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This was asked for by DropKickedAKid! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Setting the final scroll down, you sighed in relief. It had been a long workday for you. Actually, it's been a long year for you. The worse fear of anyone in the Underworld has happened. Queen Persephone left Hades. She pleaded with Hades to let her go. To overturn their marriage. He only agreed because he couldn't stand to see her that upset and miserable. He's been an absolute wreck since then.  

If you hadn't constantly went and dragged him out of bed, you're sure he would have stayed there all the time. You made him do some normal things, like actually getting dressed and made him eat healthy meal. You're sure he would stop eating if you didn't. While you've been doing that, you've also been taking over his political job. Going to meetings with the three judges, or the gods of Olympus. Even that's been exhausting since they are panicking because less and less mortals are believing in them.

"You look terrible, (Y/N)." Glaring at Thanatos, you stood.

He and Hecate were the ones who's been helping you the most. Even with their help though, the work is almost too much.

"It's been non-stop." You sighed, heading to the castle kitchen, "I still have to make dinner for Hades and rumors are that Persephone will be back. Which I'm sure will make him spiral back into depression."

"You're doing a lot for someone who's doing nothing for you." Hecate chuckled, though you could see she looked worried, "Why don't you let us cook? You can go lay in the orchard until we're done."

"Are you sure?" You questioned, deciding to take them up on their offer when they nodded.

Heading out to the orchard, you waved to the owl that was once the caretaker. Unfortunately, he was cursed by Demeter at the beginning of Hades and Persephone's marriage. Sitting against a tree, you sighed in relief. You were so exhausted that even the tree was comfortable enough to sleep against.

Before you knew it, you were back at the desk with more scroll to look through. The pile easily towered over your head. Even though it started on the ground. Hearing the door bang open, your eyes widened at the three judges as they came in with more.

"Here you go, (Y/N)." Minos called, as he and the other two, added onto the pile.

The pile swayed, as fear filled you. It started to topple over on you. Some hitting you as it buried you.

"No! Help!" you screamed, reaching out as if someone would help you, "Help!"

The darkness of the scrolls filled your vision. You still had hope someone would save you, so you screamed again.

"Help me!" Sitting up, you blinked in surprise that you could move. 

You were back in the orchard. Someone had a hold of your hand that you had reached out. He was one of the youngest gods you had seen in the Underworld, but he looked almost familiar.

"Are you okay now, (Y/N)?" Hades's voice came from the man, shocking you that this was actually Hades.

"Just a nightmare." You grumbled looking around, before glaring at the person sitting in the tree above you.

"Kind of a lame nightmare." The god sighed, moving to hover over you two.

"Leave Epiales." Hades growled, making the god shrug his shoulders before flying off, "Sorry, (Y/N). He won't do it again, I promise."

"With what's been going on, I'm not surprise he visited. All the scrolls and meetings," Your eyes widened when you realized something, "I have a meeting with the judges!" 

Scrambling to your feet, you tried to make a run for it. Even struggled to pull your hand free from Hades' grasp. You could hear him try to get your attention, but he will have to wait until later. The only thing that made you stop struggling was when he suddenly picked you up. Making you go completely still.

"It's already been handled." He announced, though gave you a small sad smile, "You've been doing a lot for me, haven't you?"

"I mean, you're getting over a divorce." You explained, going silent, when he raised an eyebrow at you.

"That's no excuse for me to shun my responsibilities like I did." He sighed, finally setting you down, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'll make it up to you anyway I can for years to come."

He's finally back to his old self. Meaning chances are he found himself someone else to love. Just as most of the gods do. Persephone was already married to Ares, so it's not much of a surprise that Hades found someone.

"You got a haircut." You chuckled, "You look a lot younger than I thought."

"Well, I am a god, (Y/N)." He laughed, "Do I look good?"

"You always do." You chuckled, trying to ignore how that sounded, "Hecate and Thanatos should be done with your dinner soon."

"Our dinner." He corrected, squeezing you hand, which you just realized he was still holding, "You'll join me, yes?  I wanted this to be a date for us."

"A date?" You gasped, shocked that he was choosing you, "Are you serious? This isn't going to be a one-night stand, kind of date, is it?"

It was flattering that he was asking you. You saw the way he treated Persephone during their marriage. He definitely set the bar high for men. You had always hoped to find someone to treat you like he did Persephone. It never crossed your mind he would be interested in you.

"(Y/N), when have you even known me to be like my brother?" He chuckled, leading you into the dining room.

Both of you going quiet when you saw the woman eating at the table. She was sitting by Hades normal spot at the head of the table. Of course, that's where she always ate when she was married to him. 

"Hades, I'm surprised you made me dinner after our divorce." She hummed, finishing the food, "What do you know you even cut that old beard you had."

Looking at Hades when you felt his grip on your hand tighten, you were surprised to see he was annoyed at Persephone. In all the years you've worked for Hades, you've never seen him like this towards Persephone.

"That was (Y/N)'s food for our date." Hades growled, making the Goddess look at you with a small glare.

"Oh, you moved on that fast?" She scoffed standing like she was threatening you, "To a little no one?"

"You're already married to Ares. You're only here because of the pomegranates." Hades snapped, as magic sparked the air, "In fact, I want you to stay on the other sides of the castle until you leave. Leave me and (Y/N) alone."

From the glare she gave you, it was clear that she wanted you dead. You're sure that Hades was protecting you though with his magic. It seemed to frustrate her, because she huffed and stormed off.

"I should have told you about the rumors of her coming back." You grumbled as he helped you sit and pushed your chair in.

"I knew she was coming. I hoped she would leave us alone." He sighed, "I'll have Thanatos bring you more food. We can start doing this often. A date every night."

Smiling a little at the thought, you nodded, "I would like that."

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