Yandere Angel and Yandere Demon

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Sorry, this is a little late everyone! I have been sick this last week and working on another project. This was requested by Kuno0014! Thank you and enjoy!

"Good morning, Darling." Turning to Adrien, you offered him a small smile.

He was the angel who lived in the apartment on the left of yours. You honestly couldn't have asked for a better neighbor. He's calm, quiet, and he even checks up on you when he thinks something is wrong. Well, you wouldn't expect anything less from the representative for the angels.

"Morning Adrien. Are you going to another meeting today?" You asked heading towards the building exit.

"Yes. We're going to discuss what to do about the Vampire's hunger." Adrien answered before stumbling as someone else pushed him.

"Babe doesn't want to hear about the boring meeting." Smiling and shaking your head, you looked over at Seth. 

The representative for the demons who lived across the hall. He is loud and overly flirty. Somehow, he manages to use those traits to make you feel better when you're upset. Mostly using cheesy pick-up lines to make you laugh. You can literally tell people that you have an angel and a demon.

"(Y/N)." Blinking out of your thoughts as a hand grabbed your wrist, you looked up to see that Seth had been talking to you.

"I asked if you were excited for dinner tonight." He grinned, making you shake your head.

"I don't recall you asking me." You chuckled, glancing over at Adrien who looked absolutely stunned.

"I assumed you would say yes." Seth bragged, "We both know you find me irresistible."

"I believe that was (Y/N)'s way of saying no." Adrien growled, "Now remove your hand from my Darling's wrist. Besides, we have plans for a movie night."

"My Babe doesn't belong to you." Seth's voice was dangerously low.

You've only heard him use that voice when a couple thugs had jumped you on the way home one night. That was nearly a year ago and police as still looking for the bodies.

"Boys, I have to work late tonight." You sighed, heading to the sidewalk to your job, "I won't be spending it with either of you. You'll have to keep each other company."

Laughing at the look on disgust on their faces, you gave them a both a wave as you went to work. You weren't lying about having to work late. The flower shop you work at is always busy during prom time. Some many requests for different flowers and that's not including weddings. 

Rushing into the greenhouse, you offered a small smile to your coworker.

"Sorry I'm late Penny. The neighbors were arguing a little." You apologized, grabbing the watering can.

"You mean the angel and the demon? Geeze such problems you have." Rolling your eyes at her sarcasm, you ignored the smirk she was giving you, "Why don't you just choose one already?"

"I'm not interested in dating anyone." You sighed, "We have enough problems with supernatural beings causing havoc, why add on to the problems?"

"Keep telling yourself that." She scoffed, before there was a loud crash.

Attempting to hold some of the potted plants in place, you looked out the window. People were screaming as they ran from the area. Blinking through the smoke at the dark shadow that standing in the smoke, your eyes widened when you saw Seth standing there. A small shriek left you as a white blur crashed into him. Adrien was trying to hit Seth with a sword. Only to be blocked with a black blade Seth had.

You knew they were arguing a little, but you didn't think it would get this bad. 

"See what happens when you don't choose?" Penny yelled, grabbing your arm to pull you from the window, "Let's get down to safety." 

Scurrying to the back room, you both paused when you heard someone enter the flower shop. Your eyes widened at the human, orc, witch, and dragon that entered the store. You recognized them as the representatives on the council

"You must be (Y/N)." The human hummed, glaring at you, "I take it you've seen the angel Adrien and demon Seth fighting?"

"Yes." You nodded, "Why are they fighting?"

"They are fighting over you." The dragon growled, earning a nod from the others.

"They believe only one of them deserves you." The orc explained, making your jaw drop.

"We're only friends though." You objected, yelping at the arm pinch Penny gave you. 

Her way of silently telling you to shut up.

"Clearly, they want to be more than just friends." The witch sighed, before taking her wand out, "The council has decided that the only way to fix this is execution."

"You're going to execute them?" You gasped but paused at the pointed look she gave you, "Wait me?"

"They're too important to kill." The human explained, "Get rid of the problem, the problem solves itself."

"Are you crazy? Get away from (Y/N)!" Penny screamed pushing you behind her.

Your eyes widening when a pair of white wings snapped from her back. The whole time you've worked at the flower shop, you had no idea that Penny was an angel. Screaming at the crash behind you, Seth and Adrien had crashed through the roof. A glare on both of their faces towards the council members.

"What's going on Penny?" Adrien growled as you felt him wrap an arm around your shoulders.

"They want to kill (Y/N)." She announced, "Get her out of here."

Blinking at her words, you tensed when you felt Seth wrap an arm around your waist. A cruel smirk on his face.

"Looks like we get to put our plan into action sooner than expected." He growled as a dark light engulfed his hand.

In Adrien's hand a white light was forming, before they combined the lights. Making it grow large enough for them to push you through. It was just like passing through a door. If the door led to a plain surrounding. There was nothing there. No ground, no sky, not even a breeze.

"What do you think?" Adrien's voice asked making you turn around.

"I don't understand." You admitted, "Where are we?"

"It's a world that we created." Seth explained, "For the three of us."

"You can create anything you want here. Such as this." Adrien chuckled, waving his hand.

A golden cage forming around you along with a scene of a surrounding garden. Shaking the cage, you were horrified to see that it was real. Your reaction only got a laugh from the boys.

"I never knew you could tease like this." Seth hummed, opening the cage to pull you out, "It makes me a little excited to share now."

"Share?" You screamed, "You mean you're going to keep me here?"

"That should be obvious, Babe." Seth laughed before pulling you into a loose hug, "Isn't this what you wanted? For us to get along?"

"That's what I remember you saying." Adrien chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, "This should be a dream come true for you."

Your face started to burn when you realized you were trapped between the two of them.

"I never thought you would get along like this." You coughed, trying not to squeak as they pressed closer.

"Well, us and this new world are all for you." They chuckled in union.

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