Yandere Dark Elf

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This was requested by ErickaAnderson377! Thank you for the request! The song used is 'The Willow Maid' by Erutan.

"A young man walked through the forest with his quiver and hunting bow. He heard a young girl singing and followed the sound below. There he found the maiden who lives in the willow."

Softly singing to yourself and the birds in the tree, you glanced down. Blinking in surprise that there was a person there. He was looking up at you with amazed golden eyes.

"Oh, hi." You giggled, climbing down to his height, "I didn't see you there."

"Hello." He greeted, "I am Callon, a dark elf. Who are you? I've been to these forests multiple times, but I had never heard such an enchanting voice. Especially coming from a fairy such as yourself.'"

"My name is (Y/N)." You smiled, "I didn't expect an elf to be here. Your kind live in the forest to the east, don't you."

"Yes, though we come here for hunting." He breathed, like he was still surprised by you, "You are absolutely mesmerizing, Fairy. I know my fellow elves would enjoy your company as much as I would. Will you come back with me? You're not an elf, but surely living with us would be better than living alone."

Giving him an uneasy smile, you stepped back, remembering a verse from the song, that would give him an answer.

"See me now, a ray of light in the moondance. See me now, I cannot leave this place. Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest. Don't ask me, to follow where you lead."

-Time skip  6 months-

"(Y/N)!" smiling at the call from Callon, you climbed down to him with a large grin. He was now a close friend of yours, since he came to see you nearly every single day. Spending your time singing, foraging in the forest, or simply talking to each other.

Slowly teaching him the song of what had happened to your sister, when a human man, stole her from the forest due to his obsession of her. The song that you sing by heart nearly everyday when you're in your tree.

Feeling your mouth drop open when you saw that he was dressed a little more formally, with his white hair pulled back neatly, With his hands full of (F/C) flowers, he gave you a small, nervous smile before getting down on one knee.

"(Y/N), I have fallen madly in love with you." He declared, "Please, come with me. Marry me and we can live our long lives together. Please make me the happiest elf in the world."

Frowning, you sighed and shook your head. Singing the a part of the song that you hadn't taught him yet.

"Girl my heart you've captured. Oh I would be your groom. She said she'd wed him never. Not near, nor far, nor soon."

His eyes widened in shock as he looked devastated. Some tears even swelling in his eyes.

"Please, (Y/N), I love you." He whimpered, grabbing your hand.

"Callon, I'm bound to this tree and this forest. I've been here far longer than you've been alive and I'll be here far after you're gone." You explained softly, hoping to make him feel a little better. However, when he looked up at you, there was still anguish on his face, though he nodded. Head bowed and shoulders slumped as he walked away.

-Time skip 2 months-

Grabbing a hand full of berries, you sighed in contentment as you ate. Callon has asked to marry you several time since he first proposed. Each time you gave him the same answer. You could tell that he was getting frustrated, but you couldn't do anything about it. You were happy here though you can't leave. Not that you would ever want to. Reaching for another handful of berries, you gasped as you felt pain in your chest. It was like someone was cutting into you.

There could only be one explanation for it. Sprinting towards your tree, you cried out in pain every time, the knife like feeling hit you. Reaching to the tree, absolute sorrow and pain filled you as you collapsed to your knees. The tree, your home, was cut down. Each branch cut apart from the tree. Standing on it was Callon, with a crazy, proud look in his eyes.

"(Y/N), isn't this great." He laughed, but there was a cruel tint in it, "Your tree is fallen. We can be together now. You don't have a reason to refuse me."

Shaking your head you could only sob. Hearing a tired sigh from him, before you felt him pull you to him in a hug. Gently rocking you back and forth, like that was supposed to comfort you. You didn't even have the strength to push him away.

"Don't cry. You'll have a better life with me. We'll have kids, build a home, be happily married. It will be the prefect life." He hummed, grabbing your hand and standing, "Come along now."

While he pulled you to your feet, you stumbled, from pain, but you didn't want to fall over. With you still sobbing, he dragged you towards the end of your forest and to the large opening that separated your forest and his. You know what's going to happen now. Just like your sister in the song. Feeling your legs shake, you fell. Looking up at Callon, who seemed confused as to why you were now just lying there.

"(Y/N), What's wrong?" He questioned as if it wasn't obvious. Pursing your lips, you sang the last part of the song that you had yet to sing to him. The fate of a fairy who leaves their home. At least it would be a lesson to him, even if you were starting to fade out.

"She faded into a flower, that would bloom for one bright eve. He could not take from the forest, what was never meant to leave."

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