Yandere Wendigo

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Shivering from the cold, you wrapped the blanket tighter around yourself. You knew that was a sign that he was getting closer. You can't remember how long you've been in this cabin, but you remember how you got here. Stolen when you were on a skiing vacation with your family. This beast ate your entire family before bringing you here. 

Throwing several more logs in the fireplace, you, jumped when there was urgent banging on the door.

"Is anyone there?" You heard a boy scream, "Please, let me in. Please help me." 

Blinking that someone was actually at the door, you quickly opened it. Yelping when they pushed you back and shut the door. A boy your age, panted and looked around as if he was making sure he was safe. His eyes finally landing on you as he teared up.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He sobbed, "That thing, it's horrible. It killed everyone."

"What happened?" You asked.

"We were just hiking. Me and some of my friends. We found the trail leading to this cabin that we were going to take, but something attacked us." He whimpered, "It chased us, split us up. I managed to stay with one friend, but it dragged him up into the trees somehow."

"I'm sorry to hear about your friends." You apologized, wincing at the roar, "You're here though. You should have went back from wherever you came from. You're trapped here now."

"What do you mean trapped?" He screamed before pausing and looking at you closely, "You're from that family that went missing two years ago."

Two years? That monster has kept you here for two years? It's horrifying to think that you've been trapped here for so long without being able to talk to anyone. All those night you've heard screaming in the distance. To think you've lasted this long. 

Hearing the yell of someone outside, you felt your skin crawl. It was a girl's voice pleading for help. There was something about it that set you off though. Feeling the cold creep in, you wrapped the blanket around yourself again as you moved closer to the fire. 

"That's one of my friends. She needs help." He gasped rushing for the door.

"Wait, if you help them, you will die." You warned grabbing his arm. He looked between you and the door with uncertainty before shaking you off.

"I have to." He explained before opening the door. No sooner than he did, a black claw, grabbed him. Making him scream as he held onto the doorframe. You had heard the beast use this method before. Mimicking people to lure them, then catching them when they're close enough. Yelping as he grabbed your arm, you tried to dig your feet against the floor as much as you could. A harsh yank, made you tumble out of the house along with him.

"You should have turned back." The menacing, whisper voice hissed as the boy was lifted into the air. Along with you still in the boys grasp. If the creature had eyes, you were sure it was looking at you. However, you had to guess by the direction the deer skull head was pointing towards you.

"You shouldn't have come near my cabin." It hissed grabbing you in a claw and pulling you away from the boy, "You should not have touched my snowdrop." 

Grimacing, you curled up in a ball in it's claws. You knew, from what it told you, that a wendigo grows according to what it eats. In a way, they never stop growing, though with their magic, they can shrink to scare humans more easily.

"Snowdrop, go back inside." It growled, lowering you to the ground by the door and lightly nudging you inside. You glanced back at the boy in fear. You knew he was going to die. What was worse was that the boy knew it too and was pleading for you to help him. How are you supposed to save him from a monster as big as the trees. You were only a  human. Giving the boy a pity look, you headed back inside. Closing the door as you went to the fireplace and covered your ears.

You've always hated hearing the screams of his victims. It reminded you to much of the night your family was killed. You could still vividly see the image, though you try your best to forget it.  Jumping when you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to the Wendigo, right behind you. Using his magic to make himself taller than you, but small enough to fit in the cabin.

"Snowdrop, you should not have let that human boy in." He purred wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you against him, "I've kept you up here for so long for a reason after all. We can't have you talking to anyone else."

"Why can't I go home?" You whimpered, "It's been years. Wouldn't you have eaten my by now if you were going to?"

"Eat you?" His skinny body seemed to shake with his laugh, "Snowdrop, if I was going to eat you, I would have done so already. I have much more planned for you. From the looks of it, shouldn't be to long now."

Leading you to a mirror, you gasped when you saw the deer antlers poking up from your head and how deathly your skin looked. It almost looked like you were a forest witch from the fairy tale stores your mother used to read you.

"What did you do to me?" you questioned as he wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"Snowdrop, I didn't do anything. It's part of a Wendigo's curse. Spend to long with one and you become one yourself." He hummed, nuzzling under your chin affectionately, " Soon enough you will become like me. We'll be together forever then. Eating the pesky little humans who come to our territory and we'll be spending eternity together."

"I don't want this." You wheezed out, now understanding what was happening, "I want to go home. I don't want to be with you. I don't want to become a monster that eats humans. I want to leave."

When he gripped your face carefully with a claw, you went silent. Praying that you didn't make him to mad. It's always been hard to tell with him.

"Snowdrop, you don't get a choice."

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