Werewolf: Ralph

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You could hear the fight from quiet a ways from the arena and it sounded like it was getting bad. Panting as you got there, your blood ran cold when you got there. Bois and Lowell were working together to take out the white wolf and Ralph. The white wolf was already badly injured if he wasn't dead. Ralph was injured badly to the point where he was just lying on the ground, not able to get up. Nearly leaping over the stands, you lunged at Boris as he went to attack Ralph. Rolling while biting and kicking at Boris. He fought back, unsurprisingly. Even leaving a couple wounds on your side and legs. Briefly glancing up, you noticed that Lowell was circling around Ralph to attack him from behind. Managing to kick Boris away, you charged at Lowell and tackled him to the ground. Biting the back of his neck as he tried to turn to bite you back. Managing to drag him back, you let him go and ran to stand over Ralph. Making Boris and Lowell pause, now that they got a good look at who just attacked them.

"Let him alone." You growled baring your teeth at them threateningly, "You lay another paw on my future mate and I won't hesitate to dish out punishment."

"You're future mate is him?" Boris asked, like he couldn't believe it.

"Absolutely." You snapped, "Care to challenge that? I'm pretty sure I can take you both on at the same time again."

"(Y/N), you need someone who can protect you." Lowell sighed, as if he's the one trying to tell you who would be a good mate for you.

"Well, clearly it isn't going to be either you two since I just beat you. Now do I have to teach you another lesson?" You got into a fight stance, ready to injure them, had Ralph not started licking your cheek.

"(Y/N), please stop. You're already hurt as it is." He pleaded.

"They hurt you." You objected.

"They learnt their lesson. Please let's just go." Sending another threatening growl to Boris and Lowell, they scurried away with their tails between their legs.

"Fine." You sighed, caving into Ralph's request, before turning to the two closest werewolves, "You two, take the white wolf to my father's house. Ralph, we're going back there."

"Yes, Alpha." He grunted standing. Just to make sure you could help, you walked right by him. Leading the group towards the back door so no one would see a bunch of wolves just walking into your house.

"You stopped the fight or joined it?" Your mother questioned opening the door for you all.

"I joined it to stop it." You twisted her words as you turned human and sat at the table. The two random werewolves, dropped the white one on the floor and left, with a bow to your mother. Ralph on the other hand turned human then looked over at your mother.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need more than one first aid kit." He apologized, though the annoyed look on your mom's face softened when she saw him. Seems he's able to make anyone feel sympathetic when they see him. It's probably from how nice he appears. Watching her walk away, you groaned in pain as the rush of the fight left you. You were definitely feeling the pain now.

"(Y/N), let me see it." He encouraged, though you pushed his hand away.

"Take care of yourself and him first." You sighed, "I can't have you fainting from blood loss and mom will throw a fit if he bleeds to much on her floors."

"I've heard that lecture before." Glancing over as your dad came in, you noticed that he was holding another first aid kit. Your mother right behind him, with two more. You didn't even know there were that many in the house.

"Then it's a good thing I'm choosing a future doctor as my mate." You chuckled, then winced in pain, "Every parents dream for their kid, am I right?"

"(Y/N), this isn't a time for jokes. You can't get yourself injured for me." Ralph lectured, messily wrapping his wounds before directing his attention towards your wounds. Being much more careful with yours.

"You were being attacked. That was more than just them throwing rocks at you." you muttered.

"I was doing okay against Lowell until Boris started working with him. I'm a lot more stronger than you think. I don't like to fight, but I can and will if I have to. If I'm going to be your mate then don't treat me like a pup you have to protect, because I'm not."

His harshness stunned you into silence. Even your parents didn't say anything. Instead, the focused on treating the white wolf. Seems the don't want to deal with the awkward atmosphere either because your father picked up the wolf and they all left the kitchen. 

No one has ever heard Ralph snap like that. The fact that he was angry at you made his words more believable. You didn't even know what to say. What could you say? He has a point though. Everyone treats him like he's weak because he doesn't fight. Even you noticed that. The fact that he's able to hold his own against Lowell shows he's not as weak as everyone thinks he is. You never thought he was weak though.

"Ralph, I'm sorry." You grumbled, "I don't think your weak though. It's just hard to picture you as anything else besides a healer. You don't usually picture a doctor fighting and hurting others. I never meant to imply that you weren't strong. I know you are, but it doesn't do anyone any good if the only good doctor of the pack is knocked out from a fight."

He was silent for a while, so you figured that he was to angry to listen to you. That was until he grabbed your hands and kissed them.

"I know. You don't like to think that anyone in the pack is weak." He chuckled pulling you up from the seat and hugging you, "I know you better than you realize. I was fighting for you though. You are the only reason I will fight."

"Then that won't be to often then, since you're going to be my mate." You smiled, as he kissed your head.

"I'm glad you choose me. Thank you." he hummed, rocking you both. It was then you glanced at his bandages in annoyance.

"Fix these better." You growled, "Weren't you the one who said to take wounds seriously? Honestly, listen to your own advice."

"Yes, my mate. Maybe after a couple hours of hugging?" He laughed, making you pout at him, "Okay, I will, right now."

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