Vampire Pt 2

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This is a second part to the vampire story I did for the Halloween special, so I'm going to keep it in his POV. This story was requested by Alexa1969349! Thank you for the request!

His Pov

Lying (Y/N), on the bed, I made sure that they were as comfortable as possible. This plan is going to work. It has to or we're all in trouble. I'm just hoping the humans will be compassionate enough towards (Y/N) that they will listen to me to save them. I suppose if they're not, we'll probably just take them and drain them slowly, like the blood drives they used to have. 

Either way, I plan on making (Y/N) mine. With how peaceful and loyal they are, I doubt I'll find anyone, vampire or human better suited for me. Noticing (Y/N) moving, I offered them my best smile so they wouldn't be as afraid.

"Good morning, Beloved." I hummed, noticing that their eyes were red as they started to pale slowly, "Is there any pain?"

"Only a little numb." They grumbled, "and I'm really hungry."

"I know you are, but you can't eat yet." At my remark, they sat up with a glare. I remember that most humans get like this. The first hunger pain for a newly turned vampire is almost excruciating.

"Why not?" They hissed baring their fangs at me and clutching their stomach.

"You're needed in this state for a little longer." I summed up, knowing that they didn't need to know the details. It clearly didn't make them happy though because they lunged at me. I easily grabbed their arm, pined them to the bed on their stomach, and tied a cloth around their neck so they wouldn't be able to bite me.

"Beloved, I said not yet." I lectured, trying their arms and legs, incase they tried to do any funny business, "I won't let you go insane. That would be a loss for me if I did that."

The cute confused look they had on their face made me smirk at them. I definitely choose a good mate. They're going to be fun to tease. Hearing the knock at the door, I picked them up in one arm and answered the door.

"Lord Cassius, we think we've found a hideout the humans have." A guard explained, briefly glancing at (Y/N). I could tell he was confused at what was going on, but he wasn't going to ask. 

"Good job. Gather a group and lead the way to the hide out." I ordered, "I will be going, along with my beloved here."

Hearing the annoyed growl from (Y/N), I smirked knowing that they are going to be a little more untamable for a while. At least until they drink my blood. Carrying them to the stables, I put them on a horse and climbed on behind them, as the group of guards gathered.

"No one is going to attack these human unless I order so, am I clear?" I barked, earning confirmation that they heard me. Letting the guard lead the way, I tightened my grip around (Y/N) as they started squirming and trying to break out of their binds. Even with the crunch of snow and the marching guards behind us, I could hear (Y/N)'s stomach growl.

"I know. It won't be much longer now." I assured them, noting that their eyes were glowing red. They're getting stronger, just as I knew they would. Stopping the horse when I saw the guard stop in front of a large mansion, I got off the horse and pulled (Y/N) with me.

"Attention human, we have one of your kind out here." I announced, already smelling their blood inside, "They have been bit and are about to go insane. If you don't come out for negotiations, then I will release them inside to cause havoc."

In these times, that's the worse threat, for vampire or human. Being a mindless, constantly hungry, killing machine. For a second, it was silent, until a woman walked out. A gun in her hand and a glare on her face. She looked like an older (Y/N), so it was easy to tell that this woman is (Y/N)'s mother.

"What did you do to my child?" She growled, pointing the gun at me. Seems (Y/N) didn't get her personality from her though.

"I bit (Y/N)" I shrugged my shoulders like it didn't matter, "I can save them, but you have to listen to me first."

She glared at me like she wished I would drop dead. To bad for her, I'm already dead.

"What is it?"

"I'm willing to make a deal with you." I explained, "Our species need to learn to live together. Therefore, the only humans we will drink from are criminals. Murderers, thieves, and such. If you get any of these, you give them to us and we leave everyone else alone peacefully. I will also let (Y/N) drink my blood now, so they don't loose their mind. The choice has to be made now though, because there isn't much time."

Glancing down at (Y/N), I saw that they were trying hard, to escape. Most of the people here are lucky that I'm strong enough to hold (Y/N) back. The woman was silent for a minute before nodding.

"Fine. Save (Y/N) though." She ordered making me smirk. This went better than I thought. Pulling (Y/N) gag from their mouth, I moved my head, so my neck was exposed to them. Hissing slightly when they didn't even hesitate to dig their new fangs into my neck. It was a little painful for me, nothing I couldn't handle though. Keeping an arm wrapped around (Y/N), I waited for them to get their fill, before grinning at them when they pulled away. Their red eyes back to there beautiful (E/C) gems. There was still some blood on their mouth, but it made them still look cute. Not able to help myself, I bent to kiss them. Licking the blood off as I did. Grinning at their baffled expression.

"Now then. Our deal is made." I chirped, satisficed with how this all went, "I will send a group to retrieve the criminals every month. As promised, vampires won't kill innocent humans." 

Lifting (Y/N) onto the horse, I got back on behind them.

"Hold on. Give (Y/N) back." The woman screamed, making me frown.

"You plan on taking my future mate away from me, mother in law?" I could tell by how red her face got, that the woman didn't like me calling her that. Snapping the reigns, I lead the men back towards the castle. She won't order an attack because she knows that doing so will break our deal and I will order all the humans there to become our food.

"What happened?" (Y/N) asked, not to my surprise. Not many people remember what happened when they change from human to vampire.

"We made a deal with your mother so there won't be anymore death and so our race won't starve." I explained, pulling them into another kiss, "I couldn't have done it without you, Beloved. You truly do deserve your place by me. We're going to build a better world together."

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