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"Okay and you said it was a monster that took the kids?" You questioned the leader of the small town. Behind him, you could see most of the towns people huddled in a crowd. Watching you with hope and worry.

"That's right. A horrible beast with horns and red eyes with black wings that were made of fire." He described. Recalling every monster you've faced you couldn't think of a single monster with that description.

"Is there any thing else? Did the beast have any marking on their body? What is the closest creature it looked like?"

"The beast didn't have any marking on it and it almost looked human only pale." The mayor explained not really helping you. Frowning, you still struggled to figure out what he was talking about.

"It left a mark in the barn where it lured the kids to take them." A woman in the crowd called, catching your attention. It's a lead at least.

"Show me." You ordered, following them to the edge of town. The barn creaked as they opened the door for you. It was a little to dark for you to see though. Taking a couple steps in, you yelped when a large cage fell on top of you. Trapping you in that spot.

"What is the meaning of this?" You screamed, "Do you really think trapping me here is going to save your kids?"

"We don't have a choice." A man called, "The beast demanded for you. A (H/C) hunter. who wields a sword with a fire diamond on it. He said if we give you to him, that we would get our kids back."

Glaring at the people, you shook your head. If they were going to do this then you were at least going to make them feel guilty about it.

"So you trade one life. Sure, I only offered to save your kids without a sacrifice, but I see you're not that kind. You are willing to send someone who was all to happy to help you, to their death in a cage. Not even a fighting chance. I hear even the Orc clan of the north are more compassionate." You snapped, smirking when you saw some of them looking away in guilt. Feeling heat behind you, the dark laugh was all you needed to know who was there. However, you doubt these people will feel bad if they found out you knew the demon of greed.

"Well done all of you." The demon laughed, " As promised, your kids."

Your eyes widened when you saw the kids run past you to their parents. You could barely see a mark on their necks hidden slightly under their shirt collars. These might be their kids, but they are now also the servants of this demon. When they grow, they will cause havoc where ever they go. If you could, you would kill them all now and save countless lives. Turning to the demon, you glared at him.

"Now I will leave you all be."

You didn't get a chance to protest before heat and light surrounded you. Briefly blinding you, until the heat calmed down. Glancing around, you frowned at the familiar gold and marble setting of a throne room. Tables of countless gold and gems of every kind. It was enough to make you think about stealing from him. Though it might not be a wise choice to steal from your master or a demon of greed.

"Well, My Angel, welcome back." The demon laughed waving his hand. Letting the cage around you vanish. 

"Damian, you know there are other ways to get me here. Such as simply approaching me." You snapped, standing.

"Where's the fun in that." He laughed, "Besides, I have a plan for the future that those kids can help with."

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. This guy has always been extra dramatic. Ever since he took you as a kid. Just like he took those kids. 

"I have to have fun too." He pouted when he noticed your disapproving look.

"So then, what do you need me for?" You questioned, "Obviously it's important if you're willing to kidnap kids just to get me."

"It is." He agreed, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you through the halls, "Our dinner date night wouldn't have been the same without you."

"I can't believe you." You laughed, "all this just for a date?"

"You're worth it, Angel." He agreed, "Then I can tell you my plan for world domination."

"Allowing me to stop you?" You teased.

"If I ordered you to not interfere, you wouldn't." He hissed, lightly running a claw across his mark on your neck. Slight fear hit you, but you knew he wouldn't hurt you. That's his minions job. It's been his entertainment for years. You would stop him minions from causing havoc and on occasions he would kidnap you for dates. Not that you minded though. You don't really care from the people, but they are willing to pay any amount to have their towns or people saved from a demon. Just being this close to him, you could feel your greed for money and food increase. 

"Besides, I have an important part for you in my plan." He chuckled, leading you to a large table full of food, "You will upgrade from my minion to my queen."

Feeling your mouth drop open, you didn't know what to say. Sure, you knew you were more special than the other minions, but not that special.

"Why me?" You questioned, "I've been killing your minions when you don't stop me. Ruining your plans one after another."

"You really think that?" He laughed, "I let you kill the minions who were plotting against me. As my beloved angel, that's what I use you for. As my queen, you're job won't be any different, but I'll be keeping you much closer than ever. You'll be living here and leave when I leave. You're presence has become the source of my new greed and I don't plan on letting you go."

He smiled as if that was the most normal thing to say and to a demon, it probably is. Thinking it over, you knew that you would get more power and never want anything again. Limitless everything from your wildest dreams. Smiling, you nodded to his agreement. Even if you're with a demon for the rest of your life, it will be worth it.

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