Alien (His Pov)

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Alright guys, I would have finished this the other day, but there was an accident. Sorry for it being late! This contains spoilers for my series "The Distance of Space". If you're reading the series and don't want spoilers, don't read! Reader is female in this one, but you all know you can change the pronouns if you want! Otherwise enjoy!

(Y/N) is absolutely terrified. I don't know how to make her feel better though. I don't think there's any way to. Watching her pace another lap around the room, I stood and wrapped my arms around her to hold her still.

"Love, pacing a hole in the floor isn't going to make them give us our daughter back." I sighed, hugging her tighter, "We will think of a plan We always do."

"Ekrons, they have us pinned." She muttered, "They're going to hurt her again if we don't give in. They'll turn her into a weapon then the emperor will kill her. We can't have that. That's no life for a child and we both know that."

(Y/N)'s right about that. We were both raised in a war and were taught as such. It was a miracle we both became the best in our professions and lived. That's not a life I want for Amaria. Hearing (Y/N) sniff, I guided her to the bed and sat down before pulling her onto my lap. The comfortable, soft, hug ability of my human is what I love about her. It's different from me, a Gen'tian. My kind usually have blue scales like armor. However, with her being human, her mind goes to worse case scenarios all the time.

"We won't let that happen." I assured her, pulling her down into a kiss in hopes of calming her down a little, "We don't let anything happen to our family, you know this."

She was quiet as she nodded. I can tell she doesn't believe me. We we've been through a lot since the first war. I know I still have to find a way to make her trust me again, but hopefully when I come up with a plan to get our daughter back, she will.

"Let's get some sleep. We'll meet with the others to discuss what to do." I tried to persuade her.

She nodded as she got off me to lay down. Laying down with her, I wrapped her in a tight hug again. I never want to let her go. I've never seen her so scared or worried like this. Not since that mission where we both nearly died. Just remembering that nightmare made me shiver. She noticed to because she looked up at me in confusion.

"Just a bad memory." I chuckled, kissing her head before curling around her, "Night, Love."

"Night." Her voice was quiet, but just hearing her say that is a blessing to me.

After everything, drifting to sleep was easy to me. Exhaustion will to that to any creature. The only time I woke up when I realized I couldn't feel (Y/N) beside me. Glancing around the room, I couldn't find her anywhere. Maybe she went to visit the others. Pulling on a shirt, I walked across the hall to the other room, but stopped when Bimoh opened the door. His large red form, taking up the doorway so I couldn't see in.

"Is (Y/N) in there?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist at the confusion on his face.

"No. Why?" Not liking his answer or that I was hearing noise in the launch bay, I motioned for him to follow me.

I was practically running when I burst through the doors. There was a ship that was getting ready to take off. I know (Y/N) is on that ship. She's leaving, but I can't let that happen.

"Bimoh, stop it." I ordered, going to the computer and typing away on it to hack into the ship's hologram signal.

When I was finally able to get in, my eyes immediately went to (Y/N), "What are you doing? We talked about this."

"We did." She agreed, "but nothing else will work. This is the only way she'll be safe."

"No." I refused, typing away to somehow find a way to turn the ship off, "We can't be separated again. I told you that we wouldn't be. Get off the ship and we'll come up with something. Please."

Even I could hear my voice cracking thought I tried to hide it.  I could never hide anything from (Y/N) though. The sad look she gave me made it feel like my heart was being ripped out.

"I love you, Ekrons. Take care of her for me." Watching the signal go dark, I turned as the ship speed off.

I was in too much shock to say anything or even more. Bimoh seemed to have been recovering from the shock too because he stood by me. Neither of us said anything as we waited. When the ship finally came back. I was the first one in front of the door. It opened revealing my sweet baby girl and my friend Troton.

"Daddy." Amaria sobbed, running to me as I scooped her up in a hug.

Shushing her gently as I rocked her, I glared at Troton, "Where's (Y/N)?"

He looked guilty as he looked down. That was all the answer I needed though. Grabbing the front of his shirt, I slammed him against the ship. He knew how much (Y/N) meant to me. He knew there was no way I was willingly going to sacrifice her. Yet he helped her behind my back.

"What happened to my mate." I yelled, noticing the fear in violet eyes.

"Gone. They took her without a second thought. Me and Amaria barely got out of there with our lives." He answered, as I shoved him towards Bimoh.

Hearing Amaria's whimpers, I hugged her. I have my daughter back, but at the cost of the love of my life. I know (Y/N) wanted that, but it still hurts. I want to go down there blasters blazing, but I have to take care of Amaria now.

_8 Years later_

Watching (Y/N) through the holovideo, I smiled at the memory. She was sitting at a table, showing the little Amaria how to sew up a wound on my arm. Amaria's first time doing it. Her hands waved in the air as we praised her for doing a good job. It's been a long time, but the pain of losing (Y/N) is still there. Just as strong as the day I lost her. Trying to hold back tears, I swallowed the lump in my throat, before I heard my daughter's footsteps in the hall, despite the fact she was trying to be quiet.

"Dad?" Turning to her, I felt the pain increase. 

She looks just like (Y/N). She doesn't have (Y/N)'s skin color, but Amaria's skin is red. She has (Y/N)'s eyes though, which I'm thankful for every day. I've tried to raise how (Y/N) would want her to be. Our Starshine is now a bright, strong young lady, just like (Y/N) was. Noticing she was looking at the holovideo, I held it up high for her to see.

"Is that (Y/N)?" She asked sitting in the seat by me.

"You don't recognize her?" I asked, shocked. 

Amaria was 8 when (Y/N) was taken from us, but I thought she would remember (Y/N). They were close when Amaria was younger.

"I haven't remembered much after my wreck." She reminded me, making me sigh.

"Oh, I forgot." I hummed, looking at the hologram of (Y/N) again, "Yes. this is her."

"What was she like? No one will talk about her, but they say I resemble her. They won't tell me what happened to her." Chuckling at that, I found it a little flattering for her.

Anyone who is even a fraction of (Y/N) is good, not many are though. It's sad that Amaria doesn't remember (Y/N) thought. I probably failed as a father that way. Giving her the disk, I noticed that she looked at (Y/N)'s hologram in interest.

"(Y/N) was the most amazing creature in the galaxies." I explained, smiling at all the memories I had, "She was my everything. She was the best doctor around. She even taught you, which is how you know everything from muscle memory. She was willing to do anything for us. I was ready to do anything for her."

Feeling tears swell in my eyes, I tried to wipe them away. Feeling Amaria's hand on my arm, I gave her hand a squeeze to let her know I was alright.

"She was my mate and the love of my life." I coughed, trying to get the words out clear, "One day, when you were eight, you were taken hostage. They wanted a trade. You for (Y/N) and she accepted despite my pleading to find another way. Your Uncle Troton and you barely escaped with your lives that night. Your mother, well, no one knows."

Hearing her sniffling, I stood and pulled her up into a hug, " she dead because of me?"

"She's not dead." I stated firmly, "I believe (Y/N) is still alive. I haven't given up after all these years and neither. should you."

Feeling her nod, I hugged her tighter when she started sobbing. Glancing out the window into the galaxies, I sighed. (Y/N) is alive. I can feel it and we're going to bring her home one day.

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