Male Cecaelia

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Making sure no one else was watching you slipped out of your room and made your way to the deck. Peering over the rail to the dark waters below, you smiled when you saw a man drifting in the water.

"I didn't think you would be back." He hummed.

"Haven't I always since this trip started?" You giggled, stepping back from the rail, knowing that when he jumps a lot of water splashes everywhere. Seems he was careful this time because there wasn't as much water as usual. A sly smile on his face that would charm anyone, if he was human. 

"Hello, Sunfish." He greeted, sitting on the railing with his tentacles wrapping around the bars. Only a couple moved towards you in greeting. Not that you minded though. His tentacles felt like wet rubber, better than nasty slim like you thought they would feel like when you first meet him nearly a week ago.

"Evening Octo. How is the water tonight?"

"Full of fish. Each one waiting to see you." He obviously flirted, but it made you laugh, "I'm serious. The fish would love to see the human that's caught my eye."

"If they swam to the surface they could." You laughed as his face scrunched up in distaste. He's made it clear that he doesn't like his subjects in his territory going to the surface to much due to fishing. Even he's only came up so often lately to see you. 

Leaning against the rail by him, you played with the tentacles that would wrap around your hands and arms. This family vacation had been boring. Sure it's full of luxury, but there's almost nothing to do. 

"Sunfish, there's something I need to tell you." He spoke, suddenly very serious, "Very soon, this ship is going to leave my territory and you'll be in the territory of the merpeople."

"Then I'll get to see mermaids?" You grinned at the thought of seeing the fabled mermaids. His frown only increased though.

"I know what you're thinking, but they're not that." He warned, "They will attack this ship. Make it wreak and eat every human they can get their hands on."

"They do that?" You gasped, now worried. You didn't think that part of the mermaid's stories were true. He nodded to confirm that.

"They shouldn't attack you in my territory, but they did years ago. You need to be careful now."

"Okay." You grumbled, knowing that this would probably be the last time you see Octo. He's been the only person you've talked to besides your family, "It's been nice knowing you, Octo. I'm really going to miss you."

He knew what you were meaning by that, because he gave you a small sad smile, "I'm going to miss you too, Sunfish. You really are special."

Yelping lightly as his tentacles suddenly wrapped around you and pulled you to him, you relaxed when he wrapped his arms around you in a warm hug. Even hugging him back as tightly as you could. Your face flushing when you felt him kiss your cheek. You were definitely going to miss him.

Watching him dive back into the ocean, you went back to your room before your parents could get suspicious. Hoping to get some rest. However, you woke up to the sound of screaming from your parents room next to you. Along with tapping against your window. Looking at the window, you screamed when you saw the glowing eyes and the sharp toothed grim of some kind of creature. It very clearly wanted to kill you. When you didn't open the window, it seemed to glare at you before banging it's fist against the glass. Starting to shatter it, though you didn't stay long enough for the glass to break. Sprinting down hall where you could hear others, in their rooms screaming. You didn't know where to go though. You're on a boat for goodness sake. It's not like you could get away from the water where these things live. Running blindly, you shoved open a door and had to stop at the chaos you saw. 

The scaled creatures were crawling on the deck and killing people. Dragging the person, they catch, to the ground then eating them. It was just like Octo said and worse. Trying to find your breath, you froze when you realized that one of the mercreatures spotted you. An evil delight gleam in it's eyes before it started to crawl towards you with frightening speed. You did the only thing you could do, you ran as fast as you could through the mess. Falling from the slickness of the deck and sliding to a stop when you reached the end of the boat, the creature still after you though. This was it. You were going to die. 

Whimpering at the growl behind you, tears started to fall as you curled into a ball. Shuttering when the creature before you was tackled when something flew over your head. For a while you couldn't make out what was going on. It was some kind of a fight, but you couldn't distinguish body parts, until they stopped. The creature dead on the deck with Octo's trident in it's chest. You didn't think he would be here, but you were glad he was.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked, crawling over to you. He was checking on you, but from the way he was looking around cautiously, he was also looking out for anymore danger. Shivering, you shook your head, not sure you could trust yourself to speak without breaking down more than you already where. Instead, you let him pull you into a hug.

"We need to get out of here and get you to safety." He growled, before you felt him pick you up, "Hold on tight and don't let me go."

Nodding, you wrapped around him and closed your eyes, knowing he was going back to the water. You didn't want to see if those creatures were waiting for you in the water or if they would chase you. Sure, Octo would keep you safe, but you didn't want to see them. 

Holding your breath, you didn't breath until you were back to the surface and you didn't open your eyes until it felt like he had swam for a while. Peeking your eyes open, you looked around. Finding nothing but the dark ocean, the night sky, and Octo. You couldn't even see the lights of the ship.

"Thank you for saving me, Octo." You whimpered, knowing that you would definitely be dead if it wasn't for him.

"Of course, Sunfish. There is no reason to thank me." He hummed, kissing your head, "I'm glad I got there in time. I don't know what I would have done if they ate you. Probably kill them all."

"Merpeople are terrible." You muttered, earning a laugh from him.

"That they are." He agreed, "I've got several island between here and the main land. We'll stay on them until we get there and you can go home then. If you want to, Sunfish. It gets you further away from the merpeople."

"I'll be away from you though." You sighed, shaking your head, "My family was killed by the merpeople so I'll be alone. Is there a chance I can stay on one of the islands, with you?"

"You, a human, wants to stay with me?" He gasped like he couldn't believe it, before a large smile appeared on his face and he spun in the water, "Yes! My sunfish is going to live with me. We've got a lot to do then. My subjects will have to meet you, there's going to be a large party to celebrate you. Oh and we'll have to find the perfect place for you."

Laughing at his excitement, you glanced over his shoulder and tensed when you saw the glowing eyes watching and swimming towards you. Before you could warn him, he turned and killed the mercreature.

"They're like barracudas. Absolutely disgusting." He growled before tightening his hold around you, "Don't worry, Sunfish, I won't let them hurt you, ever again."

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