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Feeling your head pounding, you groaned and opened your eyes. Finding walls around you, creating what seems like an endless path, lit with torches every couple of feet. Looking up, you were surprised to see what looked like the top of a cave. You couldn't see anything else besides a basket by you. Peeking in, you saw that there was some food inside along with a dagger. Now recalling what happened, you tried your best not to cry.

You had been taken prisoner with others. A barbaric ritual your king, Minos ordered to feed the monster that lives under his palace. The monster that no one has lived to tell about when attacked by it. You along with others were taken. Calming yourself down, you failed when you heard a male scream that didn't sound to far away. Though you couldn't tell if it came from your left or your right. There's no way you're just going to stay here though. If you stay in one place, the chances of that monster finding you are larger. 

Grabbing the basket, you decided to take your chances on going to the right. Walking, you tried to find a way to distract yourself from your terrifying thoughts. Making random guesses when you would come to turns. A left here, two rights there, maybe straight a time or two. Every once in a while there would be a scream that would bring you back to your horrifying reality. Hearing one that sounded like it was behind you,  your body started to shake, but you kept walking. That scream was closer than any of the others.

Noticing the next turn, was actually only a couple yards, you quickly hid down the right path, but peeked your head around the corner. You've found that there are no places to hide in this labyrinth, and some of the halls seemed to go on for a long time, like the one you turned down. The beast would easily catch up to you. By now, you could tell that you close to being the last one, if not then you am the last one.

Blinking in surprise, you found a man hobbling down the hall. He didn't look like one of the sacrifices sent in with you. Maybe he was a survivor from the last one. When he collapsed against the wall of the maze, you crept closer.

"Hey, where are you hurt?" You questioned, though jumped back when he growled at you.

"Get away from me." He snapped, which is when you got a look at him. Bull horns grew from his head and instead of human legs, he had the legs of a bull. You could also see that his leg was injured along with his shoulder. There was even some blood around his mouth. Moving closer carefully, you made sure to appear nonthreatening.

"It's okay. I just want to take a look at your wounds." You promised, sitting on your knees by him and setting the basket down. Finding that his wounds were from cuts by a blade.

"You're lucky. They're not deep. They should heal in no time." You assured him, taking our a pomegranate and giving it to him, "How did you survive this long?"

He looked between you and the pomegranate with suspicion before taking it, "I fight to survive."

"That's amazing." You praised, before realizing he didn't have a weapon, "Did they give you a weapon to protect yourself from the creature?" 

"It's around the corner. I dropped it back there." He grumbled, realizing that he was weaponless, you pulled your dagger out from your basket. Making him growl and back away from you. Though he was in clear pain as he did so.
"You can have mine." You explained, holding it out to him, "I won't have a use for it. I know I won't be able to fight and win against the creature, but you might. Even if it's to protect yourself for a moment."

He seemed shocked, by your explanation, but accepted the dagger from you. With his size though, he made it look almost like a toy.

"You're giving me the only protection you have? You're not going to fight?"

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