Yandere Tengu

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This was requested by LadyThylacine! Thank you for the request and I hope you like it!

Struggling for breath, you tried to block out anything else, besides your goal to get away. It was hard to do though when there was absolute chaos around you. People screaming, buildings on fire, monster stealing young boys, and flying off with them. You have to find a place to hide. If not for yourself then for your twin brother.

"Some 10th birthday." You heard him mutter, which somehow put a smile on your face as you both hid behind one of the few buildings that wasn't on fire yet.

"Where should we hide?" You sighed, more to yourself. These monsters come from the forest covered mountains so the forest isn't an option. Hiding in the tall grass won't help because they can fly. The water is the best place you can think of.

"Let's get to the river." You ordered grabbing his hand and pulling him along, "We can hide under the bridge until everything blows over. That was your plan at least, until something tackled you to the ground from behind. It's claws digging into your back, painfully. Somewhere behind out of your view, you could hear your brother scream. 

Gritting your teeth against the pain, you looked around for anything that could help you. The only thing you could find was a large stick. It will at least get the monster of you. Grabbing it, you swung your arm back. Hearing the almost human scream of the monster. It got off you though. Enough for you to roll over to face it, despite the pain in your back. What horrified you was that these monsters looked human. Black winged humans who wore masks to look like birds. Even worse, behind the one that tackled you, another one grabbed your brother and flew off. Your brother screams faded the higher they went.

Your eyes fell the the creature that was closer to you. It looked almost your size. Probably a kid of theirs. You could see that the stick you used had put a large crack in its mask over the right eye.

"Why did you take my brother?" You growled to it, though you weren't even sure if it could understand you. Instead, it growled and lunged like it was going to attack you again. It seemed to relax some though and tilted its head like it was curious before it flew off.

-9 Years Later-

Glaring down at the map of the Hira Mountains, you knew that there was only one place left to search. An area unexplored, high on the mountains. Those tengus had been taking young sons from every village along the mountain pass. This one being the first one they attacked. You've been trying to track them down for months.  This village is close enough to the unexplored area anyway.

You can already sense them in this area with the sudden wind bursts. Chances are that they have been following you since you arrived on the mountain path. Calculating and evaluating you. You've managed to hide yourself well enough for them to think you're not a threat though. Unless they contact the other colonies of tengu. Other than that, going up to their home with them watching you won't be a problem. 

"(Y/N), what is your plan?" Looking up at one of the village leaders, you sighed at him.

"Kill any tengu that I see." You growled.

Folding up the map, you looked up at the leader, expecting him to say something. He only watched you as if he was figuring something out, "You're hatred for the tengu is very personal isn't it? You're not just doing this for money."

"Yes, it was a long time ago, but it's left me scared for life." You muttered, not seeing a point in lying. If the hidden scar from the tengu attack, when you were younger wasn't enough proof, then your missing brother was. Both of you rushed outside when you heard yelling from the other villagers. They were all running towards the closest mountain.

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