Yandere Doll part 2

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"Alright, did you finish your food?" you asked Aria, who nodded with a mouth full of soup, that she swallowed.

"All done." She cheered, putting her bowl in the sink.

"Go get ready for bed then." Watching her run off with her doll, you frowned.

This has to work. If you can get that doll away from her, everything will be in place. You've managed to convince her father, Marcus, that you're slowly getting used to him. Enough so that you'll let him kiss and hug you, like a normal couple. The only way you manage to do those things with him is if you imagine he's William. Tonight, is the night being things go back to normal. After months of planning and gaining contacts William's brothers will help you.

Jumping at the hand on your back, you looked over your shoulder at Marcus. His eyes were solid black, telling you that he was trying to use his powers on you. He says he's trying to make you love him. That's he's trying to make you as obsessed with him as he is with you. His eyebrows raised in surprise as his eyes returned to normal

"Still nothing." He hummed like he was still surprised by it, " You are full of surprises, Sweetheart."

When he started peppering you face with kisses, you put a hand on his face to stop him.

"We need to talk about that doll." You explained, making sure to sound serious, "You're here. There's no reason for her to still have it."

"It's her comfort item." he sighed.

"It was when you died." You pointed out, "I'm not saying we take it from her immediately, but slowly get her away from it. We could start tonight. Put it in another room or something."

When he didn't say anything, you glanced at him. Frowning when you saw his eyes were back to black. Then he gave you a wicked grin, that sent a shiver down his spine. What scared you even more was when he moved to you. Backing you against the counter before blocking you in.

"I know you're plan, Sweetheart." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around you to pin you to him, "It won't work. By the end of your game, it's still going to be me. It will be my arms wrapped around you. It will be my bed you sleep in, and it will be me kissing your delicious lips. At the end of this, you'll choose me."

Feeling your face burn as he kissed you, your mind went blank. There was something about what he said that made him a little more appealing. This kiss seemed a little different too. Maybe you were losing your mind from being around him so much. Finally snapping from your daze, you realized that he had stopped kissing you and was smirking at you.

"Good night, Sweetheart." He chuckled, leaving you in the kitchen.

Regaining your senses, you went back to finish the dishes. Looking over at the doll that was sitting on the counter by you. William is still in there. His face might be blank, but you could almost tell he was upset. He's managed to gain enough strength to move around on his own. Much like Marcus when he was in the doll.

"It will still go as planned, Will." You assured him.

Drying your hand, you picked him up and moved him to the living room. Setting him in front of the T.V so Aria would leave him alone when you gave her your excuse.

Going up to your room, you quickly got ready for bed. Only pausing when you saw Aria try to sneak her way in. A shy, sad look on her face. It was like she would burst into tears any second.

"Where's my doll?" She whimpered, as you offered her a reassuring smile.

"He wanted to watch a little more T.V." You explained, patting the bed by you, "How about you sleep with me tonight?"

She immediately gave a nod as she shuffled to the bed and managed to climb in. Wrapping an arm around her, you closed your eyes to sleep. Hoping it would encourage her to sleep as well. You didn't actually fall asleep for a long time though. How long exactly, you're not sure. You felt a sharp pinch on your arm, which is when you actually fell asleep.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" Aria's scream seemed like an echo.

Groaning as you tried to push the tiredness back, you squinted your eyes open. Immediately snapping them open when you saw the knife over your head. It was being held by William, the doll. You were tied to some kind of stone table. Looking around for Aria, you turned your head. Not liking what you saw any better than the knife. 

There was a doll next to you that looked exactly like you. William's brothers were reading from the black book while Aria was tied outside the ritual circle. Terror filled you when you realized that they never planned to get their brother back. They planned to make you a doll too.  Looking back up at the knife, you screamed and moved your body as it came down. Barely hitting you as it hit the table.

"(Y/N)!" Risking another look over at Aria, you felt tears start to form as the brothers picked her up and carried her off.

"Ria!" You screamed, terrified of the idea of them killing her too.

Feeling a warm hand on your shoulder, you looked up. Marcus was standing by you. His eyes black as he glared at the doll he had in his hands. The doll was trying to fight back but wasn't able to reach Marcus.

"I think you were right, Sweetheart. We should have gotten rid of this thing long ago." He growled, taking a step back and slamming the doll on the ground. The doll shattering into a million pieces. Not that you're complaining though. Now you're just scared of Marcus's wrath.

"That doll makes a soul very powerful, like me. I'm glad this happened before he got more power." He sighed, before smirking at you "Now should I untie you or leave you here for the rest of the night as punishment?"

"P..Please untie me." You mumbled, not liking that you had to beg.

"I don't know. I like you like this." He chuckled, "Since you ask though."

Letting him untie you, you sat up while curling into a ball. That was close. Way to close for your comfort. At least that stupid doll is gone, though Marcus is still here. At this point though, you prefer him over what almost happened. Wrapping your arms around him as he picked you up, you let him carry you back to the house.

"You shouldn't have trusted them, Sweetheart." He sighed, stepping back as William's brothers marched out of the house like zombies, "They're going to get what they deserve though. They'll suffer the same death as my parents. Ria is back in her room. She'll think this was all a nightmare."

Nodding, you stayed close to him as he set you down. You know you're not in danger anymore, but you now felt safe with him.

"Marcus, thank you." You grumbled, feeling him lightly grab your chin to make you look up at him.

"I told you before, Sweetheart. You are mine." He chuckled, kissing you, "You're still shaking."

Nodding, you hesitated for a minute before hugging him. Calming down when he hugged you back. You actually like this. Sure, he's possessive, but he saved you. He really loves you. In some way, you love him too. 

"Marcus, can I stay with you tonight?" You asked, almost embarrassed by how much of a kid you sounded. 

"Yes." he chuckled, kissing you again, with a smirk, "Told you that tonight you'll choose me."

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