Yandere Wendigo Pt 2

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This was requested by MiscellaneousFan! It's the 2nd part to my first Wendigo story, in case anyone need to re-read the first one as a reminder, so enjoy! Warning there is gore and violence in this!

Listening carefully, you couldn't hear anything close by. Your hearing might have gotten way better, but you've been able to adapt to it easily. That's what scares you. There was only the sound of a far distant scream. He's got his prey, probably at the bottom of the mountain from the sound. It won't be long before he brings it back for you to eat.

 It's taken a little while, but you can feel how your body has already changed to almost match his. Meaning that if you make a run for it, or at least hide from him. While you waited for your body to change, you also did some reading from one of the books here in the cabin, on ways to kill a wendigo. You have to destroy his heart. For this plan to work though, you're sure you're going to have to adapt when you need to and plan some things out quickly.

Letting out a small breath, you bolted out the back door. It's nearly dark now, so you're hoping that you'll be able to hide when it gets dark. That might increase your chances of escape, but you're not sure. You could physically feel that you were much faster and more powerful than when you were completely human. Though seeing your own claws grabbing the trees to pull you forwards faster scared you. It reminded you of him, but you would remind yourself that those are yours now. 

You couldn't tell how far you had gotten, but any warmth you had left in you seemed to vanish when you heard an unnatural, monstrous wail. To anyone else they would think it was some kind of bear, but you know it's him. He knows you're gone, meaning he's coming after you right now. Increasing your speed, you frowned when it became dark, but you could still see clearly, meaning he can too. You'll have to hide for now and look for an opening. 

Glancing around, you ran to a small cave that was just big enough for you. Pressing back as far as you could, you stilled when you saw his figure just a couple yards away stop. He was a little bigger than yourself, but maybe you can use that to your advantage. 

"I know you're here, Snowdrop. I smell your scent." His voice hissed, making you shiver, though you couldn't feel cold anymore. 

Noticing the opening when he turned his back, you decided to make a move. Lunging out, you jumped off a boulder, grabbed one of his antlers, and flipped over him. Throwing him against a large tree and tearing his antler off as you landed. This could make for a good weapon. Hearing his aggressive growl, you knew he wasn't down, just yet. Before you could really plan it out, you stabbed his antler through his chest and jabbed your claw through him. Grimacing at the fact it was like sticking your hand through thin ice. Grabbing, what felt like an ice cube, you pulled it out. Grinning when you realized it was his heart.

"Snowdrop." He hissed, making you stumble back as he swiped at you, "I see you found that book of monsters."

"Yep, and it told me all I needed to kill you." You snarled, stepping back cautiously as he tried to sit up while chuckling.

"Did it really?" He's treating you like a child who doesn't know a thing.

"All I have to do is destroy your heart and I'll be free from turning into what you are." Showing him his heart, you wanted him to watch as you crushed it. Squeezing, you paused when nothing happened. You couldn't break it, due to how strong the ice around it was.

"So naive." He laughed harshly. There goes your plan. Now scared, you ran, again. Screaming as his antler hit the tree above your head.

Why didn't his heart break? It said in the book that if you destroy a wendigo's heart that the monster dies. The heart wouldn't break though. Trying to think, you screamed when you saw him lunge at you as you had turned. You didn't even realize he was that close. Speeding up, your mind came up with a theory. There's no telling if it will work, but it's worth a shot. It's hard to break anything frozen, but once it's thawed, it's easier. If you can get back to the cabin before he catches you, the fire can thaw his heart and you can destroy it.

"You don't know what you're doing, Snowdrop." You heard him growl from somewhere behind you. You didn't even bother to answer. Finally reaching the cabin, you stumbled in and got to the fire place. Turning to him as he came in, yet he stopped when he saw you near the fireplace. Just his reaction alone told you that you were right.

"What was that about me not knowing what I'm doing?" You hissed, holding his heart over the fire threateningly. You expected him to be scared or angry at losing, but once again, his body only shook in a silent chuckle.

"You did as the book said, I'll give you that. The other took it to poetically and killed themselves, thinking they were my heart, just because I loved them." He agreed, his skull mockingly seemed to grin at your confusion, "You didn't think you were the only one I took, did you? I've been alone for centuries, why would I not try to obtain a partner before you?"

Shaking your head from the shock, you glared at him, "I'm still going to destroy it." 

"Snowdrop, you are smarter than the others, but you are still blind to what will happen." He sighed, "Killing me, won't break the curse of you turning into what I am. You'll just be alone."

"You're lying." You hissed.

"Think about it Snowdrop. Did that book specifically say how to prevent my curse? That killing me will cure you?" He snapped moving towards you. 

Backing up against the fireplace, you held your claw and his heart further over the fire, but he didn't move to take it. Instead, nuzzling his skull against your cheek almost affectionately. He almost acted angry before, but he's still treating you carefully like ice about to break.

"I have done many things to get you, Snowdrop. I've killed your family, hid you away from the world, cursed you, killed humans to feed you, but I have never lied to you."

He's got a point there. Though you think you would have preferred it if he had lied to you, instead of doing the other things. You've seen how he acts. Greedy and blood thirsty. If killing him is the only way to keep him from killing anyone else, then this is a risk you're going to take. It was like he could read your mind, because you heard him hum in acceptance, as he wrapped his arms around waist, but did move you from away the fireplace.

"If you kill me, I'll no long be cursed. If you don't kill me, I'll have you with me forever. It's a win-win for me either way." He chuckled, "With you though, either way you choose, you'll become a monster and kill others. The only difference is with one choice, you'll have me. "

Shaking your head, you knew he was trying to talk you out of your decision. This is the only way. Feeling that his heart was now thawed pretty well, you crushed it in your claws. Hearing a hissed pain from him, that it sounded like he tried to hide.

"Good luck, My Snowdrop." His voice hissed, as his body seemed to turn to ashes and they blew away in the breeze of the still open back door. 

Letting out a breath of relief that it was over, you grinned and went to the mirror. Watching in anticipation for your reflection to turn human. After a while, a sharp pang of hunger hit you. Making you groan and crouch down to relieve some of the pain. It took a little while for it to leave, but when it did, you immediately went back to your reflection. Only to look away when you saw a complete wendigo looking back at you. The curse is complete, killing him didn't cure you. He was right.

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