Grim Reaper

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Feeling light headed, you groaned and opened your eyes. Finding yourself in a hospital room. You could hear people crying. Looking around, you could see a man and a woman crying in front of your bed. Clearly talking to a man in a white coat. You didn't understand what was going on though. It was like there were parts missing from your memory. Some blank spaces to a puzzle that didn't have pieces. Looking around for a sign, you blinked at the man sitting in a chair by your bed. His dark cloak and the overly large weapon made in stand out in the white themed room. As did the dog that looked like it was made from smoke by his side.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"Someone here to help you, (Y/N)."  He answered, standing and holding a gloved hand out to you. Not sure what he meant, you grabbed his hand and let him help you up.

"That didn't really answer my question." You pointed out. He seemed to paused for a second before his shoulder shook, in what you guessed was a silent laugh.

"You are a direct one." He hummed, "I am what the living call a grim reaper."

"The living?" You repeated looking at the bed. You saw someone laying there, yet you recognized your own body. Hooked to so many tubes and monitors, it was no question if you were going to die, but when.

"What happened?" 

"A jealous ex." He explained, "You tried going on another date and he attacked you. You've been in a coma for five days."

Humming at his answer, you turned to the man and woman who were crying. You wanted to ask who they were, but you were pretty sure you had an idea, that they were your parents. There were some things you remember, like what grim reapers do in their legends. Taking you to the after life. You felt bad for leaving your parents like this. However, you see yourself on the bed and know you can't live like that.

"Okay then." You sighed, "I guess it's my time."

Feeling the nudge against your side, you noticed the dog bumping into you as if it was trying to comfort you. Rubbing it's ears, you looked up when you it whimpered and pushed you forward towards the grim reaper and the portal he had opened when you looked away. Following them into the dark void, you glanced around. It was a space of nothing with only a bridge leading beyond the horizon.

"So what should I call you and your dog?" You asked walking along.

"No one has asked me that." He hummed, thinking about it, "Though our time is limited, you can call me Grim. My dog is Shadow."

Nodding, you looked around as if there was anything to look at, "So, out of curiosity, why are there Grim Reapers and Church Grims?" There were a lot of questions, but you wanted to start slow, "I was told that they were to guide and protect the dead on the way to the after life, but there's nothing here."

When he stopped walking, you stopped with him. He seemed to be debating if he should tell you something. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak, but a low growl from Shadow, cut him off. Both of them were on guard as they moved closer to you to protect you.

"It may look empty, but it's not." Grim growled. When a large clawed hand appeared to grab the bridge, you screamed. That thing could easily hold the three of you in it's palm with room for you to move. The monster seemed to use the bridge to pull itself up. Sharp fangs grinning from it's formless body. In front of you, Grim tensed, clearly not liking this monster.

"Shadow, get (Y/N), out of here." Grim yelled as the monster made a grab for you. Before you could understand what he meant by that, Shadow crawled under you and stood so you were ridding his back.

"Wait." You didn't get to say anything before Shadow sprinted down the path. Glancing back, you saw Grim trying to fight the monster, but the monster knocked his scythe away and pinned him to the bridge.

"Shadow, stop." you grunted grabbing around the dog's neck and pulling him to a stop, "We have to help Grim."

The large dog only seemed to glare at you and huff in disapproval. He wanted to get as far away from the monster as he was ordered to, but Grim needed your help. How was Grim supposed to protect you if he eaten or killed.

"He's your master isn't he?" You questioned, earning another eye roll from the dog. Sensing you were winning him over, you gave him your best smile.

"I'm sure he would do the same for you." that definitely got him to agree, because he turned around and ran back. Crouching down, by Grim's scythe, you knew exactly what Shadow wanted. Since Grim couldn't use it in his situation, you had to. Picking it up, you grunted at how heavy it felt. Using both hands, you managed to hang onto it as Shadow continued running to the monster. You didn't even have to think when you got close enough to the monsters arm. All you did was swing and the arm seemed to evaporate from the body, into thin air. Grim was free though, so he could fight. Shadow seemed to have other plans because he made a run for the monster, with you still on him. Yelping, you swung the scythe at the creature. Hearing it's roar as you hit your mark.  The creature vanished, which is when you took a breath. You must have been holding it from fear.

"(Y/N), that was amazing." Blinking over at Grim, you for once saw his face under his hood. Slightly sunken in and pale, "I understand why they had me go after your soul, now."

"What are you talking about?" You asked climbing off Shadow.

"I am a higher ranking Grim Reaper, I've long surpassed collecting souls," He explained, "However, I was surprised when I got a letter to collect your soul. Though collect isn't the correct word. It's not every human soul that can fight off a soul sucker like that."

"Soul sucker." You repeated, suddenly remembering that you had his weapon, "Ah, this is yours."

"It's ours now." He chuckled, wrapping his hand around yours that held the scythe, "You're not going to Heaven or Hell. You are meant to be a Grim Reaper and trained by me to be my partner. You'll use mine until you are fully trained, then you'll get your own."

"How long will I be working with you then?" When he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you along the bridge again, you had a feeling that it was going to be a long time. Even Shadow, walked on your other side and pressed against your side, like a loving pet.

"Death and life work in mysterious ways." Grim explained, "You'll be working with me until the end of time and Death had me collect your soul because she believes us to be soulmates."

Nodding, you thought it over. It's not that you were opposed to the idea at all. You didn't mind being with them. It's not like you would know anyone if you were to go anywhere else. Besides, who were you to mess with fate.

"Then I guess it's nice to start working with you both." You grinned, as he squished him against you in a type of hug.

"You to, (Y/N). If you kill monsters like that all the time, your training and life will be easier than in your human life. I'll make sure it does." 

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