Yandere Naga Part 2

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This was requested by candy-lover405! Enjoy :D 

Warning: Mention of cannibalism, I think? Someone tell me if this counts 😅 

Your whole body aches when you wake up. Stretching, you manage to blink your eyes open. Gasping when you saw Jade watching you with a smile.

"Morning, (Y/N)." He chirped, making you jerk away from him. Only stumbling over what looked like another snake body that wasn't his. Following it, you screamed when you saw that you were the other snake.

"W.. What did you do to me?" You screamed, holding back your tears of horror.

"I told you that you were going to be my mate." He sighed like he was getting tired of explaining that, "Unfortunately it's not completely done yet. We have to get you to feast on a naga's main food source or you'll turn human at night."

"I don't want to be a naga though." You whimpered, before wondering what food he was talking about. With how big he is, his food source has to be big as well.

"You're not getting a choice." He growled, slithering away, then returning with the body of Macy. Earning a choked scream from you, that you tried to cover with your hand. You were so horrified that you bolted out of the cave as fast as you could. Moving as if having a serpent tail was completely natural for you.

The only thing you could think of was Macy. She and Ryan died of poison, that much you could recall. For every poison there has to be an antidote. With any luck, the village that you're staying at might know of one.

"Where are you going, (Y/N)?" Jade's voice growled, sounding close, "No one will help you. Not when you look like me."

Glancing over your shoulder, you didn't see him. However, you looked up when you heard the branches moving. Screaming when you saw that he was following you and moving from tree to tree. Eyes never leaving your form. That only made you move faster though. Stumbling and falling when you passed a bush.

The sound of the villagers, instantly put you at ease.

"H..Help, please." You panted, "He poisoned us. The others are dead. He did something to me." 

"Easy, Dr. (Y/N)." One of the men cooed as two of them dragged you towards a hut. They only got half way when a woman's scream stopped them.

"She's been cursed." Instantly the men let you go. Jumping back from you like you were made of venom. You could see that their fear mirrored what you felt. 

"Monster." Someone screamed, "Kill the cursed one."

You weren't expecting this. They know that you were human. You've even joined them on their festival a couple of days ago.

"W..wait, please. I need your help." You tried pleading, but they were already getting their spears and pointing them at you. Seems this place isn't safe for you anymore. You can't imagine what's worse. Being killed by the once friendly villagers or running  into Jade. At least with Jade, you'll have a chance at living.

Going back to the jungle, you didn't care where you were go, so long as you were safe. Glancing behind to see how close they were getting, you yelped when a spear went past your head.  Turning back, you barely had time to stop in time before you almost hit a rock wall. No way around it and they would catch you before you could climb it.

"Kill the monster." Whimpering, you turned to villagers and pressed against the rock wall. Pure hatred and fear on the villagers faces. They were going to kill you and there's nothing you can think of to save yourself.

In the blink of an eye, the closest villager was flung into a tree. Jade standing between you and them. Making the villagers whisper among themselves as they backed up a little.

"You tried to kill my mate." Jade hissed, sounding more animalistic, which scared you. You even jumped when he glanced at you from over his shoulder. A glint of blood thirst in his eyes, that made you shiver.

"(Y/N), don't move." Gulping you nodded, but curled your new coils around yourself, so only your head peeked up from the center of them. Silently watching as he whipped his tail and knocked three of them into a tree. It was an act of clear intimidation, except for those three, who were now dead.

Now that they villagers were faced with a real vicious Naga, they didn't want any part of it. Instead, they turned and ran away. Now that the threat was gone, Jade turned to you.

"See what I mean?" He asked, pulling you out of the pile of coils, "There is no safety for you but with me. The villagers will kill you and you can't protect yourself."

"I don't want to be a naga." You whimpered.

"You don't want to be a human now either though." He sighed, "The change from a naga to a human is painful when awake. It will feel like you're being torn apart because you literally are. You have to come with me, (Y/N). If there's one thing I don't want, it's for my future mate to go though that kind of pain."

The thought of being torn apart doesn't appeal to you at all. Nodding, you let him wrap an arm around your waist and let him lead you back to the cave.

"There's another way though, right?" You asked, "I don't want to eat my coworkers."

"I know." He sighed, pulling you into a tight hug, "When I saw the fear on your face, I realized that I have to be careful with you. Eating little pieces at a time everyday, will help. After a while, you will be a full naga and won't split apart."

"I'm not going to eat human." You finalized, catching the annoyed glare in his eyes, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Fine." He sighed picking up a bowl, "You must be hungry though. I made you a stew. Have some and it should calm you down."

Glancing down at it, you only accepted it when your stomach growled. Nodding a thanks as you started to eat it. The spices were good together with the vegetables. The meat being nice and tender.

"Thank you." You sighed, with a small smile. Finally getting comfortable around him. He smiled back only, for a second you thought there was a hidden sneakiness in it. It wasn't there though so you probably imagined it. Shrugging your shoulders, went back to eating.

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