Yandere Killer

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This was requested by ProjectZeroWolf! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

"Why are we always watching those scary movies?" You groaned walking out of the theater with your friends, " I mean the whole idea of the Hooded Skull Killer being real is just to scare more people."

"Come on, (Y/N), it's Halloween." She laughed, "It's time for all the scarry stuff."

"Yeah, but even at Christmas or New Year's or Summer?" You scoffed, as she gave you an innocent smile that you rolled your eyes at.

Hearing your phone ring, you looked down at it. Chuckling when your friend playfully bumped your shoulder.

"Oh, who's that?" She teased.

"Rex." You explained, putting your phone in your pocket, "He wanted me to let him know when I got home."

"You know, for a friend, he worries about you a lot." She giggled.

She's not wrong though. You've known Rex for nearly 8 years, since you were 10. He's easily your best friend. He's always worried about you though. Sometimes a little more than needed, like now. Hearing your phone ring again, you ignored it.

"That's just him." You laughed, shaking your head, "Speaking of getting home, you let me know when you do."

"Fine." She called, waving as she went got in a car to go to her house. 

Your house isn't far from there, so you can easily walk there. Glancing at the clock on your phone, you saw that it was close to midnight. All the trick or treaters should be home by now. It was quiet, but with the streetlights it wasn't scary. Rolling your eyes as your phone buzzed, you finally answered it.

"Hi, Rex." You chuckled, "A little over doing it with the calling aren't you?"

"(Y/N), where are you?" He sounded panicked, which immediately concerned you.

"I'm almost home." You explained, "Why, are you okay?"

"Get to my house now." He ordered, "I'm on my way to make sure you're safe."

"Rex, calm down. You sound terrified." You sighed, "What's going on?"

"He escaped. The Hooded Skull Killer." He yelled, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and the boogieman is waiting under my bed." You scoffed, shaking your head, "That's just a story. Oh, there you are now."

Waving at him, you paused when you saw the fear on his face as he went from a jog to a sprint. You've never seen him so scared before. Putting your phone away, you blinked in horror when you saw the second shadow by yours. Turning around, you felt the air get sucked out of your lungs when you saw the figure behind you. You could only see some of his face, but it looked like it was painted like a skull. The black hood and smoke coming from his grinning mouth made it hard to actually see him. His intentions were clear though when you saw the bloodied knife in his hand.

You couldn't move. Fear and shock washing over you as you saw him raise the knife to you. You wanted to scream and run, but your feet wouldn't let you. Feeling an arm pull you back, you finally found your breath as the killer was kicked back. Landing on his back, several feel away.

"Come on, (Y/N)." Rex yelled, grabbing your hand tightly and pulling you along.

Running with him, your mind was still on the fact that the killer was real. You didn't really pay attention when you got to his house or that he pulled you up to his room. You were almost killed. If it wasn't for Rex, you would be dead.

"(Y/N)!" Snapping from your shock, you looked up at him, "Come on. We need to hide in case he comes after us."

Nodding, you watched him go through an opening in the back of his closet, before going with him. Blinking as you looked around at the second room. You had no idea this was even back here. It was set up with a bed, T.V, even a small fridge, and a bathroom.

"I found this when I was little, and my parents were arguing." He explained, moving the shoe shelf back in place in front of the opening, "It's my safe room."

Nodding, you took another look around, then jumped when you felt him put a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "You're shaking."

"I was almost killed." You whimpered, finally saying it out loud, "If you hadn't saved me, I wouldn't be here."

"You're alive though." He hummed, pulling you into a hug that made you feel safe, "You're okay."

Calming down slightly, you let him pull you to the bed and laid down, with him by you. You just wanted to stay there, comfortable and safe. Soon enough, you felt you were about to fall asleep. Rex's voice pulled you out of it though.

"They won't be back for a couple weeks. They'll stop looking for (Y/N) by then."

"Good. That will give us time to soundproof the room." Another voice, chuckled, making your eyes snap open.

The killer was standing in front of you. You wanted to scream, but the knife in his hand stopped you. He would probably kill you if you did. Moving to get some distance away from him, you found you couldn't. Looking at yourself, you saw that your hands were cuffed together. Your legs were cuffed together as well and chained to the bed. 

"Oh, the Little Prey's awake." The killer chuckled crouching in front of you and grabbing your jaw, "Just as cute as I remember."

"Be nice, Max." Hearing Rex's growl, you glanced at him as he sat up in the bed

"I am. I could have said that (Y/N) has definitely grown up." The killer, Max chuckled scanning you, uncomfortably, "I mean after seven years I expected that."

"I sent you pictures." Rex muttered, finally turning to you, "I suppose you don't remember him, (Y/N). This is my twin Max. The Hooded Skull Killer."

Looking between them in horror, you finally put some of the pieces together.

"What now? You've trapped me. I take it you both work together in killing your victims. Are you going to torture me?"

"We won't torturing you, (Y/N)." Rex spoke up, "This plan was years in the making. Letters between each other for this."  

"You didn't do much, with your friend act." Max huffed, "I've killed to keep her with only us when we were little, and I've killed for the past four days. I even did jail time for it. It's no wonder you've been in the friend zone this whole time."

"At least she knows me." Rex argued, as you looked between them, "I doubt she remembers you."

Hearing Max growl in irritation, you were sure he was going to kill Rex. Instead, he set his knife on the table and turned your face to him. Squeaking when he kissed you harshly. Only pulling back to trail kisses down your jaw and a nip on your neck. For sure leaving a mark.

"Mark your side. I've waited this long. I'm still willing to share. As long as the Little Prey stays with us." Max huffed, laying down on your other side, so you were trapped between the two.

"Sorry, (Y/N)." Rex whispered, before lightly biting the other side of your neck, "You left me with no choice though."

Feeling tears swell in your eyes, you looked between the two. The same faces, but different personalities. Max with a more possessive, cruel look in his eyes, while Rex looked like he was ready to comfort you. It disgusted and terrified you. You still felt safer with Rex than, that monster, Max though. Rolling to face Rex, you yelped when Max suddenly pulled you to him tightly.

"I know what you're thinking, Little Prey." Max, growled in your ear, "We're not monsters, though."

"We did everything we did, because we love you." Rex finished, resting his forehead against yours, "You're finally ours."

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