Yandere Wizard

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This was asked for by The_Astro_Artist! Thank you and enjoy!

Excitedly following your master through the watch tower, you looked at every room in interest. Your master pausing every so often to let you look around. Giving a fond chuckle every now and then.

"I'm going to live here?" You gasped, looking out the balcony towards the distant kingdom that looked like a tiny speck.

"Yes, (Y/N)." He explained leading you to another room, "You are only 13, but you are old enough and powerful enough to keep up the barrier that protects the kingdom."

He motioned to a large faintly glowing crystal. Your eyes widened at it before you look up at him questioningly. You could feel your magic being drawn to the crystal, but you weren't sure it was safe. When he gave you a nod, you rested your hand on it. Feeling it pull magic from you almost painfully. Pulling away with a whimper, you forgot about the pain when the crystal started to glow, (F/C).

"You are pure goodness, (Y/N)." Your master complimented, leading you to a mirror in the room, "I believe you will be better than the last one I choose to guard the barrier. Should you ever need help though. Just call my name to this mirror and I will respond."

"The last one you choose?" You muttered, turning to him, "Who was that?"

"Me." A muffled voice yelled, making you turn to the locked balcony of the room. 

A boy your age was standing there. His black and glowing blue eyes glaring at you with hatred. He was on the other side of the barrier though, with the monsters. You weren't that surprised with his purple skin and white hair.

"Aiden, you stuck around." Master Gollin huffed, glaring at the boy.

"Only to watch your demise one day." He growled before turning to you, "I almost pity you. He'll abandon you the same way he did me."

"(Y/N) is more resistant to dark magic than you." Gollin growled, "You couldn't even last a year."

At that the boy glared at him, then looked back to you, "I pity you. You're the Grand Masters puppet and you don't even know it."

Watching him fly off, you looked at your master in worry as he put a hand on your shoulder, "I believe in you, (Y/N). You are strong enough to protect everyone in this kingdom."

Filled with new determination, you nodded eagerly.

_8 Years Later_

Finishing up another book, you sighed as you sat it down. You've read every book in the library at least twice. Mastered every spell and potion, yet you rarely get to use half of them. Standing, you glanced out the window towards the castle. Frowning at the colorful fireworks they lit for the Kingdom's 200-year celebration. You weren't invited. You're master rarely ever takes the time to talk to you. At least one a week, soldiers bring food here, but that's all the interaction you get. Well, besides fighting the monsters on the others side of the barrier.

Rolling your eyes at the banging glass doors on the other side of the room, you went to them. There was no one there, but this is where Aiden normally knocks when he wants to talk to you. Much to your annoyance. Making sure that your amulet was still on, you stepped out. Shutting the doors behind you.

"It was about time you came back for another re-match Aiden." You scoffed, glancing around for him. 

You couldn't feel his magic presence though. You were sure you heard knocking though. Maybe years of near complete isolation is finally getting to you. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned to go back in. Your eyes widening as you saw a grey claw coming towards you. You didn't even hear the monster sneak up behind you.  The claws grazed your side as you tried to dodge it. The wounds stung, but you decided to ignore it, for now. You had just enough time to pull up a barrier when it started attacking again. Never giving you a chance to even attempt and attack spell. This creature knew how to surprise you. What's more, you've never seen a creature like it.

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