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This was asked for by ProjectZeroWolf! Thank you for the request! Enjoy!

Feeling completely drained, you stumbled into your apartment. You've had to work overtime because almost everyone is quitting. It's final exam week at college, so you've been doing as much cram studying as you can. You can't even recall the last time you got a good night sleep. With everything going on, you wondered if this was all to life. Constant work with very little enjoyment. Sleep seems to be your only escape, but you barely get that. It's all too much.

Rubbing your pounding head, you thought about getting something to eat. You're not really hungry though. Even though you haven't eaten all day. Mentally making a note of what you would have to do tomorrow, you changed into bed clothes and laid in bed. Feeling your tears finally start to fall, you curled into your pillow.

Blinking up when you felt the room get colder, you saw red eyes watching you in clear concern. It's only the ghost Eric. A boy who started haunting you several months ago. You figured you got something that he's attached to, but you haven't figured out what it is. He hasn't hurt you so you're not really trying all that hard to find the object.

"I'm tired of this, Eric." You whimpered, knowing that he would listen to you, "I just want it to stop. I want to wake up happy. I don't want this stress anymore. I hate my job, I hate school. I'm just not happy anymore."

Feeling cold on your arm, you let out a breath. He's trying to calm you down. His attempt to make you feel better. Closing your eyes, you focused on his cold hand that went from your arm to your head. Easing your headache some. Focusing on his cold and your breathing, you shifted when his hand seemed to vanish.

Blinking your eyes open, you saw that he wasn't in bed with you anymore. Looking over at the clock, you saw that you had been asleep for nearly 4 hours. The best sleep you've had in a long time. You guess you should eat now. Going to the bathroom to wash your hands, you paused when you saw the words written in marker on your mirror.

Doing good. You are strong. Amazing.

You know for a fact you didn't write this. These words almost brought you to tears. Sniffing the air, you felt your mouth water at the smell of your favorite food. Shuffling in, you saw Eric putting something in the sink. A plate of (F/F) on the counter.

"Eric, did you write on the bathroom mirror?" You asked as he turned to you.

"Yes." he answered, "I made you food and your favorite movie is ready after you eat."

"I see the food." You nodded picking up the plate, "Thank you."

Watching him float to the table, your eyes widened when you saw the lit candle and fresh flowers. He's never done anything like this before. Actually, no one has done anything like this before. Glancing into the living room, you saw that the T.V was in fact paused as he said.

"(Y/N)." His voice and cold arms snapped you from your daze, "You're doing amazing. I might not have known you for long, but I see what you do. I'm proud of you."

That broke you. Feeling the water works start up again, you put your plate down and hugged him as best as you could. It was hard with his spirit body, but you knew he understood.

"This will pass. You've gotten this far. You're strong enough to go further." Nodding against his shoulder, you tried to stop crying.

"Thank you, Eric." You whimpered, feeling him wipe your tears.

A gentle smile on his face as he grabbed your hand to sit you at the table. He even pushed your plate closer to you and brought you a drink.

"Anytime." He grinned, his cold lips brushing your knuckles, "Let's get you feeling better and happy again."

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