Yandere Naga

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This was requested by YandereBakugou!  The reader is blind in this one. Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Hearing the door open, you looked up where you heard it.  It was easy to tell from the steps that it was your father.

"You're in the library?" He almost sounded confused.

"I am." You hummed flipping the page of a book you couldn't see, "This is an interesting book too."

"Keeping up appearance like I told you too." You could practically hear his smirk, "That's good. The wedding will be soon, by then when he notices your disability, he won't be able to take back the marriage."

Frowning at his choice of words, you nodded. To be honest, you're not too thrilled about marrying someone you can't see. Your father wants you to, for the sake of keeping peace between the empires. You don't really have a choice.

It's not been bad though. The man you're supposed to marry, Drake is kind enough. You had heard that he had a bad temper, but he's been nothing but kind to you. Sure, he could be a little overprotective and possessive, but you didn't mind that. You even truly liked him.

"Right." You grumbled, looking back down at the book. Hearing the doors open again, you tensed a little when you didn't hear anyone walk in. That's the thing about this place that scares you. Most of the time you can't hear when someone walks by you. Considering that's one of the ways you identify others, it scares you a little.

"(Y/N), Emperor (F/N), Good morning." Hearing Drake, you relaxed a little.

"Emperor Drake, Good morning." Your Father greeted, "I was just recommending a book for (Y/N). I will leave you two."

Feeling your father tap your right hand, you knew that he was silently letting you know that Drake was on that side of you, before he left. It's what he's done since you arrived here.

"Good morning, Drake." You greeted with a smile.

"Morning, beloved." He hummed, as you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders, "I see you're reading on the Empire's battles."

"Yeah, it's pretty interesting." You agreed, not having any idea that you had picked up that kind of book.

"Here, why not try this, if you find that interesting." He offered pulling the book from your hands and giving you another one. Tensing a little, you hesitantly opened the book. Slowly running your finger along the page just to make it look like you were actually reading it.

"I'll say, the first sentence is very eye catching." You offered a small smile.

"(Y/N), beloved, light of my life, this is a blank journal."

Feeling yourself choke on air, you had no idea what to say. Since when did he know you were blind? You and your father tried so hard to keep it hidden.

"(Y/N), how long have you been blind?" He asked, making you purse your lips, to keep from crying.

"Nearly 8 years, I suppose." You managed to choke out, "It was an accident with my father, and I went blind because of it. I'm sorry. I know you don't want to marry me now. I'll let my father know and we'll leave."

"Now hold on." He sighed, pulling you against him in a comforting hug, "I'm still going to marry you.  No more tears now. I knew since you first came here from the way you blankly looked at me, despite what I am."

"What do you mean by that?" You asked now confused.

"Your father didn't tell you that I'm a Naga?" He sounded nearly surprised. It made sense now though. How you never heard him when he entered a room, the slight lisp in his voice, the reason he was always chilly to the touch.

"I didn't know." You admitted, hearing a hiss from him, that almost sounded angry.

"So, your father not only blinded you, made you lie to me, but he also deceived you." He hissed, "I won't stand for that."

Confused at the sudden dark tone in his voice, you screamed when you felt something wrap around you from your neck to your knees. You figured he was going to do this. Say he was going to marry you only to kill you.

"It's okay, (Y/N). It's just my tail." He assured you, "We're going to the throne room, for the trial."

Tensing when you felt him move, you kept quiet when you heard the whispers of everyone around. Some asking what was going on. Others whispering that he was going to marry you now with no traditional ceremony.

"Bring Emperor (F/N) to the throne room and all those who came with him." Drake hissed, before you felt him release his hold on you slightly. His tail was still wrapped around your legs, but you were now sitting on his tail with him behind you. He even wrapped his arm around you, which seemed a little tighter than normal.

"What trial?" You asked, hoping to make sense of what was going on.

"Your father and all those who knew you were blind need to be punished." He hummed, "I doubt he ever paid for making you go blind."

"It was an accident though." You objected.

"It affected you. You can't even see me or the Empire we're going to rule." He growled, "I say it's about time for payback."

Snapping your head when the doors burst open, you heard that several people were being dragged in with some of them cursing.

"Emperor Drake, what is the meaning of this?" Hearing your father's scream, you felt guilty, though you knew none of this was your fault.

"How about you tell me, Emperor (F/N)." Drake growled, "Do you want to tell me why you had (Y/N) lie to me about being blind? How you made them go blind? How about the fact that you never told? (Y/N) what I am? Lying, reason, injuring royalty. If it was someone else, I'm sure you would have sentenced them to death."

"Drake, please, don't." You whimpered, "It was an accident."

There was silence for a long moment before you heard him sigh, "Fine, due to being (Y/N)'s father, you will be locked in the dungeon for life. Your guards will be killed to prevent any future rebellions."

"You do this you're declaring war against our Empire." Your father screamed.

"Not if I'm marrying (Y/N)." Drake chuckled darkly.

"The Empire is going to be given to my older brother." You grumbled, wiggling to get away, "You're doing this for nothing."

Grimacing when his tail tightened around you almost painfully, you whimpered a little.

"This is not for nothing!" He screamed, "Justice is needed for him making you go blind and lying to both of us. If he plans to give your brother the Empire, then we will just take back what you should have been given."

"You're talking about war." You pointed out, trying to drown out your father's screams as he was dragged away, "This isn't worth it. Revenge on my father for lying to you isn't worth it."

"It's not about that." He sighed, sounding much calmer now, "Life gave you a horrible hand. I know you, beloved. You don't deserve to have a father who's willing to manipulate like he does. You deserve to have the world at your feet. I am going to give it to you one way or another."

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