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Trying not the glare at the elves across the table, you decided to glance down at your niece Melian.  Seeing her always makes you feel better. She looked nervous so you grabbed her hand under the table. If they weren't trying to kick her off the elven throne she inherited from her father, she won't be this nervous. You wouldn't be at this temple either.

"It will be okay." You assured her, standing and looking at the doors when they opened.

"Unity Councilor, Chrom, Councilor Alfur and, and his apprentice Zalthu." A servant called, as you all bowed to the elf and orc that entered.

"It's been a while, Senator (Y/N). You look well."

Hearing the name, you tried not to glare at the elf, Alfur. He wore a white uniform, similar to him apprentices, only you could see the black unicorn on the front of his. A symbol that he was a part of their council. Meaning he teaches and leads negotiations between races. The centaur was also wearing a similar uniform, suited to his species.

"We are here because the elves believe Melian should be taken off the throne." The female elf announced, before the any of you even had a chance to sit again, "Senator (Y/N) is making her favor the humans."

"Melian is the child of my sister and Prince Aberon. She's proof that the elves and humans were unified at one point." You argued, "She was a child when the trolls attacked and killed both noble families."

"She's the sole survivor to a dead bloodline of elves." The older man elf snapped, "The elves want reassurance that we are all being treated fairly."

"I only train my niece to make decisions that she feels is right for all the kingdom, not only a few. She is half elf and half human after all." You sighed, looking over at the Councilors, "Leading both races will fall to her when I die. If the elves remove her as their speaker and leader, then a new peace arrangement will have to be made somehow."

The Unity members only looked between the five of you. A troubled look on all their faces, before they looked at each other with head nods. Seems they made a decision.

"We will take time discuss what should happen. This is the future of a child and proof of a previous deal." Alfur explained, looking directly at you, making you look away.

"However, we understand the Elves's concerns since Melian is still a child and can be easily swayed." Chron continued, "We will meet again this afternoon. We will show you all to your rooms in the meantime."

Stunned, you looked down at Melian, who looked close to panicking, "Hey, I told you it will be okay. Nothing has been made final."

"Not yet at least." Trying to surpress an annoyed sigh, you turned to Alfur, "It's been a long time, Senator (Y/N). How have you been?"

Alfur looked different from when you both were younger. His hair had grown longer, and he added green stripes to it. Probably to honor the forest of his homeland and his family color. He was taller than you know. Last you saw him; he was your height. His eyes still were a glowing green, which you guess will stay with him no matter how old he gets.

"As well as can be." You answered, trying to remain calm, "I take it you've been traveling as you always wanted to do?"

"Yes, the Unity allows me to travel wherever I want." He spoke almost blankly, offering you a smile and his hand, "Me and Zalthu will take you to your rooms."

"I'm not holding your hand." You grumbled, trying to ignore the hurt on his face.

"Hold on!" The orc boy opposed, blocking your way as you turned to leave, "You two know each other?"

Staying quiet, you turned to Melian, to see that she looked confused, but interested. You doubt Alfur ever told his apprentice his background and you've never told Melian about her uncle. You know you've tried to forget the past some, seems like so did Alfur. 

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