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So, this is actually a pov change of a part from my book "Infected Kingdom". Just thought it would be fun to put in here since it's kind of a monster and it would help me. You don't have to read if you don't want to.

Taking a final look around, I decided that it was safe for now. No living person going to kill us and there are no dead around. Turning back to my group, I noticed that they were surrounding a fire we our living captives make. It's strange, but since we woke up, we don't know very much besides fighting, our names, and one person. Someone very special to us. From the fact that they look absolutely terrified of us when we try to talk to them, I assume we forgot how to speak their language as well.

My remembered person is my fiancée, (Y/N). She's one of our captives, but I make sure the others in my group don't bother her.

"Is it done?" I growled, smelling the meat from the living person we caught earlier cooking.

"Nice and tender." Rose huffed, handing me a plate. She was one of the girls I woke up with. We had all decided that since we woke up together, chances are that we all got along before our memories were wiped.

Taking the plate from her, I went to the room where we had our living captives. I plan on taking (Y/N) to a separate room, so that we can actually get a decent night sleep. Opening the door, I tensed at what I saw.
Rose's living human had his arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. I've noticed that they seem close, but I don't like it. He, along with a little living girl, have been sticking to (Y/N)'s side and it's annoying me. This is the last straw though.

Dropping my plate on a near by table, I marched over to them, grabbed his shirt, and threw him into the living room. Ignoring the screams from (Y/N), the little girl, and our other captives. Instead, I lunged at the man. Tackling him back down, then punching him repeatedly where ever I could reach. I even bit him when he moved his arm by my head. Stupid on his part, which doesn't surprise me. This guy acts like an idiot to even touch (Y/N).

I only got off, when I felt people pulling me back. Rose immediately moving to check on the guy as Cassie and Lukas pulled me away, though they struggled.

" Gavin, keep your hands off Chase!" Rose screamed getting in my face, like she was trying to challenge for my position as leader. We both know she can't take me on though.

"Keep your boy toy away from my (Y/N)." I yelled back, bearing my sharp teeth at her, which made her glare at me, but back down. I'm sure that her man is going to think twice about touching (Y/N) now.

Marching over to (Y/N), I noticed the fear on her face, but ignored it as I heaved her onto my shoulder and grabbed our plate of food. I turned to head into a room, however, I paused when I saw the little girl watching me. (Y/N), is very possessive of this little girl. I don't want (Y/N) trying to leave me just to get this girl. Nodding my head towards the room, she hesitantly went in. Going in after her, I dropped (Y/N) off on the bed with the girl. Making sure to lock the door, I turned to give them the food, but paused when I saw myself in the mirror.

Black hair and pale skin, I look almost exactly like the living little girl. Except for the black and yellow eyes and nearly countless fresh scars. Looked between her and (Y/N), I began to wonder if the little girl is a daughter I have with (Y/N). That would explain why (Y/N) is so protective of the little girl. If that is the case, then I need to be more protective of her too. Setting the plate in front of (Y/N), I frowned when she hesitated.

"You need to eat, dear." I sighed, but the fear on her face told me that she didn't understand. I almost wonder what I sound like to her. Knowing that actions speak louder than words, I pushed the plate towards her. Seems she understood that, but disgust crossed her face. Instead of eating the meat on the plate, she pulled out a can of food from her bag. I guess they don't want our catch.

Deciding not to let the food go to waste, I started to eat. Noticing the she was watching me. We don't understand each other, she doesn't trust me to not eat her, I don't trust her to not run away, and we don't even have the same taste in food.

It makes me wonder if taking them to our kingdom is even a good idea. Sure, we were promised a partial cure, but would that be enough to repair whatever (Y/N) and I had? I can tell from the way my very slow heart, speeds up when I look at her, that I was crazy about her. I just don't know if forcing her to come with us in hopes of a new life is worth all this struggle.

Blinking from my thoughts, I noticed that they were laying down for bed. Using their coats as blankets. That won't keep them warm though. Throwing a blanket over them, I climbed in with them. Of course, (Y/N), was laying between me and the girl. That doesn't surprise me, but as long as she's not tryin to leave, I'm okay with it.

I was almost asleep, until I felt the bed shake, that woke me up instantly. The little girl was trying to carefully climb over (Y/N). Lying down so she was now between us. Looking at me in curiosity, but calmly curling up to sleep. Noticing (Y/N), roll over, I watched as she lightly draped an arm around the little girl. It might be a form of affection, but I'm not sure. Deciding to copy her, I blinked in surprise when I was hit with what I can only assume was a memory.

The three of us were lying in a bed like this. (Y/N) was smiling at me with complete trust and love on her face. The little girl was giggling as we tickled her. Pulling myself from the memory, I lightly rested my forehead against (Y/N)'s. I've seen her do this to the little girl to calm her, which works on her. Seems it works on (Y/N) too because, I felt at ease when she drifted off to sleep. It was then I knew that all of this would be worth it to get back what we had.

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