Yandere Mummy

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His Pov

Feeling the pyramid shake, I knew what that meant. Someone has finally found me. I almost wonder how long it's been. Though the time of mortals, doesn't matter to me. What matters is that a new reign, my reign, is going to begin. Slipping out of my coffin, I held my hand out to let several shimmering beetles land on my palm.

"Go find them." I ordered letting them fly off. Now that I think about it, I've been asleep for a while. Even before they shut me in here. I wonder what the rest of my catacombs look like. Taking a walk around, I frowned when I saw that most of the gold and gems had caked on sand. Making their once shine dull. This will be fixed when I get more servants. Hopefully my garden is doing better. Looking up at the buzz of one of the beetles, I let it land on my shoulder. Translating it's chirps and buzzes into words I understood.

The intruders are in the false chambers, just as my brother predicted. It won't be long before they trigger the traps. Heading down to that area, I summoned as many creatures that were still alive in my pyramid.

Peeking around the corner, I smirked at the group. They wore strange clothes, but they still looked like commoners to me. Scanning each one of the six, I decided that they wouldn't make good servants. My eyes widened though, when I saw the (H/C) person. They were absolutely stunning. They must be of royal blood, to have the looks of a goddess. Hathor must have had a child of stunning appearance and sent them to me. After all, only one with those divine looks could rule along side a pharaoh. At this rate though, they're going to get encased with the others. Picking up one of the monkeys, I let it sit on my arm as I told it my order.

"Make sure that ones, comes to me."

It let out a screak before hurrying towards the group. That is my most trusted monkey, so I know it won't fail me. Heading back up towards my throne room, I was relieved to see that the sands hadn't touched it. Piles of gold lined the walls. My throne at the far end, with my lion, Lisimba laying in front of it.

"Behave yourself now." I ordered, "We are going to have a special guest. That goes for all of you."

At my words, all the animals, stepped or crawled back. I was once known for having the most exotic animals of any future pharaoh. My family feared my powers over the animals though. Believing that I would turn the animals against them. That is why they buried me and my animals alive. Only my youngest brother cared enough to show me the pyramid he was making for me before they sent me down here. Making sure to hide the plans from the others so they wouldn't know how luxurious he was making it. He even gave me an amulet that would ensure that I would stay alive, along with all the plants he put in the garden and my pets. I can only imagine my father's panic when he discovered his precious amulet of life missing.

Hearing the panting and yelps coming up the tunnels, I directed my attention there. Finding the monkey and the mortal running in with a group of cobras after them. When I saw that the cobras had no interest in stopping once they reached the throne room, I knew that it was time to intervene.

"That's enough." I barked, making the snakes freeze before they slithered back down the tunnel. Watching them closely, I could tell that the mortal was terrified. Wide, beautiful, (C/E) looking around as they shook. Probably not the best first impressions, especially being surrounded by creatures that they probably find dangerous.

"I apologize for the defense system. It seems my younger brother didn't count on anyone finding this place." I hummed, "However, I'm glad you got here safely."

"Believe me, so am I. Now where am I?" They asked.

"Well, you are in the throne room of Cepos, my throne room." I smirked, hoping that the little mortal would be impressed. After all, who wouldn't be? Seems they were because their beautiful eyes widened.

"You're the missing brother." They gasped, but it caught my attention.

"Missing brother?" I growled, "I was never missing. My parents and three of my four younger brothers buried me alive. They were afraid of me and my pets."

Seems I startled the mortal, because they shrunk back slightly, "Well, then, King Cepos, welcome to 5000 years from your time."

"Thank you, may I have the honor of knowing your name?" Surely that would but them at ease again.

"I'm (Y/N)." A strange name, but who am I to judge. Offering them a gentle smile, I bowed a little.

"May I ask what a delicate creature such as yourself is doing searching for the tombs of the dead?" I questioned, motioned for (Y/N) to follow me. I need to take a look at my new kingdom, outside. They did, even moving closer when they saw that the animals and Lisimba were following us. Lisimba on their other side, making them move even closer. Not that I'm complaining though.

"It was mine and my comrades job to find the cursed prince's tomb." They explained, making me bit the inside of my cheek.

"I'm not cursed." I snapped, calming down when I saw that I scared them again, "I'm able to control the creatures around me. My family feared my power. That is why they put me and these creatures in this pyramid."

"You control creatures?" It sounded like they didn't believe me.

"Anubis gifted me with the power the day I was born." I explained, looking down slightly, to look pitiful, "My family was afraid that I would use my powers against them to get the throne. I mostly used my powers to hold parades through our city. The people loved it."

Still playing the pitiful act, I turned away to hide my smirk when I felt their hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear all this. Though no one believe in the Egyptian gods anymore, I'm sure you're powers were defiantly a gift from some god."

"I'm glad someone is able to see my gift for good." I hummed, motioning Lisimba closer. Noticing them back towards me to where they were nearly against me, I smirked, and stayed in place so they wouldn't move away anymore. Grabbing their hand, I held it out towards Lisimba and ran their hand over his mane. Hesitantly letting go when they appeared to get more comfortable with him. Even Lisimba seemed to lean into their touch. They must have been Hathor's child and Anubis's obtained the gift of the love of creatures. Defiantly worthy of being a pharaohs partner.

"Now, let's go see the kingdom. I believe it is long past my time to rule." I chuckled, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and leading them outside.

"Your Majesty." They objected, but I don't like hearing that from them.

"Cepos." I corrected.

"Um, Cepos, the world doesn't have kingdoms anymore." They explained, "All pharaohs are long dead and even the royals of this world are only symbols, who don't have much say."

Blinking at them, I stepped out, wincing at the bright light. I suppose after hundreds of centuries, I will need to let my eyes adjust a minute. When I could finally see, I glared at the sight before me. There were canopies up and people walking around, taking things from the ground around my pyramid.

"I am Pharaoh Cepos, put down our belongings and I will forgive you thieves for this treachery." I barked.

They all only looked at each other in confusion before dropping the objects and running, screaming. Glaring at them, I felt my power rise, before they all stopped. Moving, back towards us, with vacant expressions on their faces and with their eyes glowing. I can only imagine that mine are too. As they always do when I use my powers.

"Seems my powers have grown during my 5000 year imprisonment." I chuckled, turning to (Y/N), who had a look of absolute horror on their face.

"Don't worry, I won't use my powers on you, if you behave." I chuckled, grabbing their hand to show my affection towards them, "Rule by my side. I have plan to extend our kingdom past the boarders of Egypt. All those we conquer will worship us and the gods of old. None will oppose us. You will be one of the most respected mortals in this world."

Watching them carefully for their answer, I smiled when I saw that they were clearly thinking it through. Attractive, good with animals, a logical thinker, everything a Pharaoh needs in a spouse. As if they made up their mind, they turned back to me.

"Cepos, I accept." They agreed making me smile. After nearly 5000 years, I won't be alone anymore and I'll get to rule the world with the best person for me.

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