Yandere Mershark Part 2

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This was asked for by Marvel1Maiden! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Sniffing as you sat on the bed, you wanted to try screaming for help again, but if that didn't work the first, second, or third time, why would it work this time? You don't know how long you've been in here. There is no opening to tell you if it's day or night. The only time you know it's day or is when Emperor Landon visits you. He gives you food when it's day time and sleeps with you when it's night, but you doubt he does that every day.

The first time he visited you, he brought a bunch of little fish that glow in the dark. Claiming that they were here to brighten the cave and to give you some company when he's not there. Though you can't talk to the fish and they won't come anywhere near you to pet them. They stay at the roof of the cave. Feeding off the little planktons that drift in. You on the other hand, can't recall when you last had a real meal or really touched anyone. You were sure you were going to go mad with loneliness.

Hearing the boulder move, you glanced towards it to find it was day time. Landon's shadow moving in before he shut the boulder again.

"(Y/N), I brought more food." He offered, lowering the shell by your cage. Sighing, you swam over and pulled the shell through. Nibbling on the food and noticing that there were a lot more on it than last time.

"The war is going well now." Landon reported sitting, "It won't be long before it's finished. I would give it a couple more days."

Picking some of the food to the side, you didn't say anything. You gave up talking to him when you first couple of times pleading to be let out failed. For a man who claims to love you, he's sure being stubborn about keeping you in this prison. 

"Nothing today either?" He sighed, looking down, "(Y/N), this is hard on me too. It pains me worse than any of my new wounds to see you locked up and crying. To not be able to show you the love you deserve, but I can't risk you leaving or them taking you."

Bitting, you lip, you felt it bleed a little, but you ignore it as you glared up at him. You could only take so much and you were at your breaking point.

"That's rich coming from you." You snapped, which seemed to shock him, "You're in pain from seeing me in here? You're not the one whose being deprived of sunlight, of talking to others, or even simply hugging and dancing with them. I might have love you before, but after all this, it will be really difficult."

Your outburst didn't seem to do anything as he only watched you. No doubt he didn't understand. When he got up, you rolled your eyes and turned your back to him. Crossing your arms just to show how angry you were. He was silent for a while, but when you heard the boulder move, you knew he was gone. Leaving you alone again. Feeling your anger drain back to sorrow, you dropped to the ground and cried again. Crying until your throat was raw and your eyes hurt. 

You don't know how long it was, but you were exhausted afterwards. Laying on the bed, you were about to drift to sleep, when you heard the boulder again.

"(Y/N), the war is finished." Landon reported, before you heard loud creaking, "Come on. I want to show you our Empire's expansion."

Choosing to ignore him, you didn't even look at him, until you felt him wrap an arm around you to pick you up. You knew that's he's too big for you to fight, so you just stayed angry and ignored him.

"You really cried a lot." He sighed, almost sounding depressed. Glancing at the floor of the prions, you saw pearls littered the floor, your tears.

"Really? I didn't notice." You growled, tensing when he suddenly turned and headed out of the cave. Blinking around, you didn't see anything different. There were a couple new sunken ships, but the territory didn't look that different.

"(Y/N), there you are!" Gasping at Talia's call, you almost wanted to cry.

"Talia!" Wiggling as much as you could while prying his arm away, you managed to get out and swam to give her a hug. The last you saw her she had been surrounded by guards of the Coral Kingdom. You were so happy that she was alive.

"Thank goodness you're alright." She laughed, "His Majesty told us that the Coral Kingdom guards had caught you. That's why we went to war with them. We had a couple injured, but they lost even more."

He told that lie? Glancing over at him, you found him drifting close by. Probably to catch you in case you tried to escape.

"I'm just glad you're okay." You whimpered hugging her again.

"Awe, still as cute as ever." she giggled patting your back in comfort, "You should be worried more about Landon. He took the most hits out of anyone in the kingdom. Glancing over at him, you frowned at him and turned back to her. Raising an eyebrow at her smirk.

"You know, when he saved me from the guards that day, he found the sword you were going to give him." She chirped, locking arms with you and swimming, "When he found out you were going to give it to him, he looked like he wanted to cry tears of joy. He fought the whole war with that sword, all to save you."

"Great." You grumbled, glancing back again, this time noticing the sword hanging from his side. Looking around again, you grabbed her arm tighter when you noticed that you were going up to the Croal Kingdom. Your eyes widening in shock when you saw the Coral Kingdom King, Queen, and Prince tied up. Their eyes widening when they saw you.

"(Y/N)? We thought you were dead." The queen gasped.

"They almost were due to your son." Landon growled, which made them whimper, "What's funny is that I found out when your son was caught. What to tell them, little Prince?"

"N..no. I don't think I will." He stammered then went pale when Landon growled, "I framed, (Y/N). They found out I have been seeing several mermaids at the same time. They were going to tell on me, so I offered to marry them and give them everything they wanted if they would keep quiet. They refused, so I banished them. I found out they were alive after they were banished and went down to kill them with some of the guards."

Keeping quiet, you nodded to the whole truth. Noticing the king and queen's glare at you, then shock as Landon wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Seems they must have known the truth the whole time.

"So, your son tried to kill my love, not once, but twice." Landon growled, "You tried to protect him and even denied the truth. Therefore, I believe (Y/N) should choose your punishment."

He's giving you that much power? After locking you in a cell, he's letting you decide this?

"Please, as if (Y/N) could give such a harsh punishment." the prince snarled, "I should have killed them myself the second time we found you. Prevent shark monster there from protecting such a weak little shrimp."

Glancing up at Emperor Landon, you saw that he was just about to lunge at them. His tightening grip on your shoulder telling you that he was restraining himself. With the Coral Kingdoms royals being corrupted like this, you doubt their kingdom was going to stand for much longer.

"Send them to the trenches." You decided, knowing that no one comes back from there. They went pale at that.

"You heard (Y/N)." Landon called almost sounding happy about it. Watching as some of Landon's guards and Talia dragged them away.

"(Y/N), I'm proud of you." Landon hummed, hugging you tightly, "I know that you will make a good ruler by my side, if you're still willing. I know what I did was horrible, but with the prince after you I didn't want to take a risk. If it makes you forgive me, I'll give you my whole empire."

Studying him, you noticed that he was being sincere. Much more than when the prince proposed. Looking at the new scars that were still healing on him, you sighed. It wasn't the ideal way to have someone protect you, but you could tell he really did.

"After a while, I think things will go back to normal for us." You grumbled, wheezing for breath when he hugged you tighter.

"I'll aim for more than normal, but I'm still not going to let you leave my side. You're safer by me after all." He decided. It's better than being stuck in a cage at least.

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