Yandere Mafia Werewolf Pt 2

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Hearing the boys return from school, you tried not to grimace when they howled in clear excitement. It's been nearly 6 years since (S/N) was forcibly turned and you were forced to marry Brady's father. You've hated every day since then. Sure, Rowan tries to make up for it. Buy you the best of everything, but it's not what you want. You've never asking a thing from him. Not even a drink. Your life was changed that day and you couldn't stop it.

"(Y/N)!" Glancing at the boys as they ran into your room, you raised an eyebrow at them.

"There's a party at a friend's house tonight." Brady explained confidently, "We're going, and we need your help picking out the present."

Sighing, you picked through the fancy clothes that Rowan had your servant lay out for you to wear to your formal birthday party tonight. Brady has been gaining an Alpha's confidence as his father has been teaching him. There are times he's tried to use that on you, but you shut that down quickly. Your son, on the other hand, is quiet, but tends to back Brady up a lot. You've tried your best to shield him from the mafia lifestyle. Often times wishing he was still human, so you could have a child who understands you. A child who doesn't accidentally hurts you when they turn into a werewolf. You don't love your son any less though.

"No. You know the rules." You denied, "You are not allowed out during a full moon."

"That's not fair!" Brady argued, sounding angry, "We never get to go out to parties."

"You don't go out on full moons because the last time you did, the mess you caused is still affecting the people." You snapped, getting irritated, "Your father and I agree on nothing, but that is one thing we both agree on."

"No. We're older. We're 16 We are able to control ourselves." He yelled partly shifting, which you know he's not doing on purpose.

"No, you're not." You huffed, getting knocked down before you could even blink.

Pain spread across your cheek, and you could feel some blood was dripping.  He had clawed you in the face. Staggering to your feet, you yelled as you felt him punch you in the face. This time knocking you against the wall. You could already feel your eye starting to swell with the pain in the back of your head.

"That's enough Brady!" (S/N) yelled, as you saw him move to stand between the two of you.

"(Y/N) has made the past years horrible for everyone." Brady yelled, "Hating me for a mistake years ago. Why shouldn't I treat (Y/N) the same way I was treated?"

"You were never physically abused like you are doing, right now." (S/N) growled, turning into a werewolf. 

Getting back to your feet, you put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Glaring at Brady who glared back at you. You're at least tried to treat them equally since they were kids, but even you know you treat your son a little more specially. Seems it's still made Brady absolutely hate you.

"Leave." He growled threatening, "We don't want you here anymore. That's orders coming from an Alpha."

Scoffing, you nodded, "Fine. (S/N), go pack a bag."

"I..I want to stay here." He quietly protested, with his ears dropping.

"Sweetie, we don't belong here. We never did. Our lives were supposed to be different remember?" You whispered, earning a head nod from him.

"I like it here. I am a werewolf." He reminded you, "I won't go with you. I can't. I belong here now."

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tried to hold back your tears. You don't want to leave him, but you know he's now a part of this mafia pack. Something you tried to avoid. Nodding, you gave him a tight hug feeling him hug you back.

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