't feel like a monster and she didn't sound like a monster, even if her temper is quick. She's been alone for, what you can only assume was centuries and hadn't been kissed. The thought of being her first was a little exciting.

"I'm glad I was able to make you happy then." You hummed, "Since we invaded your home, I will get my coworkers and leave. We'll come back when we have your permission."

You went to leave, but paused when you felt her wrap her arms around yours, "Please don't leave."

"We rudely burst in here though." You objected, feeling a snake slither around you neck lightly. Probably just resting there.

"The others are already stone." She explained, "I saw you all rowed here from the main land. Since you're blind, you can't row, right?"

She had a point there. If everyone is stone, there's no way for you to go back. Sure you could try rowing yourself, but the chances of you rowing out to open sea are to great. With your best friend now stone here, you're not sure if you want to leave. Tensing when you felt her hand move your face, you grinned, when you felt her kiss your cheek.

"Please stay with me." She pleaded, "You will be comfortable here and to be honest, I don't want to be alone anymore. So please stay."

"Well, looks like I don't get much of a choice now, do I?" You gave her a grin to let her know you were teasing her, but couldn't tell if she understood. She must have though, because she gave you another kiss. She's really touchy feely, but since she was alone for so long, you can't really blame her.

"Thank you." She cheered, grabbing your hand and wrapping one of your arms around her waist before she started walking with you. Not that you mind though. If the legends are true, then she'll have almost countless statues here and it will be hard to navigate for you.

"Now, I will lead you to your room, next to mine, and should you need to go anywhere, just call for me and I will take you there." She explained, "(Y/N), I know it wasn't your choice to stay here, but I've never been so happy in my life. Even if you can't see me."

"Medusa, I can see your beauty in the way you speak and how careful you are when you touch me. I don't need to see you to know." You complemented, earning a tight hug from her before she continued leading you. 

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