Shadow Monster

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"There we go." You grinned wrapping the bandages around the boy's shoulder. Despite your young age, you can easily doctor any creature. Well, mostly this shadow creature, but you've doctored pretty much all his wounds since you were thrown into this cage with him. You don't know how he gets injured so much. Every time they pull him out, he's gone for a little while, then when he comes back, he's covered in wounds. 

He let out a small purr of appreciation. You've been trying to teach him how to speak your language and so far, the progress is going decent.

"You're welcome, Eli." You grinned, "Now let's continue with our names. I'm (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)." he repeated with ease and a smile. So far, that seems to be his favorite word. Not 10, both of your age, not his own name that you gave him, but your name.

"That's right." You giggled, blinking when he held something up to you. It looked like a polished blue stone that had a simple string wrapped around it, making a simple necklace.

You didn't understand until he held it to you, repeating your name. Widening your eyes, you smiled at him and accepted it.

"Thank you, Eli. I love you." You cheered, hugging him, "I'll treasure it forever."

He let out a chirp at what you said and showed you a similar one he made, that he put on himself. This was one of the few times you ever seen him at ease. Though he growled and tensed up when you heard footsteps approaching. Turning to look, you squeaked when you saw the guard standing at the door of the cage. Immediately Eli put you behind him, protectively, as they opened it.

"Get the human and let's go." The one with the beard snapped, making Eli's growl deepen. When they reached around him for you, he bit the man. Earning a scream from the man as he kicked Eli away. 

"Eli." You yelled, rushing to help your friend, but one of the men grabbed you and picked you up, "Let me go. He needs help."

The man didn't say anything as he carried you away. Though you could see that the other one was staying in the cage and was relentlessly kicking Eli, who kept trying to get back up. You could see that he was in a lot of pain. You can't help him though.

"Stop hurting him, please!" You screamed, crying.

- 8 years later-

"I paid for you to win." Your master snapped, "So you better win if you ever want to see your little friend again."

Rolling your eyes, you put your helmet on. He's been saying that since he first bought you when you were 10. Now that you're 18, you know better than to believe that he'll ever let you see Eli again, no matter how many fights you win.

"Are you listening?" Feeling a harsh crack on your back, you turned to him with a growl, that he briefly looked terrified of. His cane in his hand now broken.

"Don't bother with your stupid speech." You snapped, pulling your sword out, "I know what have to do."

"Good." he sneered leaving you in the room. With him gone, you sat on the chair and pulled out your necklace from your pocket. The same one that Eli gave you the last time you saw him. 

Feeling tears swell in your eyes, you took several deep breaths to calm yourself down. You have a battle to win. This is no time to be emotional due to past loves. Tying the, now to small, necklace around your wrist cuffs, you marched out into the arena when the gate opened. 

Hearing the cheers of the crowd around you, though it made you feel sicker than encouraged. You have an opponent in here, but where is the question. With all the pillars and ruins from previous fights, you have no idea where they are hiding or what you're even fighting. Yelping as you felt something hit you in the back, you turned around, but saw nothing. Once again something hit you in the back, though you didn't see anything. Though the crowd must have found it funny from their laughing.

Whatever you're fighting is fast and powerful. Swinging your sword around, you coughed when a black smoke surrounded you. Then you felt claws wrap around your neck before the smoke, formed into a person. Orange glowing eyes seemed to glare at you with hatred. Scanning him, while trying to pry his hands away, your eyes widened when you saw the necklace on his wrist. You've only seen that once. Shaking your wrist slightly so his attention would go to your necklace, you noticed that it worked. You only prayed you were right.

"Eli?" You gasped, feeling that you were almost out of air. The creature's eyes widened as it let you go and backed away. You collapsed to your knees gasping for whatever air you could get. Looking up at the shadow, you noticed that he was watching you like he was confused and scared. Nothing like the creature that had tried to kill you a few seconds ago.

"Do you remember me?" You panted, struggling to your feet and pulling your helmet off, "(Y/N)?"

The creatures looked in disbelief, like it wasn't sure what was happening was real. Whispers fell among the crowd, but you ignored it. Complete focus on him as he watched you.

"(Y/N)." His voice was a whisper, but you heard him clearly.

"Yes, it's me." You smiled, finally crying and giving him a hug. He tensed but squeezed you back just as tightly.

"(Y/N), what are you doing? Kill it!" Hearing your master's screams, you turned and glared at him. Keeping a hold of Eli.

"No. I'm not killing him." You snapped, noticing his shocked face before he pushed a button on the remote. Hearing all the gates open, you were immediately on guard. Spotting every creature, you could think of walking out with weapons in their hands. Keeping your back to Eli, you relaxed slightly when you felt him grab your hand and squeeze it.

"Gladiators, for today only, if you kill these two, you will gain your freedom." Your master yelled, which made all the creatures circle around you two. Looking back at your master, you smirked before throwing your sword at him. You only meant to scare him into fall off his special podium, but you ended up killing him. Making him drop his remote, that broke on the ground.

"Hey guys, look. No more remote." You called, making all the monsters freeze and look at each other before grinning. Turning to Eli, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and pulled him onto a rock with you so the crowd would know to pay attention to you and him. After all you two were going to be the leaders.

"Long live the revolution!" You screamed, making the other monsters roar as they charged the crowd. Feeling Eli squeeze your hand, you looked up at him with a smile.

"Love, (Y/N)." he hummed resting his head on yours. Flushing a little, you gave him another hug.

"I love you too." You murmured, "Now let's go get our freedom."

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