Mafia Werewolf pt 2

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"So that is how the Big Bad Wolf killed the Vampire Prince and got revenge on the Vampire King Victor." Eliza finished, making you smirk and shake your head. 

She's been telling you these mafia stories and use Ivan's description for the boss. You know she's been upset that you've been hanging out with Ivan more. You've tried to tell her that he's helped you out a lot. You've even tried to teach him your language. He still has quite a bit of his Russian accent, but you actually love it. More than you thought you would.

Hearing her sigh, you snapped out of your thoughts, "You have that look on your face again."

"What look?" You coughed hoping you managed to look normal.

"That look when you're thinking about him." She grumbled, making you roll your eyes as you both entered the dinner.

"I don't have a look and I don't know who you're talking about." You objected, moving to your normal table, but stopping when you saw Ivan.

A small smile on his face as he stood when he saw you. You have to admit that for a big guy, he looks cute when he smiles. It actually makes you happy that he greets you like this. He even pulled a chair out for you and had already ordered your favorite food.

"Thank you. So, ready for today's questioning?" You teased him, noticing his smile falter, "What's wrong?"

"Work came. I cannot stay." He sounded apologetic, but you know you can't blame him.

He's told you that he's in the marketing trade business. You figure that he's going to be busy a lot. You're just grateful he showed up. Giving him a smile, you hoped he knew that you were okay with him going.

"I understand." You assured him, nodding towards the door.

He gave you a sigh, before kissing your hand, "Ty slishkom khorosh dlya menya, milaya dorogaya. Jou can talk with Eliza. I will see jou later tonight. For dinner, da?"

Trying not to frown that he used some Russian that you didn't know, you nodded. You could pick up something about being too good, and sweet. Nodding, you gave him a smile as he walked out.

"That is the look I was talking about." Eliza scoffed, making you roll your eyes.

You spent the next few hours drawing people or writing down different character ideas. Just like you did before you meet Ivan. By the time it was time for you and Eliza to leave, it was close to 9 and it was dark out.

"I'm just saying, it's obvious Ivan likes you. Why not date him." Eliza questioned, though it almost sounded forced, "I mean he said that you were too good for him, and he called you "Sweet Darling," almost as if you're already dating."

Trying to laugh away your nervousness, you paused when you felt her put a hand on your arm. Her eyes were scanning the area around with suspicion. It's almost like there's no one else around. Well, that was until a black car appeared on the street by you. A vampire stepping out while glaring at you.

"Found you."

Backing away from the creep with Eliza, you screamed as something was forced over your head. Pain hit the back of your head. You tried to focus on breathing to dull the pain. It took a while, but it finally went down. However, there was the sound of aggressive growling and yelling. Then a howl that chilled you to the bone. 

His Pov

My (Y/N) is here. I can smell their blood over the disgusting smell of vampires being killed. Victor hurt (Y/N), so I'm going to hurt him even worse. Marching up the stairs, I used my nose to find them. No doubt that coward is hiding with (Y/N). Finally, I found that the smell was strongest behind a door. I definitely plan on killing him for this. Taking my coat off, I left in on the ground as I shifted. Barely even waiting to finish before I punched a hole in the door and ripped it off its hinges.

(Y/N) was tied to a chair. Clothes ripped, bruises on them, and they were covered in blood. Just seeing like this makes me even more furious. Knowing Victor, I bet (Y/N) couldn't even fight. He did this while they were unconscious to get more of a reaction out of me. Well, mission accomplished. Somewhere behind me, I heard one of my pack members howls. The others have been taken care of, now it's just Victor.

"The Big Bad Wolf has finally come to retrieve his mate." Glaring at Victor as we walked to (Y/N), I gave him a warning growl.

"Stay away from (Y/N)." I barked, noticing his smirk.

"Fine, then I'll settle for killing you." He hissed, using his speed to run at me.

I easily grabbed his neck though. Ignoring the shock on his face as he tried to pry my hand off him. I know I'm usually more active when fighting. I've never been calm when I'm furious. This is new to me too and I can tell it scares him.

"I let jou live last time. Iz not mistake I will make again." I muttered before lifting him then slamming him into the ground as hard as I could.

Just to be safe, I grabbed some broken pieces of the wooden floor and stabbed him in the heart. He shouldn't stand again. Moving to (Y/N), I felt my stomach twist when I saw the fear in their eyes. Even the swollen one. They know what I am now. I tried to keep this hidden from them. I thought I kept them hidden from this world. I feel bad for not doing better.

Noticing that they were shivering, I used my claws to cut their ropes, then held a hand on their face. They were freezing. Not surprising coming from being a prisoner of a mafia vampire.

"Come. Jou are too cold." I hummed, helping them stand them.

Leading them to the hall, I picked up my coat and wrapped it around them. Loving that it was nearly too big for them. They look cute with it on, even beaten up. Plus, I know it will keep them warm. I'm not sure that will be enough though. Picking them up, I headed down the stairs. Nodding to pack members, who would look at (Y/N) in concern, to let them know everything was okay. (Y/N), only seemed to bury their face in my fur. Probably wanting to feel safe.

There will be a lot to do, now that there is a power vacuum in the city, but I will take over that later. Sliding into the car, I put (Y/N) on my lap before telling my driver to take us to my place. (Y/N) was still nuzzled against me. As much as I like it, I know we have to talk. I don't want to lie anymore.

"(Y/N)." I sighed, pushing them back a little.

"Is it true?" They muttered, not looking at me, "Are you a mafia leader? One called The Big Bad Wolf?"

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded, "I did not want jou to know. My life iz dangerous for innocent human like you. I tried to hide you, to keep you safe. It did not work."

"Will more come after me?" 

"Da." I nodded, hearing their small gasp.

"I'm scared of getting hurt again, honestly." They whimpered, burying against me again.

I can't help but feel a little hope that they will still chose to stay with me. It seems like they're seeking me for comfort, if I'm not reading this wrong.

"Will not let it happen again." I swore, squeezing them in a tight hug, "Jou are very important to me. Someone I love very much. Jou are safe with me."

"Promise?" They muttered, making me nod as I tried to keep my excitement that they're staying down.

"Da." I assured them, "Jou must be hungry. If jou still want dinner, we could make it official date? Completely private. Just us, with bodyguards surrounding outside dining room."

"Okay." Feeling (Y/N), kiss my cheek, I knew they were going to be okay now.

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