Vampire and Werewolf

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This was requested by ReactionReflection! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Heading down the stairs to the base, you paused when you heard more voices than your dad's. Usually, it's just you and him down here. Stepping inside, you paused when you saw there were two extra people in the room and not the kind you wanted here. The vampire and the werewolf both looking at you in clear shock.

"What's Fido and the oversized mosquito doing here? You growled, glaring at them.

"(Y/N), these are the new recruits." Your dad explained, motioning to them, "Samuel and Rownan."

"You can't be serious." You scoffed, tensing when the vampire appeared by your side, with a grip on your hand.

"Well, (F/N) said you were a talented monster hunter, but he didn't mention how good looking you were." He grinned kissing your hand.

"Save it. You're probably over a hundred years older than me, creep." You snapped, nearly jumping when the werewolf grabbed your other hand with a bow.

"It's nice to meet you, courageous (Y/N)." He complimented, though you could see his tail wagging and his cheeks turning pink.

"I ain't interested in werewolves either, Paw Patrol." You growled, making your father clear his throat in clear warning.

"(Y/N), be nice. You're going to be teaching them after all." He explained, shutting a book, "Now, I've got a lead on a Naga in Texas that would be a good first mission for you three."

Shocking, you looked between the boys and your father before going after him.

"You can't be serious!"

-Six Months Later-

"Alright, so let me get this straight, your father and his pack saved your mother from a witch attack by turning her into a werewolf?" You scoffed, making Rownan nod, "And your mother turned your father to keep him from dying from a witch attack."

"Well, yes. Vampires are immune to most witch magic." Samuel explained, making you hum in interest.

"Dear lord, I pray I never meet a witch." You laughed, "I would hate to be killed by one."

"You know, if I turned you into a vampire, you would be immune to most things, like me." Samuel grinned almost flirty, as he moved his fangs closer to your neck.

He's made it very well known that he has an interest in you. Constantly kissing your hand, making suggestions about turning you into a vampire, he's even tried kissing you on your lips on more than on occasion. However, while he is a flirt, he's actually a decent monster hunter. As he likes to brag, he's immune to most things, so he takes lead when you need to go into places.

"(Y/N) has made it clear that they are happy being human." Rownan, sighed, pushing Samuel back, "Besides, I doubt (Y/N) would want to live forever. They would make a cute werewolf though."

Rolling your eyes at their argument, you laughed. Rownan is still partly human so a lot more affected him. However, in his werewolf form, he easily stands at 7 feet something inches and he's stronger than a bear. Nothing really wants to fight him when he's in that form. He's a little more subtle about it, but he's shown an interest in you too. It's actually common for these two to argue over you, but that's the only time they argue.

"Or I could remain human and die as a human. You know without being saved?" You pointed out, making them look at you.

"Nope." Rownan shot down while. shaking his head.

"Sorry darling, but we will die before we let you die." Samuel laughed, "Nice try though."

Smirking with a shake of your head, you all looked up when your father walked in. A trouble looks on his face, which you know means there's something wrong with a case.

"I need to go to Alabama for a case. Can you three check on some disappearances in the next town over?" He asked, "I think they might be connected."

"You got it boss." Rownan agreed as he and Samuel headed out.

"Be careful out there, Dad." You pleaded giving him a hug before following them out.

-2 Months Later-

"Something is really wrong." You grumbled pacing the floor, "He should have been back by now."

"(Y/N), your dad is a capable hunter. It might just be this case is more complicated than he thought." Samuel tried to reassure you while, leading you to the couch.

The instant you sat down, Rownan put a cup of (F/D) on the coffee table in front of you. Both of them sitting on either side of you. You dad still hasn't come back, and you're terrified something has happened to him. You've barely been able to eat or sleep. You know the boys are worried about you, but you can't help it. Blinking when you heard the door of the base shut, you felt your breath catch in your throat.

"Dad!" Jumping up, you ran down the hallway to the meeting room.

Your eyes flickering up to the door, but your excitement died as you stopped. The woman grinned down at you almost wickedly.

"Tell your Dad I said hello, dear." She hissed before a ball of purple light flew towards you and hit you.

Burning, electrical pain exploded over your body. Making you scream as you fell. Then everything started to go numb. The last thing you saw were the boys running towards you. Samuel looked furious while Rownan was turning into his werewolf form. Both looked like they were screaming at you, but you didn't hear them. Instead, you closed your eyes to ease away the pain.

Choose your ending!

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