Yandere Orc Pt 2

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This was requested by Candy-lover405 and Marvel1Maiden! Thank you both for the request and I hope you enjoy it!

"You guys really don't want to do this." You sighed, earning a hard slap to the face from one of your captors, "You really didn't shouldn't have done that."

"Shut up." He screamed, putting a gag around your mouth. You were trying to warn them, but if they didn't want to listen to you, that was on them. You certainly weren't going to try anymore. Looking over, you frowned at the two female half human half orcs in cages that were almost to small for them. Black market hunters if you had to guess. Tensing when you felt a knife light hit your cheek.

"They say there are three orcs and four half human orcs that follow you." The man sneered, "I'm sure you know they all go for several hundred gems in the market."

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. There's no way Sugbu is going to stand for this. Especially when he sees the bruise, that you can feel forming, on your face. Not to mention that he's raising your three boys to be almost exactly like him, when it comes to protecting family or loved ones. They're almost as blood thirsty as your husband when it comes to keeping you or your daughter safe. There's only maybe 20 humans here. They're as good as dead.

"Boss, a pack of wargs and a dragon is on the way here." One of the men yelled, which put the others in clear unease. That would be your family.

"Stand your ground." Their leader called, but stumbled back as the dragon, blew fire at the camp. Setting several men on fire. The wargs, on the other hand jumped through the fire and started tearing people apart to devour. Looking up at the one that stopped so it's ridder could get off, you gave you husband a smile.

"Got caught again, love?" He smirked, cutting your ropes and helping you up.

"They think it's smart to take me. Not my fault their idiots." You chuckled, before noticing that his eyes held murderous rage as he carefully brushed the bruise on your face.

"Which one did this?" He growled.

"The one coming after us." You nodded towards the group leader who was running towards you two with a sword ready. It didn't take much for Sugbu to turn around and grab the sword mid-swing. Putting fear on the man's face, before he was punched unconscious.

"Let's go home and I'll deal with his punishment." Sugbu huffed, helping you onto the warg, then getting on behind you. Remembering that you weren't the only captive, you turned to your sons.

"Lukas, Mateo save the girls." You called, hanging onto your husband's arm as the warg took off in a run. Bagul and Chakub ridding by you.

"Glad to see you're okay, (Y/N)." Bagul laughed, making you nod, as you checked to make sure your sons were following. They might be 17, but you can't help worrying over them. Thankfully, they were, with the girls ridding behind them. 

The ride home took nearly half a day. Not as long as you thought it would have. Letting Sugbu help you down, you smiled when he hugged you tightly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, earning a nod from you, "Good."

Grinning at him, you kissed him. It's become a type of reward for him for every time he saves you when you're kidnapped. Which happens a lot more than you would think. Apparently, the reputation for being tough enough to burn several towns doesn't just disappear after 17 years. For the others, since they help, you make a feast. 

"How did your gloves work?" You asked, examining the hand he stopped the sword with. Your youngest son, had taken in a dragon a long time ago. The dragon having a bad habit of shedding it's scales, but you've found that you can make it into nearly impenetrable armor for everyone.

"They worked perfectly, Love." he chuckled showing that there wasn't even a mark on the gloves or his hand.

" Uncle Bagul, Uncle Chakub did you see that? My dragon was the best fighter" Your youngest son, Zarph, cheered as the others were attending to the wargs. Rolling your eyes, but smiling, you turned to the girls, who were just standing huddled together. Poor things are probably scared to death.

"Hey, sweeties. Are you both okay?" You asked, earning hesitant nods from them, but you still checked them over for any wounds, "I'm (Y/N). The one with scars and dragging the man into the woods is my husband, Sugbu. The other two full orcs are Bagul and Chakub. The eldest half orcs are my sons, Lukas and Mateo. The half orc with the dragon is also my son, Zarph. Them my daughter, Serina, is inside."

Their eyes widened at your greeting. Even you had to admit that it's a mouth full, but it can't be helped since you all live together. Noticing that the girls jumped at the agonizing scream that came from the woods, you smiled.

"That was only my husband, punishing the man who took us. You won't have to worry about him anymore." You explained, earning nods from them. They were still to scared to speak.

Glancing around, you paused when you noticed Lukas and Mateo watching the girls. They were trying to be subtle about it, but they couldn't hide it from you. Seems they've taken a liking to these girls.

"Hey, how about you girls stay for dinner? We can take you home tomorrow if you want." You offered, once again earning a nod from both of them, "Lukas, Mateo can you show them inside?"

Instantly, they hurried over. Making you silently chuckle behind their back as they all headed in. Noticing your daughter waving from the window, you smiled at her and waved back. Jumping slightly when you felt arms wrap around you from behind.

"You saw that too, right?" Sugbu questioned, earning a hum from you, "I didn't think they would be like me when I was trying to impress you."

"You didn't get that close to me." You laughed, wheezing when his arms tightened around you playfully.

"That you know. You didn't even know I was trying to court you when I asked you to marry me." He pointed out.

"That's true." You agreed leaning back against him, "They are a lot like you."

Looking over at Bagul and Chakub, you raised an eyebrow at their smirking faces. They've stayed with you and Sugbu this whole time. Acting as uncle towards you're kids. At this point they were practically your own brothers.

"Even after 17 years, you have to flaunt your affection in front of us." Chakub teased, making you roll your eyes.

"If you two got girls of your own, you wouldn't be so jealous." You shot back, earning a laugh from Sugbu and gasped from them.

"That was a low blow (Y/N)." Bagul faked a pout before turning serious, "We actually have trouble though. The people those hunters were meeting up with were following us. They're getting close to the house."

"How many are there?" Sugbu questioned, putting both of you on alert.

"At least as many as 30." Chakub grumbled, "We should handle them before they become a problem though."

"Okay." Sugbu sighed, but before he could step away, you turned around, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled him down to your level.

"Hold on, mister." You growled, "Now I want to make this very clear. I'm okay with you killing and all that, but do not let the wargs drag body parts into our yard to leave them there. It's a mess to clean up, as well as the blood you all track through the house. Keep it clean or I'll make you clean them and have you all sleep on the couches. Am I clear?"

"Yes, (Y/N)." They all answered in union, making you smile and peck Sugbu's lips. For a couple of orcs who used to be bounty hunters, they acted almost afraid of you at times.

"Love you, (Y/N)." Sugbu grinned, giving you another, longer kiss, as you let him go.  Stepping back, you watched him ride off with Bagul and Chakub. 

You had to admit that you weren't keen on them killing everyone who put so much as a bruise on you, but you've gotten used to it. Even encourage it at times, though you still consider yourself a healer. Sighing, you decided to go in to make super and to calm the girls down when they start hearing the screams. With time you're sure they'll get used to it. If they choose to stay around like you had.

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