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Glancing down at your watch again, you sighed.  It's Valentines day and you're date was supposed to be here half an hour ago. Being a no call no show, you're tempted to just leaving. Directing your attention to a new couple that came in, you realized that it was a human man and a woman vampire. Since the vampires revealed their existence, there's been many debates on what to do. Many think the vampires are plotting to kill the human race, while others believe the vampires were in hiding for to long. That the vampires need a chance to prove themselves. So far, no one has been killed by a vampire.

Finishing your drink, you stood to leave. If you're date wasn't going to come, then you have no reason to stay. Grabbing your credit card, you headed to the front to pay. Catching the pity stare of some of the servers.

"Was the food good?" The man in the suit questioned, as you server came up with your receipt. It was clear he was a manager of some kind. Ignoring the whisper of the server, you handed your card to pay for your drink. Directing you attention to the man as he looked back to you with wide shocked eyes.

"You only got a drink?" He questioned, "You're date stood you up?"

Grimacing at the way he put it, you nodded. No point in trying to hide it. Catching his glare that lasted for a minute, you  blinked in surprise.

"Nope, that's not going to fly here." He objected, putting on a charming smile, "If you will follow me. We will make sure you have a night to remember. On the house."

"It's okay." You assured him, "I don't want to eat on my own or take up a table that you might need."

"I insist and you'll be dinning with me. Veronica, take over the front." He ordered, hooking your arm with his, before he lead you down the small hall and up the wooden stairs, "We only let special guests up here. It's completely empty now though, so it's perfect." 

Opening the door at the top, you gasped at the beautiful balcony. Light strung up and candles on nearly every table, while soft music played from a radio. With the view of the city lights in the back ground, it was breath taking.

"I'm glad to see you like it." He laughed.

"I didn't think there was a place like this in the whole city." You chuckled, looking over the railing at the people below. Your stomach dropped when you saw your date outside the restaurants. His arms around another girl as he kissed her. You saw them say good bye before he headed in. 

"What's wrong?" Jumping at the man in the suit, you shook your head.

"My date just got here." You grumbled, noticing his disappointment.

"Do you want to go back down?" He questioned, "I will take you back if you wish."

"He was just with another girl. I don't want to see him."

That clearly perked him up as he smiled and pulled a chair out. Motioning for you to sit. He sat across from you, while a server set a menu in front of you.

"I don't believe I got your name." You attempted to make small talk.

"I'm Athan and you, my flower?" Blushing at the nickname he called you, you coughed to cover your embarrassment.

"(Y/N)." You smiled shyly, recalling his name, "Wait, aren't you the owner of this restaurant?"

"Looks like I've been caught." He laughed, "I am, though I like to help on occasions. See the interesting people and couples. I'm glad I decided to help tonight. I got the meet a lovely flower like yourself and ask you on a date."

"You insisted on the date." You rephrased him, chuckling lightly as the server came back, "I'll have (F/F)."

"I'll have a the V steak special." He ordered.

Monsters x Reader one shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt