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This was requested by Hb8hj8ibjibj! The reader is a male in this one. Enjoy!

This is it. Looking around at the tomb, you were excited. The other archaeologists were dusting off the sarcophagus. First Prince Khons, the pharaoh who never was. His murder happened the day he was to become pharaoh.  It was believed that it was priests who did it. Claiming that he was evil. A user of black forbidden magic. You're read every script you could on him and studied any piece of art with him in it.

"(Y/N), move this for us." Glaring at your coworkers, you pushed the lid off.

Being the strongest guy there, they tended to use you for most of the heavy lifting. Treating you as if you're just there to move things rather than make a discovery. They tend to ignore that fact that you're the one who requested to your boss that the team should come here. Therefore, making you their boss on this discovery. 

Peering into the sarcophagus, you could help but grin. There was a gold type seal over the body with a crescent moon on it. Khon means God of the moon in ancient Egypt, so this makes since. 

Rubbing the birthmark on your wrist, you smirked at the moon marking. You've waited a long time for this. Ever since you first heard about him. Everyone thought you were crazy. That they had discovered all the pharaohs. While Khon wasn't officially a pharaoh, he came close. He was supposed to be.

All of your colleagues gasped as they talked excitedly to each other. the discovery of the century. After working all day and most of the night, they believe they finally found it. 

"We did it. We were right." Hannah cheered, making you glare at her.

She was the one who told you that you were an idiot for believing Khon's temple was real. Now she seriously thinks she can say that she was right? Glancing at the others, you reached down and put a hand on the gold covering. Pulling back when the moon on it started to glow blue.

"(Y/N), you idiot. What did you do?" Bert screamed as they backed away.

You stayed put though. Grinning at them wickedly. Slight fear on their faces as the moon shining through the openings on the temple roof turned blue. Recalling the spell, you've read, you held your hand with the crescent moon birthmark towards the body.

"What should have been a reign of dark was stolen. Bring forth the calm of eternal night. Claim back your throne God of the Moon." You chanted, shielding your eyes as a bright light encased the body.

When the light dimmed down, the mummy was standing. Even being brought back to life, he still looked horrifically dead. That doesn't bother you though. The pharaoh who deserved a chance at the throne will finally get it.

His blue eyes seemed to glow through the bandages as he looked around. Then he started moving towards the pool of water at the center of the temple. He walked in and went under for a long time. Everyone inside backed away, though none ran. You knew it was either from fear or interest of seeing a mummy brought back to life.

"What black magic did you learn for this?" Hannah growled, making you roll your eyes as you showed them your birthmark.

"Did you really think I wanted to just prove you all wrong?" You scoffed, "I'm the reincarnation of his beloved. This birthmark has shown me my past. He deserves this. You all will pay for not believing me now."

Hearing the water splashing, you saw him walk out. Now he looked more like a human, than a dried-up body. Though he seemed to glow with powers. His glowing eyes, once again looking around before landing on you. Recalling your past, you knelt down with your arm crossed over your chest.

"My Pharaoh Khon, welcome to the world of the living. 50000 years past your time." You greeted, feeling his hand on your face to make you look up at him.

"Ah, I see our mark did its job, even in reincarnation." He hummed, seeming to scan you before smirking, "You did good brining me back to life, Little Moon."

"Um, Pharaoh, what now?" Standing, you glared over at Hannah, who was obviously trying to act shy and flirtatious.

Of course, she would behave like this. It's a rich pharaoh. It's what she does when she thinks she can get something better.

"Now you all will become servants." Khon answered, making you smirk at her horrified look. 

Frowning at the group, you realized that Bert was gone. Catching movement from the corner of your eyes, you instantly acted. Punching Bert and pinning him to the ground as the dagger slid away. There was silence before the moonlight seemed to brighter around you, then Bert started drying up. After a couple of second he was just a walking mummy. Standing, you looked over to see your other coworkers were also mummies.

"I have to say, if you had this body when I was alive, I would have felt a lot safer. It got me out of that cursed coffin." Khon chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"I knew I would have to since I was little so I did everything I could to make sure I was strong enough to get you out." You grinned, leading him towards the opening of the temple, "Now that you're back, you can rule as you should have."

"With you by my side and night ruling the sky forever." He hummed, pulling you into a kiss, "It's finally our time."

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