Dark Elf

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This was requested by ErikaAnderson377! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Looking up at the castle, your eyes widened at how amazing it was. Settled between two mountains with a large waterfall behind it. Getting closer you saw many elven children playing in the candlelight glows. Other dark elves were going about their daily business. A few stopping to watch as you, the other humans, and the dark elven knights. Chances are most of them have never seen humans before.

Stopping when the lead elf did, you climbed off your horse. The dark Elf general, Dalamus, turned to you and the others. A look of indifference on his face. It's a lot better than when you started the trip with them. They had made it clear that they did not like humans or this meeting with the council members. After some time and proof that you weren't going to hurt them, they slowly started to trust you.

Looking at the older elves, in dark robes, you knew that they were the council members. There would be peace at last. Centuries of fighting and it will finally be over.

"Let's start this meeting." The oldest looking elf declared, before his eyes turned to you, "Will your guards be joining us, or do you still think we would kill you?"

Slightly offended, you pressed your lips together tightly to keep from lashing out. If they didn't want your council to have guards, then why were you brought along? Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you looked up at your brother.

"We will ask our guards to stay out if you ask yours to." Your brother declared, earning a nod from the elven council, "Stay here (Y/N). Tour the ground if you feel uneasy."

Sighing as you watched the council men walk away, you glanced around at your guards, then a general Dalamus.

"Do you want us supervised or are we free to roam?" You questioned, knowing that if any of your guards offend the dark elves, you all will be killed.

"On guard per guard." He decided, making you nod, before you turned to your men.

"For the love of the gods, do not offend them." You ordered as the elves paired themself with your soldiers. 

Turning to find your guide, you saw General Dalamus watching you, "I thought a general and a general would be best together."

"You may be right about that." You chuckled, "So care to show me around?"

"Gladly." He smirked offering his arm to you, surprising you, "What?"

"I didn't think the Dark Elves had manners like humans." You admitted, locking your arm with his.

"The stories you hear about our savagery and killing are told by survivors of groups who betray us first. We are more civilized than that." He explained, before motioning to the castle, "What do you think? You seemed speechless when you saw this place."

"It's better than I thought." You grinned, "The views of the land you have here must be amazing."

"They are, but so are the views close by." He pointed out, motioning to the flowers.

Looking down, you gasped as they were glowing (F/C). When they opened up, several little glowing dragons flew out of them. One of them flying in front of you and roared at you. Challenging you, clearly. Giving a small roar back, you laughed as it grumbled in defeat. It then flew around your neck, tickling you before landing on your shoulder.

"These dragons are very hard to tame, yet you managed to do it in a matter of minute." Dalamus hummed, with a small grin, "You are really something else, General (Y/N). Dark Elf influencer, Dragon tamer, what will you surprise me with next?"

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