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Let's be honest here, how can you not simp for him? Even I do! Someone please tell me they know where this picture is from. Also, for those already asking, my other account is MarieAsh17. Those stories aren't, x reader, I hope that's okay!

Sprinting into your apartment, you quickly locked the door. Only using the light on your phone, you turned on your T.V. To scared that the ceiling lights would let others know that you were home. Your T.V. isn't bright enough to shine through your curtains after all.

"The rioters, if you can call them that, have increased in size and destruction. Now spreading worldwide in only a month." The woman on the news reported, "Many are calling it the end of times. Others are calling it a gang uprising. What everyone knows is that it is now dangerous to be anywhere near them. Reports say that they are attacking innocent people on the streets. Breaking into small businesses and stealing. As well as breaking into homes to cause harm unprovoked."

You couldn't help but gasp as the news lady was attacked by someone before the camera fell to the ground. The picture turning to grey after that. You know this gang is close to your apartment. It was hard enough to just get home without being spotted. The fires that they start were practically lighting up the streets as if it was day light. You had to admit that you were scared. There is only one thing that takes your mind off this chaos. Grabbing your sketch book, you made your way to the roof of the building. Making sure to barricade the door, for your own safety.

Across the street was an old gothic architect style church. You loved to draw everything on it. Your main focus to draw lately has been the gargoyle facing your apartment. It seemed to be the biggest one, but from your distance you couldn't be sure. Drawing the claws and teeth, you frowned.

Gargoyles were believed to be protectors. It's hard to believe that such demonic and dangerous creatures were believed to be that way. With their claws, fangs, and wings it's easy to see how they could be a force to be reckoned with. If they really did come to life. Finishing the drawing, you glanced back at the gargoyle with a sigh. Blinking when you think you saw his wings move just slightly. There's no way though. It's just a statue.

You were about to get a closer look, when you heard screaming from your building. Looking down at the street, you saw the large rioting mob entering your apartment building. Behind you, there was a large bang. Someone was already trying to get on the roof. Backing up when the door started banging harder, you couldn't stop shaking. There's nowhere to hide. Watching the door break down, you clutched your sketchbook tightly as the five people emerged. All of them looking at you with cruel, sadistic grins. Those quickly turned to horror as they started stepped away from you. You didn't understand until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. No one should have been able to sneak up behind you.

Screaming, you tensed up as you felt the person fall backward with you. There was a rush of air as you went down. Then you were gliding up towards the church roof. You didn't stop screaming though, until you had your feet planted on solid ground. Even then, your legs felt like jelly as you sat down.

"Easy. Just breath." The rough voice ordered, calmly.

Doing as he said, you finally felt calm enough to look away from your knees. Your mouth dropping open at the sight of the gargoyle you were drawing only minutes ago. Only he was very much alive. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you managed to find your voice.

"You..your alive?" You barely got out, but it made him grin a sharp tooth grin at you.

"I am." He nodded, before you saw several others landing behind him, "Make sure none of them enter the church. Once the weak ones are scared off, we clear out the remaining ones."

When they nodded, you gasped as they flew off. Their bat like wings much larger than you ever thought as they flew towards the rioters. Watching from the roof, you glanced up at him as he stood by you.

"Stay here until I come back." You nodded, though you doubt you could get down by yourself anyway.

Watching him go down with the others, you had to admit that it was amazing watching him. He was the biggest of all the gargoyles, so he was easy to spot. Many people ran away screaming. The few that remained seemed hesitant to fight the nearly 15 gargoyles. Only one person dared to approach. He was easily lifted by the one that saved you. Making the gargoyle roar as the human was thrown. That scared the others into leaving. 

"It should be safe for you now." Moving back, to give him room, as he landed you nodded.

"How do I get down?" You asked, looking around for a door.

"I'll take you back." He explained, holding a clawed hand towards you.

Hesitantly grabbing it, you tensed when he pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you. Now that you know it's him though, you weren't as scared as the first time. You still squeezed your eyes shut though as he flew. Peeking them open when you heard and felt him chuckling. He had already landed on your balcony.

"Thank you." You offered him a small smile as he set you down, before your eyes widened in realization, "My sketchbook."

Looking over the rails, you searched the ground for hopefully a glimpse of it. You couldn't see anything though. Flinching as he suddenly flew off, you felt a little upset that he left without a word. You would have at least liked to know his name. As for your book, you'll have to go down tomorrow morning and search for it. Stepping inside, you were about to shut the door when he landed. Your sketchbook open in his claws.

"It's almost like looking in a mirror." He grinned showing you the drawing of him that you did.

Now completely embarrassed, you quickly snatched it from him. Recalling all the times you drew him, you realized that he was alive then. 

"I'm sorry. If I had known you were alive, I would have asked first." You quickly apologized, but he shook his head.

"I watched you draw every time." He admitted, "Your passion for it is something I have never seen before. I feel honored that I captured your attention enough for you to draw me."

Grinning at his compliment, you looked up at the roar of another gargoyle. Finding their shadows gathered on the church roof.

"I have to go." He excused himself, making you a bit upset.

"Hey, um, wait. What's your name?" You asked, making him pause as if he hadn't expected you to ask that.

"I'm Somam." He answered grinning at you, "And you?"

"(Y/N)." You smiled, "Thank you for saving me, Somam. Can I draw you up close sometime?"

"Of course. Any time at night." He assured you, grabbing your hand and kissing it.

Obviously being careful with his fang. It was amazing how he was being gentle with you. He knows his strengths for sure and how to control them. Watching him fly to the church, you tried to hide your grin behind your book as you went inside. For once in a month, feeling safe enough to turn on your lights.  You have a feeling that with Samom, you won't have to fear anything anymore.

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