Yandere AI

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This was requested by MinJisoo698! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Looking up at the ship, you were excited. You're first job as head leader in a spaceship. Captain of the Red Star. A small sized ship, however, it was anything but small. Your mission is to answer distress beacons and rescue civilizations. Adjusting your (F/C) uniform, you went in. Following the holomap through the ship until you reached the deck. Several members of your crew were already there. 

The minute they saw you, they all stood to attention, "Captain on deck." 

Grinning, you nodded to the Kryton in a light grey uniform, "At ease everyone. I am Captain (Y/N). I have been told that my crew are the best of the best. I hope to see that in everyone performance on and off duty. We will be seeing a lot of each other for the next three years. I believe we can help enough people that each of us can be put in history. Let's make that a reality."

Hearing the cheers from the crew you knew you inspired them. Grabbing your chair as the ship took to the sky, you turned to the Kryton, Tellor.  A dragon type alien known for their bravery. Your second in command.

"Captain, I look forward to working under you." He greeted shaking your hand with a clawed one, "I will show you to your quarters."

Appreciating that, you followed. Yelping and stumbling back a little as you nearly ran into a metal being. Looking up at it, you were confused. You weren't told that there was an artificial life form on here.

"Greeting Captain. I am Cosmos. The ships computer system." He greeted robotically.

Still not understanding, you glanced over at Kryton, who gave you a sharped tooth grin, "Cosmos is in a way the ship. He started off as a voice in the ship. Tell him a command and it would happen. He grew advanced enough to build his own body without help."

Now that makes sense. You've heard of that happening, but you have never seen it before.

"I see." You nodded, "It's nice to meet you then, Cosmos."

"You too Captain." He agreed.

-6 Months later-

Curling up with a pillow on your couch, you tried not to sob your eyes out. The mission you just had, was a failure. A Pairtos army had taken prisoners captive. You were supposed to save them. You were out matched though. Losing all the prisoners and two of your own crewmembers.

"Captain?" Hearing Cosmos voice, you frowned.

You're not quiet used to hearing him without seeing him, though he's done this several times. He's been checking in on you, multiple times, when your off work since your failure. Even after his update, he still made sure to try to comfort you.

"I am coming in." Rolling your eyes, you curled up more as you heard the door open.

Feeling your feet dip down as he sat down in front of you, "You are thinking of the last mission again."

Nodding, you tried not to flinch when he put a cold hand on your knee. He's not usually physically touching others, but he has been towards you for a little while now. Maybe he's gotten used to you being in command. 

"It was my fault, Cosmos. Those people and our men died because I gave the wrong order." You whispered, "I might as well have killed them myself."

"You did the best you could. I've reran every possible plan. None were successful." He explained, "There was nothing you could have done."

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