Yandere Corpse

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This was asked for by LordStargazersPrime! The reader if female in this one! Thank you for the request and enjoy! If your name is Haley, sorry in advance!

Picking up the last the bag of supplies, you put it on your back and put your baby carries in front of you. Lifting the back just a little more to hide your newborn baby. She was only born a few days ago, but she doesn't know her life has been nothing but chaos. First, your husband died in a car crash on the way to the hospital. You were in the middle of giving birth. Then the zombie outbreak. There was no disease or warning. It was like they came out of nowhere. Some people say the zombies popped up out of the ground. Others say the zombies escaped a secret lab. Either way, you don't want to stay in town. 

Flipping on the front light, you knew it was a signal to other survivors that your house is a safe haven. A place with some food for them. Slipping out the back door, you peered around cautiously. Holding your daughter closer as you went through the woods. There is a cabin several miles away from town. It's where you and your friends went to play at when you were teenagers. Your clubhouse.

Reaching it, you let out a tired sigh as you rested against a tree outside. Jumping at the sounds of a twig snapping you rushed inside. The safety inside is better than the zombies outside. Going in, you quickly started blocking the door with whatever you could. Choosing to check the house over after no more danger could enter.

Finishing moving the table, you went to block the back door, but scrambled back when you saw a leering shadow in the doorway to the kitchen. From how thin it was and the way it seemed to limp; you knew that it was a zombie. It was at that time, your daughter decided to start crying.

Mentally cursing your luck, you tried to duck under the table as the zombie moved closer. Gurgling as if it was trying to speak. Behind you, the door started jolting as more zombies arrived.

"Haley." pausing, you debated if you actually heard that right.

Did the zombie in front of you just speak? Not just speak, actually say someone's name? Seeing the zombie in front of the table, you held your breath as if crouched down. His white eyes watching you as if he could see you.

"Haley." He growled grabbing your ankle.

Making you scream as he pulled you out of your hiding spot. Kicking his arm to make him let you go; you scurried back as his hand fell off. He didn't bother to get it through. Instead, he kept watching you. His head turning as he studied you carefully. Your back hit the wall as his hand reached out to you. This was it. Your end. You just wished your daughter had got to see the world before this.

Flinching as his hand touched your face, you were surprised at how gentle the touch was. clear confusion on his face.

"Not. Haley." He gurgled, "Not. Hurt."

Squinting at him, you wondered what that meant. He is actually speaking. Is it possible that he isn't like the others? Well, he hasn't killed you yet, where a regular zombie would have had you half eaten by now. He doesn't seem to want to hurt you. Relaxing a little, that was when a window by you, shattered. A hand reaching in to grab you. Screaming, you backed away from the window. The zombie by you, growling out before grabbing the arm and breaking it off.

Making you feel sick enough that you had to look away. Feeling him limp past, you blinked at him when he seemed to just snap his missing hand back on. Then he grabbed your wrist tightly. Pulling you along with one hand as if he wanted you to follow him. Deciding not to make him mad, you did. Letting him pull you into the only bedroom of the cabin. He went back to gurgling a few words, before running his bloodied hand on the mantle above the fireplace. Your eyes widening as the fireplace grew until it was a large dark passageway.

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