Yandere Hades

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This was requested by Megan3529! Enjoy!

Glaring around, you were annoyed at this. First you were kidnapped from your home, then you were told that all the goddesses were gone, now the remaining gods were trying to win the hearts of the mortals they took. It's been a long time on Olympus. You have no idea who long it's been in the mortal realm, but you know it's been much longer. 

Swirling the wine in you cup, you grimaced when someone leaned on the arm of your seat. The white hair and the sly smile, making you mentally growl. Zeus not surprisingly has been the biggest player. Going after everyone, rather obviously.

"I see you're a mortal of fine taste, (Y/N)." He hummed.

"I suppose. It was a gift from your son, Dionysus." You sighed, wishing he would leave you alone.

"He's giving you gifts?" He frowned as if he couldn't believe it.

"He's not the only one. I've gotten a dagger from Area, a necklace from Hephaestus, Hermes gave me winged shoes, and Poseidon has given me an island." You listed, noticing the surprise on his face, before he grinned.

"I could give you something much better." He offered, holding out a crown, "I could give you control of Olympus as my spouse."

Rolling your eyes, you stood, "No thanks. I don't need anything from you, Lord Zeus. I know what you did to Metis and how you forced Hera to marry you. All while you cheated on her your whole marriage. Now excuse me, my glass is empty."

Walking away from him, you only got a couple feet away, before Apollo stepped in front of you. An annoying player, just like his father.

"Fair (Y/N), shall I sing the song I made just for you?" He offered, already holding his lyre.

"Uh, no. That's okay." You refused, trying to move around him, only to be cornered by Aries. 

A large lion on his shoulders and some blood on his armor, "(Y/N), I have vanquished the child of the Nemean Lion, so that you may wear its indestructible golden fur."

"Thank you, Aries." You thanked, very disturbed at his bloody smile, "Um, just put it in my room and I'll see it more later."

Looking around, you could see several other gods watching you. Just waiting to ambush you with gifts to win your favor. Seems none of them have any shame when it comes to flirting. It felt like you were suffocating. Watching them all approach, you desperately looked around for an escape. There wasn't one though. 

"That's enough!" There was a loud bang sounds as an arm wrapped around your shoulders.

Terrified, you turned to see Hades glaring at all the gods that surrounded you. His bident pointing at them threateningly.

"You all are going to scare the suitors away just like you did the goddesses, or did you forget how you did that? How you scared away your wives, daughters, and sister?" He yelled, making some of the more submissive gods look down, "(Y/N) is clearly exhausted and frightened. Let (Y/N) rest for the night."

Feeling him lead you out of the great hall, you finally sighed in relief when the two of you were far enough away.

"Thank you, Hades." You thanked, "I didn't think you come to Olympus or cared about the spousal choosing."

"I didn't." He admitted, as you both reached your room, "I've been watching from the Underworld though and well, I found someone who caught my interest. I came to give them a gift."

"What is it? A pomegranate?" You teased, earning a chuckle from him.

"No. Nothing like that." He grinned, then blinked in obvious surprise when he saw the mountain of gifts in your room, "You've, uh, you've got a lot."

"Yeah." You sighed, "I'm not sure I could handle another gift. I'm glad you found someone though Hades. You out of all the gods deserve someone. You are the best god husband anyone could ask for."

"You really mean that?" He grinned, making you nod, "Well, the gift is actually for you. I know you don't want anymore, but would you accept one from me?" 

Feeling excited, you nodded eagerly. Hades was actually giving you a gift. Meaning he was interested in you.

"Great. Stay right here. I'll be back." Watching as he left through a portal of fire, you waited a little before you screamed into a pillow.

You've heard how sweet, kind, and loyal he was to Persephone. If you were going to marry any god, you would want it to be him. Putting the pillow back, your grin widened when someone covered your eyes with one hand and wrapped and arm around your waist.

"Is it that big of a surprise, Hades?" You laughed, happy that he was back.

"I'm not Hades." Zeus growled in your ear, making your body tense up, "So that brother of mine, only saved you to sneak around us."

Getting annoyed, you elbowed him in the stomach. Jumping away from him as he doubled over in pain.

"You're one to talk about sneaking around." You hissed, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Well, I was thinking. I am the King of the Gods. Not to mention I am your God. You have to do as I say. Such as if I demand you to marry me, you will." He pointed out with a smirk.

When you tried to back away, he grabbed your wrist, painfully, "I would never be anywhere near you then." 

"We would share a bed as a normal married couple, you won't have a choice." He reminded you, before you both looked down at the black blur by his feet.

A small three headed puppy was barking and attempting to attack him. Not succeeding much considering it wasn't even up to your knees. What did make Zeus let you go, was when Hades pulled you away. Using his bident to push Zeus back until Zeus was trapped to the wall by his neck with it.

"You are crossing a line, brother." Hades yelled, "You may be the King of the Gods, but I am King of the Underworld, the oldest Olympian, and your older brother. If you ever even look at (Y/N), I will kill you, take your throne, and give it to (Y/N). Am I clear?"

You've never seen Hades this angry. Fire was practically jumping from his feet as he kept pushing the bident into the wall more. Seems it even scared Zeus.

"Yes, Brother. Yes, I understand." He agreed, which was when Hades let him go. 

Watching Zeus leave, you smiled at Hades, before picking up the little pup. Its tail wagging as all three heads fought to lick you. Making you feel better about being attacked by Zeus.

"Thank you, Hades, and little fella." You giggled, before giving Hades a hug, "I think this little guy did most of the work."

"I bet." Hades chuckled rubbing the pups middle head, "I named him Spots. He's Cerberus's offspring and your gift. Someone who can protect you from my brothers and the others when I'm not around you."

"You're giving me something alive?" You gasped with a grin, "The others only bring me hunted prey. Spots is the best gift ever."

"Then does this mean you accept an outing with me?" He questioned, surprising you.

"You're not wanting me to marry you immediately?"

"I want to marry you. I know that." He chuckled, shaking his head, "After everything with the other gods, I figured you would want to go on actual dates before marriage. Show that I will keep you safe at any cost."

"Then yes." You agreed, hugging Spots to you, "I have a feeling you'll have to scare Zeus or Aries off."

"If they bother you, I'll throw them into Tartarus with the Titans." He shrugged his shoulders making you laugh before hugging him again.

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