Yandere Minotaur

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This was requested by LizardQueen1! Thank you for the request and for helping create it! I hope you all enjoy it.

"Okay so, which kids do you want to talk to first?" You asked, looking at the list, "Better make your choice quick, we'll be on in 10 minutes. You know how Hermes is when we're not prepared."

"Probably the kids between the two." Nodding to your minotaur boyfriend, you turned to the group.

"Can we have Ares and Hephaestus?" You called, as the two large men stepped forward from the group, "I assume you've done this before?"

"We are the children on gods." Ares huffed, "This is child's play to us."

"Not to the dead woman." You grumbled, glancing down at your watch, "Five minutes until we're on. Dimos are you ready?"

"Yeah." He called, "Mic check."

"You're good." You announced, checking the cameras one last time, then looking down at your watch. Holding up a 3, 2, 1.

"Thank you, Angelia. I'm here with the sons of Zeus and Hera. Ares, Hephaestus,  it has been widely known that Hera's temperament towards other women is low and her reputation is still ongoing. Can you tell us why Hera is so wrathful?"

"She's the goddess of marriage and Zeus is known for being a promiscuous god. It's only natural that she would retaliate." Hephaestus answered.

"Why kill only the woman though?" Dimos questioned, "Why not go after Zeus as well?"

"Our Father is the king of the gods. No one would be foolish enough to go after him. Even our mother, Hera." Ares huffed.

"Thank you for answering our questions." Dimos thanked before turning to the camera, "As I said before, Hera has been known to take her anger out on Zeus's lovers, with no consequence to Hera. However, with the new laws set into place, this will be her first trial as queen of the gods. For now, everyone is anxiously waiting to see how the trail comes out."

"We're clear." You called, after turning off the camera, "Good job. Now we just wait on what Hermes has to say." 

"Okay, (Y/N), do you need help with putting the cameras up?" Dimos offered. You love your boyfriend to death, but his clumsy side doesn't make it easy for him to handle delicate things. The last time he helped, he accidentally fell and broke the camera.

"That's okay. It won't take long. Why don't you start the van and cool off?" You offered. He only nodded and went to do as you recommended. When you turned to take apart the camera, your mouth dropped when you saw Apollo and Eros messing with them.

"Put those down." You called, snatching your camera from Apollo.

"Easy, no harm done." He laughed, making you roll your eyes, "Did anyone tell you that you have beautiful eyes."

"Thank you." You don't care for him, but he gave you a compliment at least.

"I mean it. I think your (E/C) eyes would look even more beautiful in the candle light glow of dinner, tonight." Grimacing at his flirting, you shook your head.

"No thanks. I already have a boyfriend." You replied, tensing when he and Eros, backed you to the van, after you put everything in.

"See? Your flirting scares everyone away." Eros huffed, "You have to be gentle with them and not forceful. Maybe the wonderful mortal would like to come with me to the movies tonight?"

"No." You grumbled, jumping when you felt a hand on your shoulders. Looking up, you relaxed with a smile when you saw Dimos standing there.

"You heard my human. Besides, we have date night tonight." He nearly growled, "(Y/N), the van is nice and cool for you. Let's go." 

Nodding, you quickly slid into the van. Glancing over at him as he drove off a little to fast. Minotaurs were known to be a little possessive over their significant others. Sometimes even going as far as fighting others if they so much as look at the person. Dimos hasn't fought anyone over you, yet, but he does have his moments of jealousy quiet often.

"I'm going to go ahead and change in the back." You explained, knowing that giving him some space to calm down will help. Slipping to the back and closing the curtain, you changed into what you brought for date night.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry, if I acted out with those gods." He called. Smiling, you moved back to the seat by him.

"Babe, it's okay. I'm happy you were there to protect me. I mean standing up to gods? I don't know anyone who would have done that for me." You chuckled, trying to make him feel better. Catching his grin, you smiled at him as he opened the door for you. Leading you into the restaurant.

"Ah, our favorite couple." The nymph giggled, seeing you two, "Right this way."

Following her, you enjoyed the smell of spices in the air. Giving your satyr waiter a forced polite smile. There was something about him that already made you uncomfortable.

"Tea for me and (F/D) for my partner." Dimos ordered,  earning a nod from the goat man "I'll be right back."

Nodding, you looked over the menu, looking up as the satyr returned, "We'll need a couple more minutes."

"I would be happy to give you some of my time." The satyr hummed, making you mentally grimace and move away as he sat by you, "I would recommend the waiters special."

"I'll think about it. I think my boyfriend would want to make his own decision." You cleared your throat and tried to scoot away more, but he pressed closer to where he was practically leaning against you.

"Tell me, why are you with that bull boy? Surely he doesn't know how to be delicate or gentle." He hummed.

"You want to say that again?" grinning with a sigh of relief, at the sound of Dimos, that quickly vanished when you saw the sayter go through the table by you, breaking it.

"Hit on (Y/N) again." Your boyfriend yelled now towering over the creature, "I dare you. (Y/N) is mine and I'm  tired of everyone, hitting on my human. (Y/N) is only mine. No one else's."

Your mouth dropping open in shock, as he repeatedly punch the former waiter. You had never seen him this mad before. Only when other waiters tried to pull him away did you snap from your thoughts. Wrapping your arms around his arm that was going for another punch.

"Babe, that's enough." You called, "He's done. He's not going to do it again."

Your words seemed to bring him back, because he stumbled back while breathing heavily. Blinking his eyes and looking around. The satyr wasn't moving. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing. He almost looked as flat as the table.

"What happened here?" Looking over at the cyclops that you knew was the manager, you quickly explained what had happened, while Dimos wrapped his arms around you, possessively.

"We're not coming back here." Dimos growled, picking you up, "We would rather spend out time at home."

Sighing, you let him carry you out. Looks like it's going to be a stay at home date.

-Next Morning-

"Babe, what you want coffee?" You yawned, turning on the TV to Hermes News and heading to the kitchen. You faintly heard the murmured yes, making you smirk. Grabbing the cups, you went to give it to him, but paused when you passed the TV.

On the TV, was a picture of the satyr from last night. Confused, you turned it up.

"This morning, a Satyr was found dead in his hospital room. Doctors say that he was in the hospital after the satyr made advances on the significant other of a minotaur. This is not why the satyr died though. Resources say that the goat man was poisoned."

Feeling your mouth drop open, you didn't know what to say. You would suspect your boyfriend, if he wasn't with you all night. Though you know he was connections and friends in the hospital, because he is a reporter. It's possible that he asked one of them to poison the satyr. In a way, you don't mind though. At least he's not going to jail and there's no actual proof of who did it.

Turning the TV down, you decided to pretend that you hadn't seen the news and went in to give your boyfriend the coffee.

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