Yandere Robot pt 3

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Glancing over your shoulder, you quickly started downloading the file onto a flash drive. It's already been two years since the robots took over. After a year of proving that you could behave well, Chip decided that it would be okay for you to finally go into your backyard, supervised. You were just happy to finally be out of the house. While looking around the flowerbeds, you saw an very old phone that had a single message on it.

Bring us the file.

You knew it was from the resistance group that the boy, Chip stole, belong to. Since that boy can't help, you decided to. It's not like you enjoy being Chip's personal human. After another year of good behavior, you tried asking Chip about the robots. You acted like you were finally coming around to the fact that robots ruled. He was thrilled as he showed you the computers and codes that the robots ran off of. All that lead to this night, while he's powered down, you're taking the code to shut all the robots down.

Finished the download, you put the flash drive into your pocket before sneaking to the garage. If Chip feels that you're not by him, in the human body he stole, he'll come looking for you. Reaching the garage, you immediately grabbed a tool and pretended to work on a wood carving you've been practicing on. Something you've done since Chip will barely ever let you do anything. Hearing the door to the garage open, you glanced up at Chip's robotic figure.

"(Y/N)? Why are you in here? You need adequate sleep." He almost sounded like he was lecturing.

"I know, I couldn't sleep though, so I decided to get a little more done." You explained motioned to your carving.

His glowing eyes glanced down at it before backing up at you, "Lack of sleep increases your risk of injury with that knife. No more tonight."

He took the knife from you and set it down before picking you up. You tensed up for a second before relaxing to make him think you trust him. Though apparently, it wasn't good enough because his artificial face frowned.

"You prefer my human body to sleep with, right?" He sighed almost sounding disappointed.

"It's just warmer." You explained as he carried you up the stairs to bed.

"Very well." He decided setting you down before leaving the room.

Now might be your only chance. Slipping from the bed, you ran to the window and threw the flash drive over your fence. Hopefully, whoever gave you the phone will find the flash drive. Moving back to the bed, you pulled the cover back to climb in. Your eyes glancing at the human figure entering the room.

"Is this better?" Chip's voice came from the boy as he moved to climb in on the other side of the bed.

"Just for the night." You answered, curling up under the covers like you were going to sleep.

You felt the arm wrap around you and cuddle you from behind. No matter how you tried to distract yourself, nothing worked. You tried remembering that this body was originally someone else, but then you thought about how Chip now has control over the boy. You tried thinking about how this will all be over soon, then you would wonder what would happen if it didn't work.

"You are distracted." Chip hummed, leaning over to kiss your cheek, "You should rest."

Humming a faint yes, you immediately sat up when you heard glass break downstairs. Chips, eyes narrowing in irritation.

"Stay. I'll handle it." He growled before his eyes closed and the body dropped to the bed.

That has to be the resistance. You know nothing about fighting robots, so you figure your best place is here. Guarding the unconscious boy seems like a better deal to you anyway. Downstairs, you could hear the sounds of gunfire and things breaking. It sounds like an intense fight; however, you wished you could hear more when everything suddenly went silent. When the boy sat up with a gasp. His eyes shifting around like he was scared of something coming. Chip never acts like that.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, putting a hand on his shoulders.

He looked at you like he wanted to say something, but he was still trying to catch his breath. When the door opened, your eyes widened at the humans. A woman and a teenage boy, who were smiling.

"We did it. There are no more robots! We destroyed the leader's body!" The woman cheered, making you smile as you looked at the boy by you.

"You're safe." You assured him, noticing tears swell in his eyes before he hugged you.

_8 Months Later_

"Babe, are you getting hungry yet?" You called, finishing making yourself some food.

Glancing in the garage where he was working, you waited for him to say something, but only got silence. Ever since the robots' fall humankind has slowly started returning to normal. The boy that Chip took needed a place to recover so you offered he stay with you.  Everyone calls him Mac so that's what you did, until he asked you to date him. He said it would make him feel normal again, so you agreed happily.

"Mac, did you hear me?" You sighed, wiping your hands as you went into the garage.

You didn't see him there for some reason, "Oh (Y/N), come here. I want to show you something."

Looking towards the panic room, you hesitated before following him. Grabbing his hand to comfort yourself from the bad memories. He glanced back you with a grin before stopping to pull you closer and to kiss you.

"I promise, you'll like it. Trust me." He chuckled, making you feel better.

Following him into the panic room, your stomach twisted when you saw two robots standing in chargers. One looked exactly like Chip, the other like a robotic you. It was enough to send a shiver down your spine. It got worse when you heard the metal door shut behind you. Turning around, you backed away from Mac as he stalked towards you.

"This won't hurt at all, (Y/N)." He acted as if he was comforting you before he backed you against the wall.

"You're not Mac. You're Chip." You whispered, feeling tears of fear form in your eyes.

He only shrugged, "Mac was before Chip, though they were always the same, you could say. When I created the latest model of AI assistance, I put a copy data code in each one to make them more human. You got the test, and it worked better than I hoped."

"So, you were really Chip. You just went by the name I gave you?" You whispered, yelping as he grabbed you and yanked you away from the wall to a metal table.

"The robot me did. I came in to see why e was so obsessed with you and instantly knew when I saw you." He laughed, grabbing your jaw to make you look at him, "Kind, patient, courageous everything I'm attracted to is you. My robot was smart enough to recognize his creator and we decided to share you. Until the other humans destroyed him. Now I'm really going to get to switch bodies and have you all to myself."

"Wait, you created them. Why go through all this trouble?" You asked trying to wiggle away as he clamped you to the table.

"To preserve ever lasting life a beauty." He hummed, kissing you, "When we become robots, we will live forever. We will be able to I will be able to switch us to our human bodies for reproduction only as all normal humans in love do. After I do some modifications on you, I'll have control over what form you take."

"This isn't legal, and this isn't love." You objected, trying to shake his hand away from your face when he put a strong smelling clothe on.

"It will be when robots are back on top." His voice started to fade out as your vision went black, "See you after our next uprising."

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