Goblin King Jareth

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This was requested by SkarletFate! Thank you for the request and telling me about this great movie! I'm obsessed with it now! Also, I don't own any of the character from "Labyrinth"!

Peeking at the large gates to the goblin city, you smiled. Sarah was still in the Labyrinth, but you made it here rather easily by asking the worm which way to the castle. He gladly told you, though he had told you his worry. Sarah had listened to him, but went the other way. Needless to say, your stepsister had a habit of taking things for granite and making things more difficult than needed.

Noticing that the guard at the door was nearly asleep, you smirk at the plan in your head.

"Excuse me?" You called shaking him to wake him up, "You look tired. If you give me your armor, I will give you this candy and you can take a long nap."

The goblin's eyes widened as you pulled a piece of candy from your pocket. Accepting it greedily.

"You've got a deal." He chuckled, slipping the armor off and giving it to you before disappearing around a nearby wall. Slipping the armor on, you frowned at the fact that it was a little small, but it will have to do for now. At least it prevented other goblins from suspecting you, because it didn't take you long to get through the city and into the castle. None of the goblins even asked you questions.

Listening carefully, you figured that you're baby brother was probably close to the goblin king. You could hear the king not to far away. He was, singing? Confused, you peeked around the corner to a thrown room, to find a bunch of goblins dancing around. The Goblin King, was also singing and dancing. He was wearing something less, extravagant than when you first meet him, but he still looked good.  In his arms was your brother, Toby. He was smiling and laughing, letting you know that he was actually having fun. You didn't think the the King would be good with kids, but he actually was great with Toby. Slipping into the room, you tried to dance a little to get closer to them. Carefully blending in and grabbing Toby when you had a chance. This was actually easier than you thought. Slipping out of the castle, you even managed to get out of the city, without being spotted.

"I actually did it." You laughed once you were far enough away from the city. Setting him down, you removed the armor so it would be easier to move, "No one thought I would be able to do anything, but I took a baby from the Goblin king, without him knowing."

"Did you now?" Tensing at the voice, you picked Toby up and swirled to the voice. Finding a creature with a cane walking by you. At least it wasn't the Goblin King, though for some reason, you felt a little disappointed that it wasn't him.

"I did." You grinned proudly, "Now if I can find my way out, my brother will be safe."

"I know the way." The creature hummed. Chances are, he actually does, having lived here for a long time.

"That would be appreciated." You explained, holding out a piece of candy to him, "Here. For helping us."

Pushing it into his hands, you noticed the surprise on his face, though he had a blind on. You doubt he's even been shown kindness like that.

"Tell me, what made you want to defy King Jareth?" The creature asked, locking arms with you. You didn't mind since he's blind.

"I suppose it was to save my brother and show that I shouldn't be the forgotten sibling." You sighed, "Sarah has always disapproved of everything anyone ever did for her. Just like a spoiled child. Still she get more attention than me. I'm treated as just an extra person. I want to leave that place, but Toby shouldn't be punished for Sarah's spoiled actions."

"You say Sarah approves of no one. Not even the king himself?" He asked.

"No. He's done what she's asked of him. Took Toby, is giving her a chance to save him," Glancing down at your wristwatch, you frowned, "From the looks of it, he even moved time for her. It's twisted in a way, but I think it's his way of showing affection towards her. I bet she's only complained about it though. If it were me, I would be absolutely flattered and even probably fall for him more, no questions asked. His attractive looks and the fact that he's good with kids are just icing on the cake."

Realizing you were rambling on, you felt your face burn. You didn't mean to spill your guts like that. You probably sounded like a school kid with a crush. You've never talked like that before. This labyrinth must be affecting you more than you thought. 

"Sorry, I know that was probably boring to listen to." You apologized, adjusting Toby in your arms, before looking around. Horror on your face when you saw you were back at the goblin city.

"What are we doing back at the city?" You gasped, trying to pull away from him, but his lock around your arm tightened as he grabbed his coat and tore it off. Revealing King Jareth as he stood to his full height over you. A dramatic reveal, which you felt you should have expected from him. You didn't expect him to catch you that fast though. Pulling Toby closer to yourself, you hoped that made it clear that you weren't going to hand him over to Jareth. Jareth only smirked at you.

"What was your name again?" He asked, making you frown. Of course he wouldn't remember your name. You were the forgotten sibling after all.

"(Y/N)." You grumbled, grimacing when his grip on your arm tightened.

"Well, let's say I've got something interesting for you." Noticing the glass ball in his hands turn into a bubble, you watched it get closer to you until it popped on your nose. Sending everything into darkness, that slowly cleared up.

Sitting up from the bed, you looked around for Toby. Finding him asleep in nest of blankets by the bed you were on. Jareth sitting at the window, watching you like he was thinking.

"(Y/N), I've never used magic to impress you, yet you spoke so affectionately, about me?" He questioned like he didn't understand. Slipping from the bed, you felt your mouth open at the clothes on you that were just as beautiful as what he wore. Redirecting your attention back to him, you went to stand by him.

"Jareth, I think you're wonderful. Even when you don't use your magic." You explained, "I know you love Sarah, but no amount of magic you use is impressing her. You don't have to use your magic to impress me. I don't expect you to ever use your magic to do that to me, but that doesn't change the way I think about you." 

Noticing his baffled expression, you didn't think you would stun a king.

"King Jareth, Sarah is at the gates." A goblin scream running in. 

"Stall her." He yelled back, but turned back to you, "(Y/N) do you love me?"

That was sudden. You barely know Jareth, but the answer is obvious to you. You know though he doesn't actually care about you though. At this point, you don't see a reason to lie to him. Not that you would ever want to. Nodding, you tried not to cry, knowing that he loves Sarah and will forget about you. 

Looking up when he held a hand out in front of your face, you watched the bubble leave his hand and hit the ceiling. Making hundreds of glowing galaxies paint it. You were absolutely hypnotized by it. It was very clearly a way to distract you, but you didn't care. Not able to tear you eyes from the stunning view, you were barely aware of him leaving. Only to feel a tap on your shoulder, that drew your attention back to him. Looking around in a daze, you noticed that Toby was gone.

"Nothing I did for Sarah, did she appreciate." He frowned, "I've found that I do not want someone who doesn't see my value. I have moved the stars for you, which I don't do for just anyone. (Y/N), if I offer you your dreams, would you stay, to love me?"

He's choosing you. Looking at the crystal ball in his hands, you looked up at him. The elegant face of a ruler, but pleading and desperation in his eyes. Pushing the crystal ball aside, you noticed the sadness and loneliness in his eyes.

"Jareth, my dreams are you." You smiled at him, cradling his face, "Give yourself and your love to me and I won't ask for anything more."

Noticing his shocked face again, you almost wondered how often you surprised him. He quickly smiled at you and wrapped his arms around you.

"You are the only human to surprise me so much." He chuckled, grabbing your hand and kissing it, with an arm still wrapped around you, "I am your slave. I have asked for nothing but your love and you are giving it to me. You will no longer be forgotten or ignored. This I swear on my title as The Goblin King, for I love you just as much."

With the vows spoken, you smiled at the thought of your story ending. The Goblin King and the Forgotten Sibling having fallen in love with each other.

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