Yandere Kraken

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This was requested by Redwolf878! Thank you for the request and your patients! Enjoy!

Waving to your co workers, you pulled your sketch book from your bag as you approached the large tank. It once held two whale sharks, but due to a much more interesting specimen taking the tank, the whale sharks were moved else where. You're job is to sketch this new creature and jot down notes of it's habits. Just to make sure it's seen clearly, the crew had removed all items that the creature could use to disguise itself. Peering into the glass, you saw him laying on the floor in a relaxed position. The kraken when what you and the others have been calling him. With the top half of a human and the bottom half of an squid. Considering his size, it was only fitting. This was probably the only tank big enough to fit him

"Evening." You chirped to him, offering him a smile, that he only glanced at, with a lazy wave. He's probably tired after being a tourist attraction all day.

 Sketching him, you would occasionally glance up. Since there was almost nothing for him to do, the only thing he did was watch you. When you finished sketching him, you started coloring him in. Deciding to color his tentacles the blue shade they were. Peering up to look at the shading, you frowned when you saw that he was actually green. Erasing the blue, you started coloring him green. Turning different colors multiple times, which made you want to scream. He even made it clear with a smirk that he was toying with you. Getting an idea, you returned your own smirk and started coloring again. If he wasn't to play games the so will you. Pretending to glance up, you finally finished coloring with the blue, green, and purple. Slamming the picture against the glass so he could see it for himself. He moved closer and his mouth dropped open when he saw how you did each shade a different color.

"Checkmate." You smirked at him with your victory, before writing down his color changing ability and ability to make jokes. He seemed to only smile as he shook his head. His shoulders even moving like he was laughing. 

"Good job, (Y/N). I did not expect this from you." He chuckled, clapping, "Now can you give me some good food? All they gave me is bad fish all day."

"Oh, sure." You grinned setting the book down as you went to get him some food and headed to the top of his tank. Only stopping when you saw his caregivers, glaring at you. They were supposed to be the ones feeding him.

"What are you doing up here, (Y/N)?" The lead caregiver, Brock growled.

"Your job apparently. You're not giving him food that he can eat." You snapped trying to move around them, but he grabbed the bucket in your hands.

"Food that he can eat? You mean food that moves and is bigger than a couple little shrimp." He grinned down at you. The grin made you very uncomfortable. It was the kind of grin that said trouble. Letting the bucket go, you tried to back away, but the other two grabbed you by the arms. Holding you still as Brock blindfolded you and tied something around your wrists and legs. You knew that they were bullies, but you didn't think that they would take it this far.

"This isn't funny. Let me go." You yelled, trying to kick your way to freedom as they carried you.

"You heard, (Y/N). Drop them." You could hear the laugh in Brocks voice, before you felt them let you go. Your scream drowned out by the water. You tried to kick your way for air, but felt that something was pulling you down.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing down here?" You heard the kraken speak, "I thought your kind couldn't be underwater."

Nodding your head furiously, you hoped that he would understand. You're lungs were already burning from loosing so much air. Feeling you weak, you almost felt like crying from fear. That was until you felt arms wrap around you and drag you up. When you felt that you were out of the water, you gasped for as much air as you could. Trying to drown out the laugher of Brock and his friends.

"You did this to (Y/N)? You tried to kill them?" The kraken almost sounded like he was screaming, "I think I will give you the same fate you tried to give them."

 There was a brief moment of screaming before you heard the water splash. Feeling him set you on solid ground, you quickly tore the blind off.

"Take it easy. You're safe now." He cooed, tearing apart the rope around your wrists and ankles. The rope at your ankles you, now saw was tied to a brick at the other end. They really intended to kill you.

"It's okay. They won't hurt you ever again." He hushed, wrapping you in a hug, "No one will."

His voice suddenly turned dark, but you didn't mind. Glancing out from the hug, you noticed your Director running over with several people from security. All of them stopping a little ways away, with absolute fear on their faces.

"(Y/N), get away from it. It's dangerous." He ordered, but that earned a growl from the kraken as he tightened his arms around you.

"I'm dangerous?" He barked out a harsh laugh, "You had workers that almost killed (Y/N), yet I'm the dangerous one? I'm willing to bet that you were going to blame me for (Y/N)'s death. Cover up what really happened."

"You killed them for revenge. We saw it on the cameras." The Director yelled. Confused you glanced over the Kraken's shoulders to see three bodies floating in the water. The bodies of Brock and his friends. You didn't feel anything though. You weren't afraid of the Kraken and you didn't feel happy or sad for their deaths.

"Come near us and I'll kill you like I did them." Hearing the Kraken's scream, you blinked out of your thoughts. Putting  your hands on his face to calm him down and draw his attention to you.

"Thank you for saving me. Don't kill them though. They haven't done anything to hurt me." You assured him, though he seemed unsure.

"(Y/N), they don't care if you live or die. Don't you see that?" He whimpered.

"You have any people like that with every job. It's okay." You hummed, noticing that he was calming down. His eyes darkening slightly when he looked back to the group.

"Fine." He growled before his tentacles snapped out of the water. Making them all scream and drop to the floor. They only looked up when he dropped several broken cameras in front of them. 

"Keep these things away from my tank and make sure nothing happens to (Y/N). I can't guarantee that any other person you try to have study me will live or that you will." That was definitely a threat.

That made the director pale, but he nodded and ran off with the security after him.

"You didn't have to do that. I will be okay." You sighed.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure they take extra care of you since I'm going to stay here for a little while." He grinned, "I'm only here because you want to stay on land. I can leave any time I want, you know."

Shocked, you wanted to ask him what he meant, but went silent with more shock when he kissed you. Not what you were expecting since you two have only known each other for two months, but then again, he did just kill three people for you. Feeling your face flush as you both pulled back, you tried to keep calm. 

"(Y/N), you're face is turning red. Can humans change colors like I can?" He asked, waving a color changing tentacle in front of you.

"I'm not." You tried to deny, though he only grinned, like he knew that. He's only teasing you again!

"So, am I going to get that food? After all, I'm going to need more strength to kill for you and to pose for your drawings." He practically sang, like all of that was normal. For all you know killing probably is in the ocean. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the bucket and handed it to him.

"You are an absolute trickster." You chuckled, leaving to draw him again, but yelped as he pulled you back by your arm and kissed your cheek.

"You know I love you. Even if you're a lot smaller than me." He hummed, "make sure you tell everyone not to mess with you or I'll drown them." 

Definitely to cheery about killing people, but you don't mind it. Actually, you might love him even more for that.

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