Yandere Naga

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This was requested by candy-lover405! Thank you for the request and I hope you all like it!

"We should split up into groups." Your team leader, Ryan, announced. Already making bad decisions. With everyone on your team being scientists. You knew that he was the most ignorant one on the team, but you didn't expect him to recommend this so soon in your investigation in this new jungle. You know it's a bad idea, but you don't want him to get onto you for not obeying the chain of command. Glancing over at your other teammates, you noticed that they weren't going to say anything either, though both Macy and Jack looked uncomfortable.

"Macy and (Y/N) are splitting up since you both are biologist." Ryan declared.

"Excuse you?" Macy snapped.

 You were a biologist and she was a Ethologist. You studied the different creatures while she studies their behavior. It might be a small difference to a botanist like Ryan, but you and her take offence when others say it's the same thing.

"It's because we both work with animals, that we should be together." You muttered, quietly, but tensed when he directed a glare towards you, "I might be able to classify an animal, but I won't know about it's behavior."

"Are you the leader or am I?" Ryan snapped, "Macy, you're coming with me. We'll take the north, towards the mountain. Jack and (Y/N) go to the east and see what you discover by the river. Meet back at camp at sundown."

Before you could object any more, he grabbed her arm and dragged her away. She was giving you a worried apologetic look as she left. Feeling frustrated, you clenched your fists together. Of course he's making you deal with the rock scientist. Glaring over at Jack as he put a hand on your shoulder, he immediately removed it, when he saw how pissed you were.

"It will be okay. It's not that long until sundown. Nothing will happen I'm sure." He tried to reason.

"Sure, keep thinking that while you have a Birupes Simoroxigorum crawling on you." You grumbled, smirking when he instant started panicking. Brushing everywhere he could reach, but missing the spider. Grabbing his arm to hold him still you let the large blue legged spider crawl onto you hand. Feeling more bold wit the creature around.

"What is that?" He wheezed, "none of you witchy Latin speaking."

"It's just a burrow-dwelling, blue legged tarantula." You sighed not looking at him, "If I had to guess, you stepped on it's home and it wanted to let you know."

Admiring the shinning blue legs, you let it crawl to the ground. Not a single scratch on you or the spider. Somehow, that calmed you down. Spiders weren't your favorite creature, but sometimes they are the ones who bend the rules.

"Let's get going then." You sighed. Following him, you kept a journal in hand. Writing and drawing descriptions and traits of each new creature you couldn't identify. Even writing down some of their actions so you can discuss it with Macy later. By the time you reached the river you had found nearly four new bird species, two new mammal species, three amphibian species, and six reptile species.

"This is great." You giggled, letting the new snake species slither along your arms and hand, "I don't think I've ever had this much fun on a trip."

"You certainly seem like you're enjoying yourself. You're definitely talking more." Jack hummed, "We've already walked for a while. Let's take a break before we continue."

Nodding, you let the snake slither into a tree. When you went back to the river, you spotted something large, slithering quickly in the under brush.  Just from the size of it, you knew that it was large. You would definitely need help.

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