Orc Chief

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"I can't believe you actually got to make the peace treaty with the Orcs." You laughed, exiting the meeting with your boss, the leader of the village, "Should I tell the others to get a celebration started?"

"Looks like you might be to late." He laughed, motioning to the streets. there were already stalls set up with food of various kinds and music in the air. Seems there was someone who was eager to party no matter what the result would be. Shrugging, you glanced around as the larger Orcs started heading towards the streets. Some staying with other groups of Orcs while others meet up with human friends. Jumping at the hand on your shoulder, you looked up at your boss.

"Why don't you show Chief Grimfang around?" He offered, though you felt it was more of a demand. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw the Orc, leaning against the building and watching his people leave to enjoy themselves.

"Uh, yeah, sure." you agreed moving over to the Chief with the friendliest smile you could offer.

"Chief Grimfang, we're glad you accepted the peace treaty." You started, earning a grunt from him.

"It benefited my people." He explained, as you strained your smile. You're trying your best to be nice, but his grumpy attitude wasn't making it easy.

"Then would you like me to show you around?" You offered, "Maybe get something to eat? I know a place that has good food."

He eyed you suspiciously before nodding. You felt small next to the Orc. People have always said that you looked ingeminating, but next to Chief Grimfang, you imagined you looked like the friendliest person alive.

"So, what do you do as a Chief?" You questioned.

"A little bit of everything." He answered bluntly, "I mostly settle argument among the tribe."

"That sounds rough." You hummed, "Ah, here we are. Two pork rolls, GrannyThompson."

"Here you go, (Y/N), hon." The elderly lady called handing you two before eyeing the Orc by you, "I see you already made a friend with one of the Orcs. I have to say, he's the best looking Orc, I've seen in a while."

"Really?" You tried to laugh off your embarrassment, "Granny, this is Chief Grimfang. Grimfang, this is Granny Thompson. The oldest lady here and an old adventurer."

"Nice to meet you." He grumbled, with a nod.

"I would say." She hummed, "You remind me of the first Orc I met. I was young then and on the way to the southern sea. It was pouring so I took shelter in a cave."

"The southern sea? That's quiet a ways." You hummed, but smiled as she swiped a playful hand to shush you, "His name was Rok and he was hiding from the cold rain as well. We decided to stay in the cave together." 

Sensing where the story was going, you grabbed Grimfangs arm, "Thank you for the food Granny. We'll be looking around now." 

"You better treat (Y/N), well young Chief." She called, but smiled.

Giving her a wave, you dragged him away. Not planning on going back for a while. It's his first day in the town and you didn't want him to be scared off due to a story from an elder.

"Granny could talk your ear off with stories of her adventures and her, interests." You coughed, giving him a sheepish grin when he laughed.

"We have several elders like that in the tribe. Though I believe I do know of the Rok she's talking about. Probably my grandfather." He admitted, "I'll have to bring him back here for her."

Laughing as you pictured that meeting, you shook your head. At least Granny knew how to break awkward tension. Feeling like you were being watched, you glanced up at him to see him watching you with a smile. Feeling your face warm up, you finished your roll. It seemed like a short time, but from the changing position of the sun, you knew it had been nearly a whole day. Talking with him and exploring different shops from both orc and human culture. Though he was always so close to you that he would nearly bump into you.

Glancing back at him when he was quiet for a long time, you noticed that he seemed to be trying to avoid people as much as he could. Clearly, he's not a fan of crowds. You guess that he only likes to spend a certain amount of time around others and prefers to spend most time by himself. If that's the case you have just the place for him.

"Hey, come on. I know a place I think you might like." You encouraged, leading him outside the town. In the forest a little ways there was a cliff that over looked the whole town. From here, you could see every street of the town. In the center, you could see where others were dancing, human and orc alike.

"Wow, I could probably camp up here and be comfortable." He hummed, leaning against the closest tree. Sitting by him, you closed your eyes to relax. Listening to the music from the town.

"(Y/N), have you ever traveled before?" He questioned out of the blue.

"Traveled?" You repeated, frowning, "I haven't. Due to the town's previous leader, leaving the territory of our town was against the law. I've never been past the forest, though I would like to. How about you?"

You asked that, but when you saw the scars that marked almost every part of him, you had a feeling it was a stupid question.

"I have, though I've never traveled to the south." He admitted, "I think that's where we're going to go next."

"Oh." You frowned, "When were you thinking about leaving?"

You had enjoyed his company a lot. Due to your job, you don't get to have fun days like this. Instead, always being surrounded by paperwork. Though you've only spent a day with him, you know you'll  miss him a lot.

"Maybe in a week. I'm sure a lot of Orcs are going to want to stay here. I can tell a lot of them are already being spoiled by the comforts of towns." He chuckled, "If you had a chance, would you travel?"

"I doubt I would be allowed to travel, unless it was with a group. My family seems to be overly cautious that I'll die out there." You explained.

"What if you were to come with me?" He questioned, "I'm sure your family won't object to you traveling with my large tribe."

"They probably wouldn't." You agreed, "Would it really be okay? I know humans aren't normally allowed to travel with tribes of orcs."

Watching him for confirmation, you blinked in surprise when he looked down and carefully grabbed your hand. Completely engulfing it in his hand.

"They're okay with it if...if you're with an Orc of the tribe." He coughed, a little awkwardly, "(Y/N), I've never spent this much time with anyone in my life other than you. In your people's terms I would like to court you, take you with me when we travel."

Feeling your mouth drop open, you didn't know what to say. Sure he was the best looking and kindest orc you had ever meet, but you almost felt like this was a little fast.

"I don't know." You sighed, "My family, definitely won't like how fast this seems to them."

"I understand." He nodded, "However, due to Orcs natural toughness, many creatures look to fight us to prove they are tougher. Some are and orcs lose their lives. We never know what the day will bring us or if we will live to the night. That is why Orcs act fast. (Y/N), if you were an Orc, I would be asking to marry you now, however I also want to respect the speed of humans to some  degree. Please at least consider it?"

Pursing your lips together, you tried not to melt at how earnest his blue eyes were. They seemed to beg, which you knew Orcs don't do. He's absolutely serious if he's begging you. Glancing at the town where you knew your family was, you considered that. You would have to give up your job and you wouldn't see your family for who knows how long. However, you knew that Grimfang wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. Sighing, with your decision you turned to him with a smile.

"Okay, let's give it a try." You chuckled, when he immediately perked up with the biggest smile you've ever seen on him.

"Yes!" He cheered wrapping you in a  big, yet comfortable hug, "thank you (Y/N). I promise, I'll show you things that would make you happy you choose to come with me."

Hugging him back, you liked how safe you felt. It was almost hard to believe that you two were strangers only that morning. Moving fast for a human, but slow for an orc, perfect for you two though. Both of you enjoying the silence and each other. That was until there was a scream nearby.

"I knew I was right about you two!" Feeling your face burn, you pushed away from Grimfang, with a glare towards Granny Thompson. You only started laughing when Grimfang chuckled, hugging you even tighter.

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