Yandere Wizard pt 2

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Shivering against the cold of the tower, you wrapped your blankets around yourself tighter. You could hear Aiden moving around the room, but you didn't want to leave what warmth you had in the bed. When his head appeared on your head, you tried burring you face into the pillow more.

"Puppet, I have to go." He whispered softly, "Look at me."

If he wasn't an evil wizard who stole your magic and brought war to the kingdom, it would almost be like a typical working husband. Thank goodness you're not actually married though. He's been decently kind to you. Still hasn't given you your magic back, but he says when you show you won't turn against him, then he'll return it.

Turning to look at him, you felt him kiss you. It's something you learned he loves to you anytime he leaves to fight, or goes to bed, or even just wakes up. Basically, if he has a chance to kiss you, he will.

"Jace will be here if you need anything. I'll be back as soon as I can." Watching his purple form leave, your eyes flickered to the human who slipped into the room.

Jace has been one of the few good things here. He makes you food, reads with you, and even gets you ingredients for potions. Sure, Aiden is decent to you, but you can say that Jace is your true friend here.

"You look cold. He remarked, handing you a plate of warm food.

"You know, the perks of not having my magic." You grumbled, leaning against him while you ate.

His one arm wrapping around you, to make you warmer. The two of you really only get this close when Aiden isn't here. You're sure Aiden would take Jace's arm if he saw the two of you like this. He's done it before, so you know he won't hesitate to do it again.

"I can't say I feel completely bad, though. I mean, if you had your magic, you wouldn't be using me like a heater." He teased, making you gasp before you playfully hit him.

Shoving down a shiver, you tried to go back to sleep against him. Your plan being ruined when deep (F/C) magic circled around you two. The old man glaring at the two of you. Your old master, Gollin. Something seemed off with him though. The thought quickly left your mind when you heard Jace scream.

The magic was circling him tightly. It looked painful to watch, considering he's not used to attack magic. You screamed as the magic around you threw you against a wall. The magic threw him by you. Your eyes widening in horror as you heard his bone crunch, before he went silent.

"You betrayed your kingdom, (Y/N)." Master Gollin growled, moving closer, "You sided with the darkness and brought war to your home."

Gasping as the magic started to choke you, the only thing you did was pray that he would decide to kill you quickly. A wave of black magic appeared from the window. Flooding the room. Your old master tried to use the magic to shield himself, but he was pushed out of the tower still. The black magic creating a hole in the wall as it went. 

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Finally able to catch your breath, you looked up at Aiden.

"He..he killed Jace." You gasped, feeling your whole body shake from cold and fear, "He...he tried to kill me."

"That's why I came back." Aiden explained, grabbing your hand to pull you up, "He's still alive. I'm going to go handle them."

Before he could walk away, you grabbed his arm, "Give me my magic and take me with you."

He seemed surprised by this, but nodded and gave you the amulet. The (F/C) magic flowing back into you. You watched as purple spread up your arm wherever your magic touched. It knows that you're going to kill now. It's your dark magic. 

Giving Aiden a grateful nod, you raced out of the room to the window across the hall. Jumping out of it and using your magic to levitate to the ground. The human army marching towards the tower stopped when they saw you. Master Gollin in the front, though he looked unharmed.

"(Y/N)?" Glaring at him, you used your magic to lift the soldiers behind him.

He moved like he was going to attack you but was held back by Aiden's magic. You could still see the yellow magic around your old master. Clicking the pieces together, you shook the thought from your head for now. You still need payback for everything your master did. Moving your hand around in a circle, you watched as all the soldiers started circling. Creating a vortex, with them and their weapons trapped inside. Their screams of pain and panic came from the tornado, until they fell silent. Letting the vortex vanish, you held your hand out as red droplets started falling from the sky.

"(Y/N), what have you done?" Gollin gasped, making you glare at him.

"Silence!" You watched as his mouth disappeared, "You have no right to lecture me after what you did. You left me here when I was practically a child. I was alone for years. Forced to fight your fight to keep an ungrateful kingdom safe. The one time I needed you, I was lying on the ground, close to death. You left me to die. You weren't even apologetic about it. You even told me that you were ready to bring my replacement."

"Sacrifices were needed to keep the kingdom moving forward." Gollin yelled, the groaned as Aiden's magic tightened around him.

"Then I thank you for your sacrifice, old man." You snapped, using your magic to make arrows, "You should have been sacrificed long ago."

Flinging the arrows at him, you glared as he collapsed. Now that he was taken care of, you turned to Aiden. He looked proud for a second, but he faces changed when he saw your fury.

"You know, even without my magic, I could still identify it when you used it to kill Jace." You growled letting your magic swirl around your hand, "Sure it's darker now, but I still recognize my own magic."

He seemed surprised for a second before he smirked, "Then you'll noticed that it's not all your magic."

Frowning, you turned to the tower and tried to use your magic to lift it. It was unsuccessful. With all your magic, you could easily lift it with some to spare. However, you could also feel some of his magic with yours. Meaning he entwined the magics and kept a majority of it for himself. You can't fight him and win. Behind you, you could practically feel his smirk get larger, making you wish you could hit him.

"Then I guess, I won't plan to kill you, since it's clear we're linked together." You sighed, heading towards the tower, "However, I don't love you. It will take a long time if you want me to. I know you're not a patient person though."

"Then we're going to continue on as we were, minus Jace being in my way." He decided, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you to him to kiss you, "With the war over, I can now spend more time convincing you that our dark magic and I are the best thing to ever happen to you."

"We'll see." You huffed, going to the tower with him.

Monsters x Reader one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon